>>6427999 pb
They're trying to compel him to appear and answer questions. And threatening arrest if he doesn't
Goes right to the 5th Amendment; (which Comey attempted to deny existed) I'm sure Barr is fully aware. You can't compel anyone to answer a question. They will threaten and torture; but that's why they need to get rid of that Right - not to answer a judge; for the NWO plans;
They need Intimidation by "judges" to censure opponents / or truth that they want to suppress. Like what Mueller did. They threaten and punish and force the person to lie or "confess"
That's why "podesta" is the ancient title of the Roman Inquisitor.?
And exactly why we have the right to refuse to answer.
They are also stupid since they are not judges. As legislators they are supposed to oversee and investigate; gather evidence for Legislation. Not arrest people in the Executive branch
Who will they send?
And who would it be to protect Barr?
What a joke.
Think. It's just BS
Look at the dude smirk.
Best they can do is impeach Barr, if they have the votes.
they won't be able to remove him, as they don't have the Senate.
Events will over take them
Q team even pointed like that?
>>.6428007 pb