Anonymous ID: 534122 May 6, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6430442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0460

>>6430347 /lb


Pretty shitty when you can have a decade of your info on a social network from all the back when users were thought of as the backbone.

Creators and every day people use these platforms to talk to family and friends and then [THEY] can simply cut your line to family/friends without recorse.


I can only imagine how those making their lively hood feel, having their bread and butter rely on the whim of one of Zuck's libtard employees.



Imagine if they could turn off your lights and phone using their brand of "patrotism".


Pisses me off.. I have years of images n shit on there and now I am one strike from it being vanished.

