Anonymous ID: 4429bb May 7, 2019, 6:06 a.m. No.6436388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6483

>>6435530 (pb)

China hacks or steals NSA tools? Pleeeeze.


KISS. Keep it simple. China hacked, stole, then "repurposed" NSA spying tools? The Clintons, Hussein, et al, sold China any of our DoD/IC secrets that China was interested in. Why go through all that laborious cloak and dagger when all you had to do was ask for it? Or get it off Hillary's server(s), unsecured SCIFs? Or have ES give it for you as part of the CIA's op to bring down the NSA? I suppose that someone in China also obtained from a slip-shod NSA the ability to drop our aircraft out of the sky and "Michael Hastings" our Navy ships at will? How about the ability to remotely launch a SLBM, or two?


Seriously, a NYT's story about a NSA slip up? I think it's hilarious that this op is still active. It's like a scene from a tech sci-fi movie, like the Terminator sequel where there's still a red flickering light in the eye of the mangled and dying machine as half of it crawls across the floor trying to complete its mission.