Anonymous ID: 896c40 May 5, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.6424072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142


The idea of Justice is always retrospective, it is the action that follows the outrage, the movement after the shallow grave, the death, the hollowed out sense of personhood. Active force is the thing that comes before justice, it is the axe that falls upon the perp in action. This comes before justice, it is the old lady who chops the legs off the cunt climbing through her window, the kid who has his or her Dad waiting for the pedo. Law does not like this, law needs a fucking wake up. People do not want to wait for retrospective justice from a failed state. People want to protect themselves and ought to have every bit of state legislation allowing them to do so.


Great Britain the UK has had to eat this crow in law very much lately. And we have had up until lately a very slack law in terms of home invaders.