ah, no. I think he's adorable.
he just needs to stop chewing mushrooms.
and go back to being anonymous.
get off the drugs, fame whore.
ah, no. I think he's adorable.
he just needs to stop chewing mushrooms.
and go back to being anonymous.
get off the drugs, fame whore.
we are MOS?
pretty sure if I am then I must have been put into one of those machiens that scrubs your mind and replaces all your memories, but pretty sure that kind of thing doesn't really exist, unless this is a matrix.
if he says 'we are all MOS' he's larping as a delusional.
not sure.
he goes on about someone in traffic at 4 AM, a biker guy, and he went up to him and said 'what the fuck' which is the wrong thing to do.
I bet he got scared so he figured if he got exposure he'd have a bit of protection.
he admits he didn't really know what the biker dude was on about.
My guess biker dude was a horny gay and tried to cruise Anjel, and it went badly.
I think he felt threatened by somethign that had happened to him and thought being famous might give him some protection. just a theory. Seems like a typically confused young person in the throws of believing but not really knowing.