whoa impressed with telegram first glance.
need more coffee. may attempt, argh new
platform, new nuisance, new rules, different
audience, start bottom,
actually, sounds kinda fun, lol.
good eyes Telegram.
arg! first thing Telegram wants is my phone number, not cool. Need burner first so aborting
Are you in Telegram?
Eurt, whoa.
That would be epic, if that's how it went down.
Justice; not just ice, lol
Don't give me ideas, might start a petition, lol.
dam thats pretty good, i liked it. well done,
twting after i make a few adjustments, lol TY.
Looks like the right track people, this is where
u put your head down, stay on mission, and
don't look up until that number is over 100k.
Meantime always find places to improve to
the system we have going. Don't post if you
don't have twtr, or if you do make it quick.
pin one of these to your twtr profile so we know
who is on same team.
TYALL for ur dedication, b like this even
when Q is not posting. Spirits high, letting
the numbers prove our success, avoiding
shills, having hope and faith, not just for us,
but for others who already lost both.
main orders
Main orders,
push hash,
push petitions;remind confirm email,
RT each others twts,
always TY @POTUS
Ask ppl to pin one of these graphics on
their profiles.
Pin one on your profile.
"Twat couldn't throttle or ban if signatures come
from that side of the spectrum."
whoa ultimate infiltration.
would need someone that can just tune out
the Trump hate, conspiracy label.
They need to fit in and just push IBOR2 for
The debate for IBOR3 soon approaches.
Push IBOR2 now.
Have points ready for debate of IBOR3 soon,
in petition room.
Suggest: April 1st would be a good
day to start debate for IBOR3 in Petition
Room. Debate canceled if IBOR2 succeeds,
Like Eurt, says if you think it, do it, report
results. Mayb more helpers will come in to
help ur specific idea. Meantime, without
more time and more volunteers, our simple
main goals is giving us tangible results, so
must stay with main orders until narrative
" sans "conservative""
We launched with
what we had, weeks ago. We must see
this thru, what we started. April 4th will decide
our fate, deadline date for IBOR2.
Should our efforts fall short, IBOR3 needed.
That is when to input your ideas for petition.
For now help us push IBOR2, get sigs,
confirm in email.
main orders for this room.
see graphic.
Pass graphic to others on twt,
ask them to pin to profile,
and use hash and push petition.
short replay was just explaining I was bringing down the content so i didn't have to keep
scrolling up when the board was getting long,
Looks like everything else is going good.
suggestions imo IDEAs DNF:
Op: TargetingNRA could just think of it as
FocusFire [3] with focus on petition and
@NRA. See how its the same operation,
except adding targets?
Keep the mission as close to the same
so ppl know what to do each
day. Drastic changes, or even seemingly,
drastic changes, without warning, can
lead to ppl being on different pages,
different orders. Also, just when they get
use to one method, then changes again,
can be frustrating, esp for those not
comfortable working on computers.
Right seems like we have 2 different sets
of orders. main orders and new op Tar..NRA
imo Good way is to put Op Tar..NRA into our
current main orders. That way we are still
under 1 main orders, and not have 2
seemingly different orders. This should
all be ready before announcing new OP,
esp main order graphics.
imo This can also happen when not planned
well or discussed. Discussion helps shows
the weakness of the plan and avoid set
backs, optimizes process.
imo Non-discussion is just one person telling
others what to do, lose loyalty like that.
Also bad planning causes loss of confidence
by followers, so these we must avoid.
imo IDEAS only DNF
Only way is to prove it.
Can't prove it.
Best we can do is show others,
#QAnon is no terrorist.
We are helpers.
Only way to prove we are helpers,
is to show we are helping,
we are caring, we do this for free,
So QAnon must be careful wht
they say. Ppl are finally listening,
will be quick to judge usual jargon
QAnon must show their
good side, and ask forgiveness of
seemingly mean terms.
Must make ALL #QAnon, so when they insult
us, they insult many.
But this is near-impossible.
So must accept the label, and work to prove them wrong. Who knows for how long?
They will advertise #QAnon bad scary.
We must show #QAnon is good helper.
How to do that? The ideas are seemingly
infinite, but time is always short. Pick one
and try and ask others to help.
Please retweet my tweets. TY.