Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.6426001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6168




which baker are you? looks like we have a shill baker and an illiterate one?

before you go and attack ab look at who you're defending, pics related

he snuck in a namefag's famefagging self-nominated post in notables at the last second..this isn't even one of those posts that's questionable. it's clearly not notable and thankfully several anons, including ab, called him out on it.

if you're defending this shill baker, you must be one yourself.

Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.6426126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6130 >>6139 >>6224


no, what sows paranoia is a baker including a namefag's famefagging paytriot shill post in notables and not understanding the implications of that

you continue to defend something absolutely indefensible, digging yourself into a bigger hole. and your attempts to project guilt onto the people who called you out are failing miserably. never bake again.

Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 9:20 p.m. No.6426146   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>bake fine for a few weeks in order to establish trust with anons

>pull some sneaky shill shit thinking you can point to your baking history as proof you're not a shill

>accuse anons of being shills themselves calling you out and "sowing" paranoia



Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.6426225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yea we should just let /qresearch/ die and get comped

we should just give the enemy the steering wheel


this attitude is cancerous. shills do not bake all the time. we have about 10 bakers and they are all (mostly) trustworthy, if not at times, incompetent. what the last baker did was bullshit and if you don't see that then take you're a shill yourself.

Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 9:40 p.m. No.6426248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6272 >>6318


>If you have a specific criticism, I want to hear it and give an answer.

you must be playing dumb. you cannot be this dumb.


here, in plain english, is what was wrong with that post. this is

>specific criticism

for you.


  1. it was posted by a namefag with 17 posts "Anjel G."

  2. it was self-nominated by said namefag and no other anon nominated it

  3. the post was promoting a paytriot youtube channel. it had no other value. it was an ad. YOU PUT AN AD IN NOTABLES.


this isn't specific criticism to you? you're still going to pretend you're a witch hunt victim?

your reaction to all this is telling. a good, honest, trustworthy baker would say "i fucked up and i'm really sorry, anons"

a shill would do exactly what you're doing: play the victim, deflect, project guilt, question our motivations, slide the bread, making everything about you.


you're fucking disgusting.

Anonymous ID: 17c7dc May 5, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.6426318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


please see



what you did was indefensible. this was not a mistake. no one is talking about censoring "other platforms". this was an ad. if Q himself has come out specifically against paytriots then we sure as hell don't tolerate that here. indefensible. so gtfo my face with "your negativity hurts".


>Why can't we disagree and talk about why we disagree?

because we're here to dig, meme, pray and do research you fucking self-obsessed shill. we're not here to convince you that ads don't belong in notables. this is how the board gets degraded. by idiots like you thinking this is a chat room. idiots like you who are more concerned with your own feelings than what's good for the board and the movement.

we have work to do. and we care about the work we do, which is why anons are all jumping down your throat. that's why we're fighting so hard.

because letting one thing slide opens the door for more fuckery in the future.

thank god anons still care about notables, checking bakers, and preventing this place from going to shit. if you were a real anon, you would see it from that perspective, but you're a shill so you're just going to keep talking because this is exactly what you want. 22 posts and counting, when it could've been 1-2 apology and move on.

you fucked up. irredeemable. indefensible. never bake again.