Anonymous ID: 33eeae May 7, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.6437033   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think about when the action starts.

Trump needs to be reelected,

and we are his reelection campaign.

A tremendous amount of effort has been put into festering Q and anons.

When the first big name is arrested, where will everyone go?

When the first big trial begins, where will everyone go?

Where will we group-watch the first executions?

Remember 2016?

Have the stakes gone up or down?

This may be the true calm before the storm.

What do you do before a storm?


Prepare by solidifying your base.

Prepare by encouraging your base to do what they do best.

>Distributed, independent, anonymous memes and investigation.

Prepare by providing your base with the skills needed to communicate with you (Covfefe)


Encourage your base to build a MAP of connections between power players using OPEN-SOURCE data.

Prepare them to apply the key!

SECRET connections. Think stringers, think signatures. When it clicks it clicks and we'll all know it.

What happens when 1 of [42] is revealed?

Does it act as a bridge between open-source and the realm of wizards and warlocks?

42 connections that are not public knowledge.

Anons find them and force it into the light.

Anyone on the MAP near these connections will NOT BE ABLE TO WALK THE STREETS.

Now remember the stress tests Q & As.

Did we pass or fail? How many UIDs per thread (a lot).

When the motion starts in the ocean, this place will be ground zero.

How to you accommodate the hug of death on the board?

new servers

Slow down connections.


Make sense? This is a good sign, we have the greatest political campaign to look forward to.

If 2016 was any indication, I'm excited.


side note: Imagine what happens if its revealed that this OP was entwined with JA and his efforts?

BO had to leave because of 'IRL,' day later JA is extracted from the embassy lol.

What would that mean? What are the implications?

NSA accidentally release it all?