Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 5, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.6426603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6622 >>6656 >>6667 >>6849 >>7023 >>7117

Robert Mueller has a history of meddling in elections


In 2008, when the Deep State chose Barack Obama to be the 44th POTUS, it called on its lead legal-fixer, FBI Director Robert Mueller III, to clear Obama’s road to the Oval Office. As ordered, Mueller followed the Deep State playbook and found a patsy to deflect attention away from Obama's questionable activities and nefarious friends in Chicagoland. Mueller’s patsy was the likable but dimwitted Illinois governor, Rod “Hot Rod” Blagojevich, a politician with more charisma than good sense. Mueller’s “investigation” of Blagojevich transformed Obama's bagman, Antoin “Tony” Rezko, into Blago’s nightmare. By the way, Tony was also a Chicago and Detroit bagman for Saddam Hussein’s former international banker and Obama friend, Nadhmi Auchi. But that’s another story. For several years, informants – none dare call them spies – and three, wired moles – all convicted of crimes and awaiting sentencing – shoveled slam dunk evidence to the FBI that was used to indict Blago.


One of those "informants," Bernard Barton (AKA: John Thomas) was released from the custody of the Long Island Office of the Eastern District of New York by U.S. Attorney…wait for it…Loretta Lynch, and sent to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Northern Illinois in Chicago led by Patrick Fitzgerald, where he was given a new identity, and assigned to worm his way into Rezko’s confidence. Not as a spy, of course. Mueller, a reincarnation of Eliot Ness in the minds of some, dragged the investigation of Blago on for six years, even allowing him to be reelected governor. Only after Obama was elected President did the FBI arrest Blago. By the way, the timing of Blago’s arrest provided cover for Obama’s Co-Campaign Chair, Jesse Jackson, Jr. who was, at the time of Blago’s arrest, in the process of bribing Blago to appoint him to Obama’s Senate seat. But that, too, is another story.


It worked out well for Obama. He went to the White House. Blago went to the Big House. Meanwhile, the Chicago media, particularly the Tribune and the Sun Times, were delighted to help the Deep State legal eagles, Mueller, Deputy Attorney General James Comey, and then U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald – now one of Comey’s lawyers – clear the way for Obama’s ascendency to D.C.


Doesn't that sound familiar? That's exactly what the Deep State operatives in the DoJ and FBI tried to do for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Unfortunately for them, Trump is light years smarter than “Hot Rod.” If Trump commutes Blago’s sentence, as is rumored these days, he should only do so if Blago goes public with what he knows about Robert Mueller's corrupt alliance with Barack Obama.

Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 5, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.6426647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6652


Agreed, just goes to show how deeply connected all of this is..and how far they will go to keep all of this going in the direction they want it to go. Not going to work this time however.

Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 5, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6426681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was able to extend is position as FBI director for 2 years over the allowable time. I am wondering what he was doing during the Bush years that needed burying, thinking this goes back to 911 and Iraq some how.

Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 5, 2019, 11:57 p.m. No.6426788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798 >>6803 >>6821 >>6839

Jerry Nadler’s Son Works For Firm Suing Trump, Which Presents Conflict of Interest


Democrat congressman Jerry Nadler, leading the investigative charge against President Donald Trump, has a son whose firm is trying to get access to Trump documents for their clients in numerous lawsuits against President Trump. “Congressman Jerry Nadler has a big conflict,” our source tells Big League Politics in Washington, D.C.


“His son (Michael Nadler) got a job with Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP in 2018. That’s convenient because Jerry Nadler and the Democrats just won control of the House in 2018. Gibson Dunn & Crutcher hire Jerry’s son and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher are the main Nemesis against Trump and the Trump Administration on numerous lawsuits. Now the Nadler family will gain access to thousands of Trump documents via Jerry’s subpoenas!,” our insider stated.


Gibson Dunn represented CNN’s Jim Acosta in his lawsuit against the Trump White House after President Trump revoked Jim Acosta’s press credentials for creating a disturbance in a press briefing and making physical contact with a female White House intern. In December Gibson Dunn announced that it was representing the Center for Reproductive Rights in its lawsuit against the Trump State Department concerning abortion language in Trump administration human rights reports. Gibson Dunn’s global co-chairman Ted Boutros sued President Trump in a bid to protect the DACA Dreamer program.

Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 6, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6426821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6826 >>6923 >>7023 >>7117



Gibson Dunn Sues Trump State Department Over Reproductive Rights FOI


Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher has sued the U.S. State Department on behalf of the Center for Reproductive Rights, as part of the group’s effort to unearth details of the Trump administration’s alleged changes to regularly issued government human rights reports. Wednesday’s complaint comes after the organization filed a Freedom of Information Act request in October 2018 in an unsuccessful effort to learn more about how the 2018 Human Rights Reports are being constructed. It’s the group's second FOIA suit against the department in just a few months regarding the changes to a subsection that was included in prior iterations of the report, titled “Reproductive Rights.” Gibson Dunn brought the first complaint on the center’s behalf in September.


The Obama administration included that subsection the annual report, detailing concerns about abortion restrictions, the availability of contraception, and rates of maternal mortality in various countries, according to the complaint filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.The 2017 Human Rights Report looked different, the complaint contends, and featured a subsection labeled, “Coercion in Population Control” regarding forced abortion, involuntary sterilization and other coercive population-control techniques.


Troubled by the Trump administration’s approach and the prospect that information incorporated by the Obama administration would be “erased” from forthcoming reports, the center submitted FOIA requests, the complaint said. When the federal government failed to satisfy the center’s most recent request, the center turned to Gibson Dunn, including partner Katherine Smith and associates Wendy Miller and Mia Donnelly. “The DOS’ apparent decision to remove the ‘Reproductive Rights’ subsection and replace it with a ‘Coercion in Population Control’ section undermines the credibility and integrity of the reports, which are purportedly comprehensive,” the center’s complaint argued. “The Center is particularly concerned that this demonstrates a shift away from protecting and advancing women’s reproductive rights in line with a broader effort to backtrack on decades of law and policy protecting women and girls’ rights to basic health care at home and abroad.” The complaint calls on the court to compel the Trump administration to satisfy the center’s request by a yet-to-be-determined date and to award the center attorneys’ fees.


Gibson Dunn’s latest human-rights-focused litigation follows scrutiny it received for representing the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia amid the October killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Through its U.S. embassy, the Saudis agreed in September to pay Gibson Dunn $250,000 to lobby the U.S. House of Representatives, but the Gibson Dunn team—including partner Theodore Olson Jr.—cut ties with the kingdom one month later after Khashoggi’s killing raised human rights concerns. Gibson Dunn’s decision to represent the Saudis spawned the firm’s first registration under the Foreign Agents Registrations Act in more than 20 years, since the firm registered to work for the Saudis in the mid-1990s. Another short-lived business venture involving Gibson Dunn’s Washington, D.C., office attracted attention last week when Nicole Saharsky, former co-chair of the firm’s appellate and constitutional law practice, jumped ship. Saharsky quit Gibson Dunn to join Mayer Brown after one year.

Anonymous ID: 67a192 May 6, 2019, 1:02 a.m. No.6426952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7023 >>7117

Comey, Mueller and the showdown at John Ashcroft's hospital bed


It's not the first time James B. Comey and Robert S. Mueller III find themselves together at the center of an unfolding Washington drama. It's not the first time James B. Comey and Robert S. Mueller III find themselves together at the center of an unfolding Washington drama. Ashcroft, weak from gallbladder surgery, was under pressure from White House officials Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card to sign papers reauthorizing the domestic surveillance program secretly launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Ashcroft's wife was distraught about the visit from the White House counsel and chief of staff, according to testimony Comey later gave to a Senate committee.


She called Comey to stop the uninvited visitors. Just the previous week, her husband had agreed not to reinstate the program. Comey called in help, asking Mueller, then the FBI director, and several top aides to meet him at the hospital. It was the start of a battle between the Justice Department and the White House. According to Comey, the White House renewed the program the next day without his approval.


Since the White House had ignored the department's legal advice, Comey, Mueller and several other officials made plans to resign. It was only when President George W. Bush agreed to listen to Comey and Mueller and restructure the program did resignation plans go away. It was almost exactly 10 years ago, May 16, 2007, that Comey recounted the sequence of events before a Senate committee. That testimony examined the justification of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys during the previous year, and called into question whether Gonzales, at that point the attorney general, was fit to run the Justice Department.


During the hearing, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, made a reference that will be familiar to anyone following President Trump's firings of Acting Atty. Gen. Sally Yates and Comey. "It has some characteristics of the 'Saturday Night Massacre,' " Specter said of Comey's account. On Wednesday, Mueller was named by Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein to be special counsel to take over the Justice Department's Russia investigation. "My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that prosecution is warranted," Rosenstein said. "I have made no such determination."