Anonymous ID: e905e6 May 6, 2019, 4:39 a.m. No.6427304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7314 >>7318 >>7335 >>7824 >>7900

>>6427202 (lb)

>Redpill people will verifiable facts and we're going to beat the ZOG. Its coming.


It's not as simple as you think…


First, it's not as simple as "Jews bad, the rest good". There is a sharp dividing line between enemies and friends in this fight, but it's at the core not about races or religions, just as Q keeps reminding us.


The true difference, is between people who accept the authority of God, and those who reject it.


What God? you ask. The God who created this Universe, that God!


It doesn't matter all that much whether you believe the Christian or Muslim or Jewish or even the Atheist creation story, what matters is whether you ACCEPT the natural order of the Universe we live in, or if you are REBELLING against it.


The Christian Bible tells us that there is a rebellion against God in high places, and that all problems here on Earth are caused by this rebellion. Whether the Bible is right on anything else or not, it absolutely nailed that one!


The people who are subverting our nations are LUCIFERIANS. They worship Satan, the father of rebellion against the natural order.


A lot of them call themselves Jews too, but they aren't doing the evil work they do because they're Jews, they do it because they're Luciferians masquerading as "Jews"! And they are joined by Luciferian "Cristians", Luciferian "Muslims" and Luciferian "Atheists", and so on.


THOSE people are your enemy, because those are the ones who seek to overthrow the natural order of things, which is what is harming our nations!


And your allies in the fight against them are all people who ACCEPT the natural order of the Universe and do not set themselves up as Gods. This involves Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Atheists, and anyone else who isn't a batshit crazy narcissist who wishes to set himself up above God.


All these groups have a natural alliance when it comes to defending the natural order, because they all accept it. Then they will of course fight over their various funky interpretations of that natural order, but that's actually a far less important issue!


When you see the natural order being overthrown outright, such as when there is an all-out assault on gender identity and the nuclear family, then it is LUCIFERIANS who are behind it. Whether they call themselves Jews in public or not is of little importance.


The natural order is just that: natural! It can not only be "revealed by prophets", it can also simply be seen from how things work in this Universe. You know you are aligned with the natural order of things when things work out for you, and you know you are in rebellion against the natural order of things when everything you touch turns to shit!


That's the reason you don't really need to believe in any particular religion, or any religion at all for that matter, as long as you accept that there is a natural order, and try your best to abide by it. All you need to do, is accept the Universe around you and live by its rules as they are revealed to your intellect by observation. It doesn't matter if you think God created the world or if you think it happened by itself, all that matters is that you humble yourself before it and live by its rules!


You would truly need to be batshit crazy to even consider doing otherwise, but alas, that's what we're dealing with here - batshit crazy people. Very dangerous batshit crazy people.


I'd like to show you that the kind of thinking I'm presenting here is close to what Q and Trump is thinking by presenting a paper written by Barr back in 1995 that says pretty much the same thing, albeit from a Catholic perspective: