>>6434118 (lb)
>>6434134 (lb)
"i feel like if something like this were happening, (decline of CNN) it would've habbened in slow let offs..not HUNDREDS."
Liad off AT&T faggot here. LOL 100's/ Randall is a good at one thing. Laying people off and bringing in offshored contractors (avoids H1B).
Got to https://www.thelayoff.com/at-and-t
here's a comment.. Randall was told by Triump hire ex cons.. I think this is lip service by Randall. AT&T wants good and cheap and that's chinks and indians and interns.
Crooks hiring Crooks…….that makes sense!!
And you wonder why all the good, law-abiding employees got surplussed…….
https://www.dallasnews.com/business/business/2019/04/17/att-ceo-encourages-dallas-employers-hire-formerly-incarcerated SMH
However the AT&T layoff board has become rather shilly since the last time I was there. Which after being on 8chan makes me wonder…
another comment- Please. Someone take a look at Career Link and see how many open jobs you see in the Philippines, Jamaica, India, or even in Bratislava. We will not be too surprised by the answer. Off shore labor equals cheap labor.
Finally one last comment- this happend to me. Not college, but contractors
A funny thing happened on the way to layoffs
Long story short, my org lost about 15% of a specific title (I can't say the title because it would give the org away to the director level and I can't risk that). All were older, eligible for retirement (though not by much for several of them).
The ink barely dried on the pink slips and this same org got the green light to hire EXACTLY as many people directly out of college for the same title. One of the affected employees saw the job posted on the internet while s/he was still on payroll.