Remember how Q has asked us to define "projection"? Bad actors accuse the good guys of what THEY are doing. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is described as a situation where a mother deliberately makes her child sick so she can "care" for him. I can't imagine many real world mothers are that messed up, but you can bet that cabal inspired "public health" authorities sure are. We are being fed continuous propaganda about "measles" so that people continue to take Merck's (apparently defective and dangerous) MMR. What's more sinister than just creating fake scares to encourage vaccine uptake is when those "at the top" KNOW that the real purpose of the vaccines is to create profitable diseases and epidemics. SIDS is apparently a vaccine death in most cases (moldy crib mattresses seem to be another due to off-gassing of toxic fumes generated by microbial action) but pediatricians are NEVER investigated when babies die days or weeks after a series of "safe and effective" vaccines. I'm posting an old story about a nurse who lethally injected a large number of young children. One hypothesis as to why she did it was to encourage the building of a pediatric ICU! I can't say that was the case as she seems to have been mentally ill, yet, I'd like to know: Is our medical/pharmaceutical system keeping us sick and fearful in order to keep us under their "care"?