Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.6434215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4230 >>4233 >>4482 >>4553 >>4915



3800 citizens return to their cities and villages in al-Bokmal countryside after liberation from terrorism

Deir Ezzor Governor Abdul-Majid al-Kwakibi affirmed that “In framework of benefiting from the amnesty decree and with the aim of achieving the return of all citizens who have been displaced from their houses and villages, 3800 citizens on Sunday returned to the villages and towns of (al-Sayyal, Hasrat, al-Salihyia, al-Ramadi, al-Jalaa, Qita’at al-Bokmal, al-Abbas and al-Tawatiha in Deir Ezzor countryside.”


Syrian Army Launches Long-Awaited Operation Against Militants In Greater Idlib

n the morning of May 6, the Syrian Army and its allies started an offensive operation to crack down on militants in the northwestern part of Hama province.


Russia and Turkey Divided Over Idleb

The material differences between Ankara and Moscow around Idleb’s fate have remained, in particular the fate of the armed groups there. The evidence of the growing differences between Ankara and Moscow is the air raids by Russian and regime aircraft during the closing statement in Astana. he opposition military analyst General Ahmed Rihal said that there are four points of dispute between Russia and Turkey which are not solvable.


The first point is the joint patrols between Russia and Turkey. The Syrian interior does not accept joint patrols. The second point is the international roads, as it isn’t possible to open the international roads and put them under the control of the regime and Iran, since the Free Syrian Army will not accept this, nor will the residents.

The third point relates to dismantling Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and its siblings, since Turkey must either enter into a major battle with the group and increase civilian casualties or continue to be accused of supporting terrorism.

The fourth point is the source of the major dispute, which has not been disclosed by Russia and which Turkey knows, which is the American-Turkish rapprochement around east of the Euphrates, where the Turkish Chief of Staff said that Washington had expressed major flexibility in setting up a safe zone east of the Euphrates.


Military Situation In Syria On May 6, 2019 (Map Update)

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) started offensive actions in northwestern Hama. At least two villages were reportedly liberated.

Militant groups led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham are creating a strike force in southern Idlib, according to the Russian military;

Over 200 airstrikes by Russian and Syrian aircraft were reported in the provinces of Idlib and Hama by militant sources;

The SAA used heavy Golan improvised rocket-assisted munitions to strike at terrorists’ positions and fortifications in northern Lattakia;

Kurdish rebeels eliminated a vehicle of pro-Turkish forces in Maranaz on May 5;

An IED explosion reportedly wounded 3 persons in Manbij.



Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6434233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4482 >>4553 >>4915



Russian Hmeymin airbase in Syria twice comes under shelling by militants

Viktor Kupchishin said on Monday. "The Hmeymim airbase came under shelling from multiple missile launcher systems twice during the day, in the morning and in the evening. In both cases, shelling was conducted from the settlement of Zawiya in the Idlib de-escalation zone that is controlled by the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia)," he said. According to Kupchishin, a total of 36 missiles were fired, with fire being guided with the help of a drone. "The attacks were repelled by missile defense systems. No casualties or damages were reported from the base. All militants’ firing points were detected and hit by Russian warplanes and artillery units of the Syrian army," he said.


Army retaliates to terrorists’ breaches through intensive operations against their positions in countryside of Idleb and Hama

Units of the Syrian Arab Army expanded their retaliation to the frequent breaches and attacks by terrorists on safe areas in the countryside of Hama and Idleb through carrying out intensive operations against their positions and supply routes in Idleb southern countryside and Hama northern countryside. The reported noted that heavy losses were inflicted upon the terrorist groups in the strikes, and their rocket launch pads, dens and fortifications were destroyed.


Syrian War Report – May 6, 2019: Turkey-led Forces Suffer Casualties In Failed Attack On YPG Positions



Syrian Army Starts Offensive Actions In Northwestern Hama. At Least 2 Villages Reportedly Liberated

On May 4, the Russian military released a statement saying that militant groups led by Hayat Tahir al-Sham are working to create a strike force in southern Idlib. According to the statement, there was a real threat that militants may use this strike force to attack government positions in the nearby area.

The May 6 operation may be a response to this threat.


US Troops in Syria for the “Long Haul” Atop “A Lot of Oil Resources”: Pentagon Official

A high level Pentagon official has admitted that US forces will be in Syria for “the long haul” and coupled his statement by declaring the territory contains “a lot of the oil resources and arable land.”



Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.6434513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Under Trump, US a mere bystander in Israel-Hamas ceasefire efforts


Preferring to stand in Jewish state’s corner, White House allows Egypt and UN to fill vacuum as mediators during Gaza conflicts in break from traditional policy


Sticking to the policy of his predecessors, US President Donald Trump came out ardently behind Israel’s right to defend itself amid the onslaught of rocket fire from Gaza over the weekend.


“We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens… To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace – it can happen!” he tweeted Sunday.


Similarly carte blanche support for Jerusalem was expressed by other Trump officials such as Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. But while the top US diplomat said he “hoped” Israel and armed groups in Gaza would be able to “return to the ceasefire that had been in place,” there was little indication he was doing more to make it happen beyond vocalizing that desire.



Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.6434536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4926

Arizona’s Department Of Child Safety Has A Pattern Of Sending SWAT Teams For ‘Medical Kidnapping’


An Arizona judge’s order was all it took for a SWAT team to enter a private Chandler home in March, take a child and deliver that child into the custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS).


The raid is an example of something that has come to be known as “medical kidnapping,” which has raised eyebrows nationally but seems to be especially prevalent in Arizona.


Medical kidnapping is the phenomenon of the state taking children away from their parents and putting them into foster care, “simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family,” according to the book, “Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every American Today.”


Members of the group Arizona DCS Oversight Group (ADOG), a watchdog of Arizona’s DCS, say the SWAT team raid is one of many in which Arizona DCS “legally kidnaps,” or takes children for no good reason.


Worse yet, federal funding streams may be motivating these child renditions.


Medical Kidnapping


The most notorious case of alleged medical kidnapping nationally involved Justina Pelletier, who had a rare mitochondrial disease. When doctors at one hospital determined it was psychosomatic, her parents tried to send her to a different hospital. The first hospital called in Massachusetts Department of Child Welfare case workers, and a judge’s order kept Pelletier away from her parents for 16 months.


The most notorious case of medical kidnapping in Arizona was Melissa Diegel.


Diegel was accused of something very similar to Munchhausen by proxy, a condition in which a caregiver makes up, or causes “an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability,” according to the University of Michigan School of Medicine.


Except she didn’t have Munchausen, said Sherwyn.

Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.6434590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UN: Humans Could Cause Extinction of 1 Million Species, Globalism Will Fix


The headline spread around the world Monday with the release of the United Nation’s three-year, 1,500-page report on biodiversity screamed that humans are killing the planet and its population of animals and plants, with as many as one million species facing extinction in mere “decades.”


However, mankind can stop the destruction through “transformative change” that could translate into globalism replacing national sovereignty and nations’ self-determination.


“The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever,” Sir Robert Watson, chairman of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which produced the report. “We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.” Watson added:


TPTB will be our extinctors if we don't wake up and stop them

Anonymous ID: 0b818c May 6, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.6434596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Carrots', Warnings: US to Offer New Incentives to Venezuela Military - Report


US Vice President Mike Pence is set to offer on Tuesday new incentives to Venezuela's military to turn against President Nicolas Maduro, Reuters reported Monday, citing a senior administration official.


In a speech to the Americas Society at the US Department of State, Pence will also warn that Washington could soon sanction 25 additional magistrates on the Venezuelan supreme court, Reuters reported, citing the official on condition of anonymity.


In addition, the US vice president will also offer assistance for refugees who have fled Venezuela and an economic aid package on a political transition, according to Reuters.


The news comes on the heels of another Guaido's attempt made last week to depose of constitutionally elected Maduro by calling on Venezuelans and the military to take to the streets and overthrow Venezuela's president.


However, Maduro said that the commanders of all regions and zones of integral defense had reiterated their full loyalty to the country’s legitimate authorities.


Amid the events, which Caracas has described as a failed coup attempt, US National Security Adviser John Bolton reiterated that "all options are on the table" with regard to Venezuela, adding that Washington hopes to see a peaceful transfer of power.


The situation in Venezuela remains tense since January when Guaido proclaimed himself to be interim president. The United States and 54 other countries recognized Guaido and called on Maduro to step down.


Russia, China, and a number of other countries have said they recognize Maduro as the only legitimate president of Venezuela.