Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.6434497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4504 >>4647

>>6433486 (pb)

Anon here argues that Comey is Q. Let's call him ComeyAnon.


I have a hypothesis of my own: ComeyAnon is actually Michael Anton aka Q, and he is trying to goad me into posting the evidence that he really is Q, which I now think is kind of pathetic, since I was so clueless when I wrote it out. I had NO idea that Q posted as "Anon" and now I think Q is everywhere, even posing as a random Anon with a great find.


But first, on Comey. I think Comey is a white hat, and I think much of the evidence that ComeyAnon posts looks promising on a first read. It is probably worth the time of Anons to dive into it. And if ComeyAnon really is an Anon, congratulations, you've done a pretty good job and made me think you were Q! (And seriously it looks like a good set of posts…)


There is now MUCH more evidence regarding Michael Anton, but I am basically going to repost a linked series of old writeups, with brief summaries. There are nine basic posts, each with a title, and then a followup. If I were writing this today, I might do it differently, but I think Q is telling me to just put it out there.


Except as noted, all below is repost…


Let's Roll! - Basic Plot


This gives the basic plot for a finale with the "Let's Roll!" meme. The finale will be the public revelation of Q. The plot here has three elements: the identification of a picture (Kitchen is HOT), the conversion of the picture into a meme (Carpet Bomb), and the response of the Q army upon deployment of the meme (Tactical Nukes).


Kitchen is HOT:


1 - A Gentleman and a Scholar: A vast array of pre-existing evidence points to "Flight 93" author and former NSC staffer Michael Anton as one of the key architects of the Q op. The fact that the fake news ignored the TRUE conspiracy and pushed all manner of hoaxes will play a role in its destruction.

>>5491602 (pb)


2 - We serve at the pleasure of the President: Anton's departure from the White House was marked as fake from the start, with anonymous sources giving contradictory and implausible reasons for his departure, and then Anton returning to cook at the State Dinner for France.

>>5491645 (pb)

CORRECTION: I double linked the Breitbart article but should have linked this too:


3 - Red Carpet Rollout: Multiple drops mark the State Dinner as giving a "red carpet rollout" to a MOAB.

>>5491680 (pb)


4 - Pepe the Baker: 12 Dec 18 "Pepe the Baker" drop has 1 day delta with 11 Dec 18 DJT Anton tweet, and the photo in the drop lines up with the Anton cooking photo, unlocking an array of Q symbolism in the photo

>>5548179 (pb)


5 - Launch!: 14 Feb 18 DJT Anton tweet has a weeklong rollout

>>5491753 (pb)


6 - A Footnote to History?: 14 Feb 18 DJT tweet is really part of a 17-handshake with Anton's book, via page 17 of the book. This amounts to the go signal to ID the picture, which is the 24 Apr 18 NYT photo of Anton cooking.

>>5491773 (pb)


Carpet bomb:

Contrary to the surface implication of the Q drop about a picture forcing the question about the reality of Q, no picture will work and no question will work. Careful analysis of the drop suggests that the picture must be converted into a meme, and it must be an obvious meme. In fact, the given picture forces us to choose the given meme.

>>5491805 (pb)


Tactical nukes:

DJT will tweet the meme, leading the fake news to attack him for insensitivity and leading them to propagate the meme. But the meme will signal the Q army to unleash tactical nukes (i.e. nukes used near friendly forces). Everyone will put out the truth about Q in their own manner. The Q onslaught will be impossible to ignore, and the fake news will have to report it. But then POTUS will drop the hammer.

>>5491934 (pb)

ADDENDUM: I now think the meme is coming with "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……." (since "Anon" more or less handed this to me…)


Why I think Q posed as an Anon to direct you to read the analysis above:

>>5567249 (pb)


CHECK for more recent posts with MOAR stuff….

Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.6434566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4627 >>4661




>>6433486 (pb)

Anon here argues that Comey is Q. Let's call him ComeyAnon.


I have a hypothesis of my own: ComeyAnon is actually Michael Anton aka Q, and he is trying to goad me into posting the evidence that he really is Q, which I now think is kind of pathetic, since I was so clueless when I wrote it out. I had NO idea that Q posted as "Anon" and now I think Q is everywhere, even posing as a random Anon with a great find.


But first, on Comey. I think Comey is a white hat, and I think much of the evidence that ComeyAnon posts looks promising on a first read. It is probably worth the time of Anons to dive into it. And if ComeyAnon really is an Anon, congratulations, you've done a pretty good job and made me think you were Q! (And seriously it looks like a good set of posts…)


There is now MUCH more evidence regarding Michael Anton, but I am basically going to repost a linked series of old writeups, with brief summaries. There are nine basic posts, each with a title, and then a followup. If I were writing this today, I might do it differently, but I think Q is telling me to just put it out there.


Except as noted, all below is repost…


Let's Roll! - Basic Plot


This gives the basic plot for a finale with the "Let's Roll!" meme. The finale will be the public revelation of Q. The plot here has three elements: the identification of a picture (Kitchen is HOT), the conversion of the picture into a meme (Carpet Bomb), and the response of the Q army upon deployment of the meme (Tactical Nukes).


Kitchen is HOT:

1 - A Gentleman and a Scholar: A vast array of pre-existing evidence points to "Flight 93" author and former NSC staffer Michael Anton as one of the key architects of the Q op. The fact that the fake news ignored the TRUE conspiracy and pushed all manner of hoaxes will play a role in its destruction.


