This. Leave the cult you would have to be some kind of cruel asshole to still want to be in masonry. Im not saying stop having BBQ's with the men who you met through masonry but maybe as a sign of respect for the nation you let go of that thing eating the identities of boomers and many men to literally have what is an active conspiracy against human potential and the well documented historically active masonic conspiracy against the united states for a global world order. We are trying to have an andy griffith sort of restoration of the land of the free and the freemasons are trademarking and trying to claim the andy griffith whistle to this odd masonic dark elite private golf-rumorizing us-vs-the-uninitiated sort of mafioso cult that has been an absolute wretch on culture society and even local and national international politics and history since time immemorial. Tiger Woods sort of was a wake up call to that you know THIS IS AN ANDY GRIFFITH REVIVAL NOT A NEW WORLD ORDER.Is your little start up that important you have to be a mason to sell your shitty data-mining app to shill masonic promotions and art? Symbolize a promotion of the common man and maybe salvage the good men of the craft but not now. YOU MUST BE SEPERATE FROM AMOUNG THEM LEST YOU TURN INTO A PILLAR OF SALT. GONE WITH THE WINDS OF THE RAIN OF THE STORM.
If freemasonry can have a nearly transparent audit and clean up then after the good men leave in protest we can then THEN AFTER THAT we can re-imagine the wonders of this system of making a man able to master himself and others around him and use it like a non religious thing to uplift not to uphold gang like territorial and cooperation socio monopolization.
Its time to leave. From darkness of keeping it all in hey its a dangerous system get out first then maybe work on lighting up enlightening others to help others get out. This is for the masons who know something ain't right with some of the things they are a party to or a part of and not neccisarily for the benign master mason who got into the lodge through a job or church. Maybe the latter if that is how they become aware of the bad apples in every BARREL. Lodge walls and barrel walls simular
and the templars the real knights however they are need to slay the satanists. That much is known. Masonry is a liability to the templar legacy.
so why the hell hold up the damn lodge when its at best a fraternal order corrupted to a humanitarian crisis level. If they are such good men why do the cover up the worst of the worst? Like people on top of a pile of limbs like marina abromovich why? That's just the shit they allow us to know about . if they are so good then is their reputation based on hiding this club worth the fact that some are using masonic encryption to BREED AND FARM CHILDREN TO BE SACRIFICED AND BLED FOR THE BEEHIVE ADRENOCHROME CULT THAT IS THE SKELETON OF FREEMASONRY PROPER?Its like having a book club for illuminism NOCK IT OFF
To a certain extent. John podesta mutilating a child because he thinks he has to act like a spiritual node of the world based on leylines and shit. That is going to far. Look if there is a mystic power on earth and a dozen virgins have to be thrown into a volcano every year to keep the world spinning. That is one thing its not my place to say stop 12 ritual deaths a year for the sake of the world. But franchising this with little lingo and codewords leads gamestop manager masons into thinking they are this reddit beardman who nom nom noms down sacrificial people for who-gives-a-fuck virginia local masonic. NOT EVERY TOWNSHIP NEEDS A DOZEN SACRIFICES JUST ONE DOZEN AT THE VOLCANO IN ATLANTIS OR whateverthefuck CELESTIAL LODGE NOT IN EVERY LODGE STOP FRANCHISING PAIN.