What do anon's not understand about "Self Interest". This is not a game, Learn to play the game. There is no rule that ANY player on the board will always be white or always be black or even grey. The two major players are moving the game along to force the players they need into a position where they have no choice but do what that major player wants. There could come a time when what ever was keeping that person in check doesn't work any longer. That player could remain on current team or go back to their original base line. THIS dualism that you are all wasting tons of time on doesn't exist.
In international relations, there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests. The original of this pragmatism is generally conceded to Lord Palmerston (John Henry Temple) of Great Britain, but most world leaders have invoked it at one time or another to justify their policies and actions.
This pragmatism pervades other relationships: political, communal, marital and personal. In our country, politicians change political loyalty after every presidential election, conveniently embracing erstwhile opponents and undermining erstwhile friends.