Anonymous ID: 18ec5a May 7, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.6436622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what if it was all the studies that are actually killing the animals . . .


the monetization of 'endangered species'. only the weak species are protected.


if we want life, and we favor the weak . . .


now if it's not weakness but human selfishness, we can do something about that.


we spend more money studying things, and enabling the 'know-it-all poser environro-mental case' personality types, then on helping those who might be more successful.


for example: we used to spend tens of thousands of dollars pers 'special class' student in the districts (state) and much less on those without any 'disability'. What this did is make the 'special' student a commodity. And thus they educators, who were profiteering (not all of them) would make sure that diagnosis would happen.

And then for hte kids who were deemed 'normal' (whatever that means) were given no special anything, and let for fend for themselves.


it was descrimination against the non-disabled to spend tens or 100's of times the budget on each of the special kids.

if 'special kids' needed 100,000 per, then all the kids should have gotten that.


just another way to see it. All children deserve extra mentoring and attention. Why should it be so expensive for the ones who have a harder time of it?