As a former student of science, I love to digg on science/medical subjects, especially vaccine issues. My hypothesis (I've seen good evidence that this "hypothesis" is shared by others) is that vaccines are used to produce pharmaceutical dependence and to ensure that high priced pharmaceuticals have a perpetual demand. Here's an example: Rheumatoid arthritis is a degenerative condition that causes pain and joint swelling. It is also an "autoimmune" disorder. There is a condition called "auto-immune syndrome induced by adjuvants" or ASIA. Our vaccine supply is LOADED with adjuvants such as aluminum and squalene. These adjuvants hyper stimulate the immune system and are used to DELIBERATELY cause autoimmune disorders in animals for research. I have an ad from a magazine, courtesy of Pfizer that says "It's not ok to just get by with RA pain." They don't name any of their products but its clear they want you to get some information from them, and obviously when they suggest you "talk to your doctor" they probably want you to obtain a new prescription. So I decided to see what is online for RA treatment and I came across Xeljanz/Xeljanz XR (haven't checked yet to see if it is a Pfizer product). Here's how the pharmaceutical chumps ADMIT they are causing disease (in my opinion): On the Xeljanz page they say that "Disease -modifying anti rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) work to reduce the body's overactive immune and/or inflammatory processes that cause RA symptoms such as pain and joint swelling". Get the picture? If we know that adjuvants hyper stimulate the immune system and are used to deliberately CAUSE auto-immunity in lab animals it should be obvious that any vaccine containing an adjuvant is CAUSING profitable human disease.