So…the no-brain trust of the demonrats had a plan regarding the mueller report, did they? The figured that if they could trickle out some selected misdirection, piecemeal over the next 6 to 12 months to keep the demonrat's gold covered and diamond-encrusted mueller report in the globalist propaganda media so they could keep their meat puppets on-air.
They wanted their selected 19 pages without any evidence released so the speculation and propaganda of weismann/clinton/obama/comey/brennan et. al. could continue until President Trump's 2020 victory in some misguided hope that the world will end before the corrupt, treasonous demonrats and the meat puppets polishing the shoes of the demonrats, does.
The guilty are afraid of prison. They are even more afraid that it will be military tribunals since they will then have no recourse to escape. They will be held at GITMO until their trial; kept away from all media; gag orders from the military on the legal teams of the offenders to keep them from leaking to the globalist propaganda media and interred at GITMO after conviction and if any family members of the obombers, clintons etc., want to visit…they can get a visa to travel to cuba to visit the prisoners.
Just think, soon, the name clinton; the name obomber will disappear from the airwaves along with the underlings they put in harm's way…and hopefully along with the identifications of: abc, nbc, msnbc, cnn. We The People can get on with Keeping America Great!