Anonymous ID: 0dc189 May 6, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6430333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0568 >>0979

>>6425824 (PB)

When something is "too big to imagine", how do you have an intelligent discussion about it? You don't. With the information at hand, we previously discussed this snippet about as far we can.

We got to the point where we pretty much know what we do not know and what we DO know is insufficient to pull the curtains back any further. LOTS of us have been "on task" since before Project Blue Book. We've chewed over every snippet of plausible data and the truth is that, while we can be reasonably certain that we are not the only existence, we have next to no solid information beyond that point.

Look, Q might be Jesus. He might be a superadvanced alien from the nth dimension with an existence independent of time. (We can be reasonably certain that such an entity cannot be LESS advanced than we are). Or, he might be some teenage autist in sweaty underwear sitting in front of an array of monitors and in command of some super algorithm that gives him limited predictive powers and an unlimited supply of Snickers bars.

We know enough to identify the extent of our knowledge but not yet enough to identify the boundaries of our ignorance. We have only a conditional relationship to "terra cognito" in an endless and dark sea of "terra incognito". And, to be honest, we can't even agree on what it is we think we know. We are a confused pin prick in an eternity. Our egos must be our beacon, for we think that we have attracted the attention of our betters when we have little to offer beyond egotistic debates within our ranks.

Q says to "Consider the vastness of space". Okay, I've considered it. Now what? Is it actually vast or is that another delusional vision of grandeur from a failed biology experiment?

If Robbie the robot sounds the alarm "Danger Will Robinson"!, so what? I would be no more than a spectator in whatever was about to occur. Or, maybe, lunch. The point being that I have no clue how to respond. If there is a pan-galactic protocol guide, my copy seems to have gotten lost in the mail, my telepathic communication skills are pathetic (although sometimes I think my cats understand me … but that's because THEY are bi-lingual, not me) and I wouldn't know how to express good intentions or recognize bad ones.


Seriously … this is a can of worms we just aren't ready to deal with yet. And, until we HAVE to deal with it, we cannot predict what will be required of us. Remember that Q also mentioned that a lot of us will be hospitalized when we have to confront what lies beyond our current understanding. He didn't specify what sort of hospital.