Anonymous ID: 42a68d May 6, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.6426912   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The options for fb and twit. They should choose one.


  1. Stop being dicks.


  1. Suggest it or in advance or be legally broken-up and having say the department that has control over content on fb and twit to be separated from the business aspect of fb and twit so those at the top can still make money and control their little advertising and stealing private details sidelines; but zucker and dorsey and those who own them would cease to have any say in content or admin of the publicly accessed part of either company.


  1. Be named as Public Utilities and become subject to regulation and control by State and Federal agencies.


United States law states that any entity that can be shown to be a monopoly and indispensable to society can be named, by the FCC with Congressional approval, as a Public Utility. If that happens, neither zucker or dorsey will even have a business and will have to survive on the billions they already have. They may think they're safe now but 2020 is rapidly approaching and god-willing and the creek don't run dry, there will not be demonrat within a thousand miles of either the House or Senate and if people think the SHTF before 2020 just wait until the days immediately after.


But perhaps:


  1. The "options" mentioned in Q post #2793 from February "Big Tech Testing Scenarios to Prevent Anti-Narrative Cross-Talk Across Social Media Platforms" and excerpt from which is:



Countermeasures in place.


Think Emergency Alert System.

Think WH controlled new RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled new video stream platform

Think Here.

Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

Why do we make things public?



I really think zucker and dorsey better quickly re-think their positions, but if they are foolish enough to believe their own lies they show they are so young they never had the opportunity to hear the old saying about the worst drug dealers being the ones who use their own product and may, quite likely, find their option to choose and option is taken away from them and I don't think they will discover that those they have being working for, and those they work so hard to protect are equally and reciprocatively, protective.