Anonymous ID: 3e3d3a May 7, 2019, 4:20 a.m. No.6436100   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Was reviewing a long ago spreadsheet on HRC FBI drops looking w/new eyes after being educated here on the board. Came across these notes which are moar interesting now than they were when I compiled them. (Yes, I read these pages one by one.)


Apparently there was something going on June 16-18th 2011 that involved a fax. Whatever it was, an onsite visit to review materials is recorded in HRC 16, page 129. Also found another instance of the 302 being transcribed a year after the supposed action and a CD from the White House being delivered as responsive to an FBI request.


I have HRC part 15 stored locally and noticed something else this morning which escaped me back when I was completely schtupid. Page 68 is annotated as HRC-5550 and is Huma related. Page 69 is annotated as HRC-5553. Since these pages are in order by HRC number, it means that documents HRC-5551 and HRC-5552 are missing. Hmmm.

Anonymous ID: 3e3d3a May 7, 2019, 4:35 a.m. No.6436138   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6141 >>6146 >>6180

This is what the notables section would look like if your dedicated and highly skilled bakers didn't bake the breads. I went back through three past breads and pulled the "Baker Notables". Only a handful of anons actually helping out by posting a "Because" statement with their nominations. Notable BECAUSE (fill in the blank) is the way to go. If you can't summarize the BECAUSE, then why do you expect your bakers to? I've broken all the links so I don't stink up this lovely bread, but please consider that especially when things are moving fast, the Notable BECAUSE are moar important than ever.



6408500 MUELLER GETS CAUGHT! Devin Nunes Just Caught Dirty Cop Mueller Lying to American Public about Joseph Misfud agree notable

6408503 Plane that crashed into the river was flying from GITMO notable whoa!

6408548 NOTABLE.

6408693 interdasting. NOTABLE.

6408562 NOTABLE.

6408562 Pope is having a bad May Notable

6408832, >6408542 BAKER NOTABLE



6409209 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ baker NOTABLE

6409337 BOOM! kek NOTABLE.


6409382 NOTABLEโ€ฆ I have a feeling that this plane crash is going to reveal a big ass happening. Thanks for that dig, anon.

6409337 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ notable

6409482 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ notable

6409502 iยดd call that very interdasting and NOTABLE. >whole US Mil watching QR - tweets are comms!

6409629 Anon found proof of Cheryl Bormann related to Nazi Martin Bormann NOTABLE

6409687 NOTABLE.



6410009 very nice autism and NOTABLE AF.

6410018 NOTABLE It does line up. Keep vigilance.

6410038 NOTABLE