How is you being a retard any one's problem but yours, anon?
I realize it will take you 20 captchas to answer. I do want to help. Are you requesting a fresh captcha before you post. (They time out, you know.)
I really don't get the consternation and gnashing of teeth over the captcha. It's a non-issue. If you are not a shill and you are having issues, follow these steps:
1) Type your fucking shit post, attach your pic, whatever.
2 Click the captcha to refresh it. (If it's hard, click that shit again, genius.)
3) Type the 6 fucking letters (whew! Lotta work)
4) Hit new reply.
5) Calm the fuck down.
I can only offer guidence. I cannot help you with your cognitive abilities.
Good point. This is my last ditch attempt to help the honestly feeble. Here forward, will smirk and ignore.