Anonymous ID: 4ef0bd May 7, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.6436280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6312


The kikes have all the shekels so everyone else on the stage needs to play their part in order to get some.

The stupid, useful idiot goy in America will sell us all out just to not be labeled an 'anti-semite' by the same neanderthal kikes in the media and every other place of power.

And your so-called "Patriots" in the military will keep all the advanced technology that could propel mankind to the stars for the sole purpose of retaining a stranglehold on the World.

Gotta keep big oil and energy companies going, after all.

Meh, fuck it..the pussies will never come together and rise up against this tyranny so I'll just drink some moar covfefe while singing in my head: 🎵kikes are disgusting, kikes are hideous, kikes are no good because they're insidious🎵

Anonymous ID: 4ef0bd May 7, 2019, 5:48 a.m. No.6436331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>20 years

If we aren't dead by then.

They want their moshiach and they want it now!

All those billions given to israhell(for what, I have no fucking clue) could pretty much end homelessness in America but you already know…it's suddenly Israhell first and not America first.

Duped again just like the muzzie up front, kike in the back BHO duped 70% of the white voters.