>>6428362 (pb)
The Monica Lewinsky scandal was likely a setup to divert attention away from all the REALLY bad stuff. Did it divert attention away from the US embassy bombings?
Check the dates…
10 August 1998: US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania
17 August 1998: WJC grand jury testimony on Monica and her blue dress…
20 August 1998: Operation Infinite Reach… US bombs Sudan and Afghanistan as retaliation
The Sudan bombing wiped out the factory that produce over half of the pharmaceuticals in Sudan and apparently had no connection with chemical weapons or Bin Laden.
The press raised speculation that the attacks were a diversion from the Lewinsky scandal, following the script of the recently released film Wag the Dog. But the reality is likely the opposite: the Lewinsky scandal was precisely timed, and then ended up sucking up the attention of Clinton opponents.
Why would the Clintons be involved in the embassy bombings?
1) to set up Bin Laden as enemy #1
2) to supposedly destroy evidence related to clown activity in Africa
In "The Looming Tower" Bin Laden is said to claim that the CIA plotted the Rwandan genocide in the Kenya embassy. I suspect it is true, and that Bin Laden was fed this info to make it seem ridiculous. Unfortunately the book does not cite the source of that claim.
The Vince Foster lead-in to the Lewinsky investigation was probably itself a setup by the Clintons.