Even "normies" are commenting on the FF measles psyop. I think vaccines are a great public "red pill". Some people will not want to consider (yet) that all the BS about Trump "colluding" with Russia was a false narrative, but public vaccine policy that does MUCH more harm than good (and possibly NO good at all) directly impacts people's lives and health. The 4-6% that can't accept truth are done in any case, but everyone getting a vaccine today is putting themselves in harm's way. Let's see if we can save a few lives. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/are-public-health-authorities-the-authors-of-fake-measles-news/
I think the reason WSJ has reported that YT is opaque about it's business is because without "anti-vaxxers" (last remaining "good guys") and sinister garbage (like pedophilia) there would be little to make money on YT! The entertainment videos (especially for children) are profanity laced and devoid of morally profitable content.
I agree this is NOTABLE. I like the word "elect" used in the Bible. It allows me as a Christian to see that there are JUST two types of people as you have identified. Those who rebel against the order God put in place and those who accept it. Yes, whatever "religion" we love our families, want to live with dignity, want to contribute to healthy communities, but there is this wicked "force/entity" (satan, I believe) that is HELL BENT on destruction and this manifests in the things you mention such as gender confusion and ruination of families.
So much "psychotherapy" is just about earning money for psychotherapists. From the Q drops and seeing the Blasey-Ford psyop play out in the media, I'd say its also about controlling and using unstable people for evil ends. It sounds cruel (and I don't know if this is true) but I think I read a long time ago that some pedophiles wanted to be castrated to help them resist the urge to harm children. We now allow deranged "researchers" to perform "gender transition" procedures on young children (abusive) why WOULDN'T we consider a procedure to stop pedophiles from harming children if they ASK for it?!