G'mornin' Anons.
A fun time was had yesterday wih fake famefag YT shill baker.
So what's on the menu today?
G'mornin' Anons.
A fun time was had yesterday wih fake famefag YT shill baker.
So what's on the menu today?
Funny true story:
So, I live near a college campus. By near i mean my appartment is technically on campus grounds.
They party on Mondays sometimes. Yesterday was such a Monday. I am usually not bothered by this, but like listening to the drama going on out there sometimes.
So, yesterday when the party was fizzeling out there was this very drunk dude being extremely offended by something someone said, i think. So he started yelling that they were Nazi Fascist. To which most of the crowd (what was left of it at least) just laughed and tried to ignore him.
He didn't like that so he started screaming for Anti-fa to come to his rescue.
Sidenote: Anti-fa is neither popular nor plentiful in my country.
This didn't amuse some of the people there and they started surrounding him.
I think he was sure in his drunkeness that Anti-fa was just around the corner.
Only after taking a punch directly to the face did he realize that he was completely alone and he started to run off.
The crowd didn't pursue him.
But seeing that weep screaming, almost crying, for Anti-fa to come to his aid while sprinting off was homestly hillarious.
A taste of his own medicine.
Yeah yeah. Just call me a creepy window stalker. Kek.