Anonymous ID: 3df84c May 5, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.6419505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

May 5th, 2019


Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:


FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Secretary of State Big Mike Pompeo; Rep. David Cicilline, D(isoriented)-R.I.; Melinda Gates, wife of Bill, wealthy 1% of 1% who flies around the world to tell us the dangers of the modern, consuming lifestyle. The panel will be Brit Hume; Karl Rove, N(everTrumpers)-Deep State; Charles Lane of The Bozos Amazon Post; and Marie Harf, co-host of “Benson and Harf”, who played Garth, the best friend of Wayne Campbell on “Wayne’s World”, and former State Department spokesperson.


MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Sen. Michael Bennet, D(espicable)-Colo., presidential candidate who will not even be nominated, let alone win in 2020; Sen. John Kennedy, R-La. The panel will be Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson, NeverTrumper, who said, “No policy from Trump WH is worth it.” of the Washington Anal Examiner; Eddie Glaude Jr., chair, Center for African-American Studies and Soviet Commissar professor at Princeton University; Eliana Johnson, another NeverTrumper masquerading as a Conservative, of PolitiNo; and Obama-lover Gerald Seib of The Wall Street Journal.


FACE THE NATION (CBS): Pompeo; Sen. Dick Turbin, D(elusional)-Ill.; Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga.; Rep. Eric Swalwell, D(elusional)-Calif., presidential candidate, who will never get his own Leftist party’s nomination let alone win the Presidency. The panel will be Byron York of Washington Examiner, Michael Crowley of PolitiNo, Rachael Bade of The Bozos Amazon Post and Shawna Thomas of Vice (crime) News.


THIS WEEK (ABC): Pompeo; Sen. Bernie Sanders, I(diot)-Vt., Democratic presidential candidate, who will once again be cheated out the nomination. The panel will be ABC’s Propagandist Mary Bruce; former Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J.; Democratic Soviet strategist Stefanie Brown James, co-founder of Collective (Farm) PAC; and Jonathan Swan of Axios, well-known coloring book-level news organization for snowflake Millennials.


STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Sen. Cory “Spartacus Moronicus” Booker, D(eranged)-N.J., presidential candidate, who will never get his own Leftist party’s nomination let alone win the Presidency; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D(eranged)-Minn., presidential candidate, who also will never get her own Leftist party’s nomination let alone win the Presidency. The panel will be David Urban, former strategist, Donald J. Trump for President; Abdul El-Sayed, D(eranged)-former candidate for Michigan governor & ISIS chair, Southpaw Michigan; S.E. “Brain fits in a Dixie” Cupp, host of CNN’s “SE Cupp Unfiltered”and prominent NeverTrumper; and Karen Finney, former senior propagandist, “Hillary for the Ruination of America”.


SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES (FNC): Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.; George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign aide; Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio; Judge Michael Mukasey, former U.S. attorney general.