Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.6434349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump's approval rating hits all-time high in Gallup poll

May 6, 2019 by Brett Samuels


President Trump's approval rating reached new heights in the second half of April, according to the Gallup poll, as nearly half of voters gave him positive marks.


Trump's approval rating ticked up to 46 percent, up slightly from 45 percent in the first part of April and the highest mark to date for Trump in the Gallup poll.


It comes on the heels of strong economic numbers and a largely favorable outcome of the Russia investigation.


Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among Republicans, 91 percent of whom gave the president positive marks in the latest Gallup poll. That figure falls just short of the record high of 92 percent approval among GOP respondents, reached in a November 2018 Gallup survey.


Among Democrats, 12 percent said they approve of Trump's job performance, according to the poll. That figure matches the previous high among Democrats recorded in April 2017.


Trump's approval among independents dipped slightly from 39 percent in the first half of April to 37 percent in the latest poll…………..

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:17 p.m. No.6434426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4454 >>4462

Michael Cohen reports to one of America's "cushiest prisons"

May 6, 2019


President Trump's former attorney and personal fixer Michael Cohen has reported to prison on Monday to begin serving his three-year sentence, at a facility Forbes once ranked as one of "America's 10 Cushiest Prisons." Cohen was convicted for crimes including tax evasion, lying to Congress and campaign finance.


Speaking to reporters in New York City before traveling to the Otisville Federal Correctional Institution, which is about 70 miles outside of New York City, Cohen said that upon his release, "I hope that when I rejoin my family and friends that the country will be in a place without xenophobia, injustice and lies at the helm of our country."


"There still remains much to be told and I look forward to the day when I can share the truth," he added. Cohen was spotted just after 11:30 am entering the Federal Correctional institution Otisville in New York in a black SUV. Cohen joins a cast of other big-name inmates, including "Jersey Shore" star-turned-tax fraud convict Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino and the failed Fyre Festival's Billy McFarland.


According to the prison's orientation handbook, inmates are advised upon their arrival that, "You are now in the custody and care of Federal Bureau of Prisons staff of the Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville, New York… This is a community and although you did not choose to be here, you are expected to respect the rights of others, both fellow inmates and staff. You are expected to obey the rules and conduct yourself in a responsible fashion."


However, the Associated Press notes that the prison has some nice amenities. Inmates have lockers to store personal belongings, they can do their own laundry in washers and dryers and use microwaves to heat up food. They also have access to ice machines. It also has tennis courts, horseshoes and cardio equipment, leading the Associated Press to observe that it's "the closest thing the federal prison system has to sleepaway camp."

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.6434485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unmasked Russian 'StalinGulag' blogger: I won't be silenced by Kremlin

By Andrey Poznyakov • last updated: 06/05/2019 - 19:53


An acclaimed satirist behind a hugely popular social media profile that lampoons the Kremlin has vowed to continue despite being unmasked when Russian authorities targeted his family.


Alexander Gorbunov, whose online persona StalinGulag has more than one million followers across platforms such as Twitter and Telegram, said “nothing will change” despite having his identity exposed.


In an interview with Euronews, the 27-year-old pledged to continue exposing the everyday injustices faced by ordinary Russians.


The wheelchair user is a self-taught financial trader from Makhachkala in the Russian republic of Dagestan.


He built a huge audience and influence on social media, becoming a frequent thorn in the side of Russian authorities and President Vladimir Putin.


The real identity of StalinGulag remained a secret until last week, when Gorbunov spoke out after police questioned family members including his 65-year-old mother and 80-year-old father in Dagestan.


He said investigators accused him of links to terrorism but had yet to provide evidence………..

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.6434549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4584

Couple die of bubonic plague after eating raw marmot meat, triggering quarantine

just updated


A Mongolian couple has died of the bubonic plague after eating raw marmot meat, triggering a quarantine that left tourists stranded in a remote region for days, officials said.


Authorities in Mongolia have quarantined a town after a man and his reportedly pregnant wife died from the bubonic plague after eating raw marmot kidney.


The six-day quarantine left nine tourists from Russia, Germany and Switzerland stranded in the town of Ulgii on the border with Russia and China.


"The two dead were local people," local governor Aipiin Gilimkhaan said.


"There were no cases reported after them."

A German tourist named Teresa, said “we are all fine. No one is ill”.


A 24-year-old American Peace Corps volunteer Sebastian Pique said the governor invited him and the tourists to his office to tell him about the situation.


"After the quarantine (was announced) not many people, even locals, were in the streets for fear of catching the disease," he said………….

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6434614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4650

Hard to find articles that support EU populism, despite its recent surge in popularity. The following author is like most–mildly disparaging of its long-range changes. Read between the lines to see how scared the EU bureaucrats are that populism is not a passing fancy but a political reality.


Has Europe Reached Peak Populism?

May 6, 2019

by Sam Denney


From May 23 to 26, the next European Parliament (EP) will be selected in what is probably the most consequential election for the European Union (EU) of this generation. With the backdrop of Brexit looming large, these particular elections are being closely watched, as they will serve as the first-ever test of Europe’s populists to organize across national borders. These elections will also serve as a referendum on several of the EU’s key national leaders who have been facing populist challenges at home, such as French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Yet despite the unexpected “success” of Brexit, it is not at all certain that the wave of populist support will continue unabated. While populists look set to gain seats overall, their lack of cohesiveness could dampen their larger plan of wresting control from Europe’s mainstream center-right and center-left parties, the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)…..


……Many of the best-known Eurosceptics, like Jean-Marie Le Pen of the French National Front or Nigel Farage of the new Brexit Party, have used the EP as a bully pulpit to rally popular support for their policies, while simultaneously receiving generous paychecks from the European Union……

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.6434667   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You raise a good point. How do they validate EU elections? That I don't know. Hope that use a fingerprint system like in Venezuela, but am doubtful! People are waking up fast in Europe. Will it be fast enough??

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.6434817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4874 >>4905


Yes, I could do, would like to. Sleep later. Don't think I could do another graveyard, haha, not 3 in a row. Great shift, lots of news. But needs a baker to keep things moving.

See you at the dough?

Anonymous ID: 11d006 May 6, 2019, 9:40 p.m. No.6434918   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thx. Anon told me about the archive in Oct. Terrific resource for bakers and diggers. I use it for every report to see it's already been posted. Great but doesn't help for duplicate stories from other pubs.