Anonymous ID: 70454d May 4, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.6417125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7189 >>7837

last bread.

Never respond to FE tards, but this new angler of attack deserves a rebuttal. Plus I'm bored.



>I doubt if my programmers did not come at me hard from day 1, that i ever would have came up with the blue marble construct.


An anon who wouldn't question the cyclical patterns of stars in the sky, day length changes, moon phase, pattern changes of stars traveling north to south? Been known since at least 260BC.

Anonymous ID: 70454d May 4, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.6417326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7332


Do you even know how to read?

He necessarily based his calculations on the earth being sperical. His own writings say so.

WTF is the FE model? Do you have any sauce on what the specifics of the "FE Model" circa 275BC that you'd care to share? Maybe some analysis from this "FE Model" Erotosthenes uses to make his calculations? Can you describe in your own words the design of Erotosthenes model and how his experimental data supported his conclusions?


Why am I wasting my time typing this. Gack. Bad slide.

Anonymous ID: 70454d May 4, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.6417860   🗄️.is 🔗kun







This whole thing is weird on a bunch of levels.



Klayman really pushes his marketing by regularly linking himself with Judicial Watch. Although he founded it, he was pushed out, and replaced by the very effective Tom Fitton.



So he comes off like he's peddling bull shit.

And yet, he's Arpaio's attourney in a defimation case against CNN and Klayman has been involved with Arpaio since the birther stuff.

As has POTUS.



Given Nunues suit and the Covington suit against the media, it seems hard to believe this isn't a multi-pronged attack.


But this Montgomery stuff is either crap (my guess. Arapaio's audit of Montgomery's skills failed and while Klayman worked on birther stuff, Montgomery was banned) or so toxic, the whole swamp is terrified-although Montgomery turned over all his hard drives of snatched data to the FBI. The case was dismissed by the DC circuit rather breezily.


Just seen this stuff too many times (shilly) and wanted to see what to make of it.

For the most part the case is dead now for over 6 months. The Montgomery matter has nowhere to go IMHO.


Klayman, is most favorably described as a Don Quixote.
