Anonymous ID: 78c0de May 4, 2019, 7 p.m. No.6416458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6485 >>6812

Kim Jong Un oversees missile firing drills


North Korean state media has said leader Kim Jong Un observed a live-fire drill of long-range multiple rocket launchers and unspecified tactical guided weapons.

It came a day after South Korea’s military detected the North launching several unidentified short-range projectiles into the sea off its eastern coast.

Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said Mr Kim expressed “great satisfaction” over Saturday’s drills and stressed that his front-line troops should keep a “high alert posture” and enhance combat ability to “defend the political sovereignty and economic self-sustenance of the country”.


The weapons launches were a likely sign of Pyongyang’s growing frustration at stalled diplomatic talks with Washington meant to provide coveted sanctions relief in return for nuclear disarmament.

They also highlighted the fragility of the detente between the Koreas, which in a military agreement reached last September vowed to completely cease “all hostile acts” against each other in land, air and sea.

South Korea said it was “very concerned” about North Korea’s weapons launches, calling them a violation of the agreements to reduce animosities between the countries.

The statement, issued after an emergency meeting of top officials at the presidential Blue House in Seoul on Saturday, also urged North Korea to stop committing acts that would raise military tensions and join efforts to resume nuclear diplomacy.


KCNA said Mr Kim had praised the People’s Army for “its excellent operation of modern large-calibre long-range multiple rocket launchers and tactical guided weapons”.

The North’s official Rodong Sinmun newspaper published photos that showed Mr Kim, equipped with binoculars, observing tests of different weapons systems, including multiple rocket launchers and what appeared to be a short-range missile fired from a launch vehicle, and also an explosion of what seemed to be a target set on island rocks.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said that “several projectiles” had been launched from near the coastal town of Wonsan and that they flew up to 125 miles before splashing into the sea towards the north-east.


That roughly matched the distance between the area and the South Korean capital of Seoul, although in Sunday’s report the North did not issue any direct threat or warning towards the South or the United States.

Experts say the North may increase these sorts of low-level provocations to apply pressure on the United States to agree to reduce crushing international sanctions.

The launches comes amid a diplomatic breakdown that has followed the failed summit earlier this year between US president Donald Trump and Mr Kim over the North’s pursuit of nuclear bombs that can accurately target the US mainland.

Mr Trump said on Saturday that he still believed a nuclear deal with North Korea would happen. He tweeted that Mr Kim realises “the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it”.


He added: “He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!”

North Korea last conducted a major missile test in November 2017 when it flight-tested an intercontinental ballistic missile that demonstrated potential capability to reach deep into the US mainland. That year saw a string of increasingly powerful weapons tests from the North and a belligerent response from Mr Trump that had many in the region fearing war.

During the diplomacy that followed those weapons tests, Mr Kim said that the North would not test nuclear devices or ICBMs. The short-range projectiles launched on Saturday do not appear to violate that self-imposed moratorium, and they may instead be a way to register Mr Kim’s displeasure with Washington without having the diplomacy collapse.

Anonymous ID: 78c0de May 4, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.6416517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6545 >>6549

Biden calls Trump a 'clown' while decrying president's nicknames


COLUMBIA, S.C. - Joe Biden said he doesn't intend to try to match Donald Trump in the nickname game but nonetheless offered one for the president while speaking to donors on Saturday.


"There are so many nicknames that I'm inclined to give this guy. We could just start with clown," Biden told about three dozen supporters at a $1,000-to-$2,800 per person fundraiser in Columbia, S.C. "When he says these ridiculous things he says, I mean this, I put my hand up and say, 'everybody knows who you are' because they do know."


Trump regularly assigns derogatory nicknames to political foes. He calls Biden "Sleepy Joe" on Twitter and has tagged many of the other top Democratic contenders.

A donor urged the former vice president to respond with his own nicknames for Trump, but Biden said he'd aim to keep discourse at a higher level. "The only place he has any confidence is in the mud. The only thing he doesn't know how to respond to is issues and specifics," he said.


Even so, at another point in his response to the question, Biden referred to Trump as a "no good S.O.B." who would likely turn to attacking his children and grandchildren, "the last people I want to go through" what Trump is likely to hurl their way.

Biden also told donors that he's heard from 14 heads of state from around the world who've voiced concerns to him about Trump. That list included Margaret Thatcher, he said, before correcting what he called a "Freudian slip," that he was actually referring to current British Prime Minister Theresa May.


Biden is making a two-day campaign swing through South Carolina, which will hold the first primary in the south in the Democratic nomination race in February 2020.