2 - We serve at the pleasure of the President: Anton's departure from the White House was marked as fake from the start, with anonymous sources giving contradictory and implausible reasons for his departure, and then Anton returning to cook at the State Dinner for France.


CORRECTION: I double linked the Breitbart article but should have linked this too:


3 - Red Carpet Rollout: Multiple drops mark the State Dinner as giving a "red carpet rollout" to a MOAB.


4 - Pepe the Baker: 12 Dec 18 "Pepe the Baker" drop has 1 day delta with 11 Dec 18 DJT Anton tweet, and the photo in the drop lines up with the Anton cooking photo, unlocking an array of Q symbolism in the photo


5 - Launch!: 14 Feb 18 DJT Anton tweet has a weeklong rollout


6 - A Footnote to History?: 14 Feb 18 DJT tweet is really part of a 17-handshake with Anton's book, via page 17 of the book. This amounts to the go signal to ID the picture, which is the 24 Apr 18 NYT photo of Anton cooking.


Carpet bomb:

Contrary to the surface implication of the Q drop about a picture forcing the question about the reality of Q, no picture will work and no question will work. Careful analysis of the drop suggests that the picture must be converted into a meme, and it must be an obvious meme. In fact, the given picture forces us to choose the given meme.


Tactical nukes:

DJT will tweet the meme, leading the fake news to attack him for insensitivity and leading them to propagate the meme. But the meme will signal the Q army to unleash tactical nukes (i.e. nukes used near friendly forces). Everyone will put out the truth about Q in their own manner. The Q onslaught will be impossible to ignore, and the fake news will have to report it. But then POTUS will drop the hammer.

ADDENDUM: I now think the meme is coming with "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……." (since "Anon" more or less handed me this)


Why I think Q posed as an Anon to direct you to read the analysis above:

Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.6434622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727

Two 9/11 coincidences here. (I've posted on both in the past, but not together.) I think it is interesting that I REMEMBER both of these as being coincidental, but I scarcely pondered the fact that they might not be coincidental at all.


First, in the September 2001 issue of The Atlantic, Samantha Power published "Bystanders to Genocide", about Rwanda. Anons now see her in light of her role in the conspiracy against POTUS, but it was precisely that essay that seemed to make her public reputation, and she subsequently marketed herself as a humanitarian. The essay became more or less "the official story" about why international powers, but especially the US, were seemingly so hapless at dealing with the Rwanda crisis. One element of the story was that Clinton was wary of any intervention due to the Mogadishu/"Black Hawk Down" fiasco. Another element was that the governmental bureaucracy was inept and not aware of what was really going on. This is likely all calculated BS, and the whole thing was a cabal operation, but the upshot is that Power came to argue for early and forceful "international intervention" in "problem spots" and this is precisely the path that was thereafter followed.


By publishing this JUST before 9/11:

1) The interpretation of the Rwanda events got pretty well baked-in. Attention was turned to the new events. No one was going to be digging deep into Rwanda now that NYC had been attacked.

2) The LACK of foreign intervention in Rwanda was in the public consciousness, and served as justification for the subsequent endless wars in the Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.


The cabal WANTED people to think about Rwanda, so long as you thought about it in the "right" ways: need for intervention, danger of "hate speech", etc. (But you didn't hear much about it this year, on the 25th anniversary… why?)


But they didn't want anyone thinking about Congo, the site of the worst round of wars since WW2 (and seemingly all sorts of cabal fuckery). The wars got VERY little MSM coverage until Ted Koppel, host of Nightline, scheduled a five-part series. The first appeared on Sept 7, and this got newspaper reviews, with parts 2-5 scheduled for Sept 11-14. Unsurprisingly, those episodes did not air then. (I think they aired later, but the focus of the world was elsewhere…)


I tended to follow Africa news in the MSM fairly closely then, and I NOTICED both of these coincidences at the time, but it never made any sense to think they were anything but coincidences. But if we now consider that the SAME PEOPLE DID SOME THINGS in all of these places, then it makes sense that both the Rwanda article and the Koppel series were SCHEDULED to align with 9/11. The Koppel series was scheduled so it would be buried, and the Rwanda article was scheduled so the "conclusions" would be "known" while deeper investigation would be averted.


When the world finds out that the SAME PEOPLE who push "white privilege" BS as a way to undermine Western civilization have committed actual genocides of black Africans… well, I suspect they WON'T be able to walk the streets.



Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 8:57 p.m. No.6434684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4820 >>4871


Because it establishes the intellectual substance and complexity of the whole operation. There is NO way anyone looking into the details behind the way in which I thinks this gets unveiled can honestly deny that this was an operation with detailed planning by highly intelligent people. And they are working with POTUS who is not the dumbass he sometimes pretends to be. ACTING!

Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.6434760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4804


The details lie in reality. My thinking is ABOUT them. I piece together connections between the details in reality and forge hypotheses that help to make sense of the reality. By all means criticize my understanding of the actual facts, or the reasoning I use to put them together, but you have to actually DO it and not just suggest a criticism is possible.

Anonymous ID: c79837 May 6, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6434823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Start at the top.

Follow my reasoning step by step.

If I seem to make a false statement, call me on it.

If I seem to make an invalid inference, call me on it.

My reasoning process is interesting to say the least, so that is a good reason to dive in.

Good reasoning often builds on prior errors and there might be some in there but it is still an intellectual ride…