Anonymous ID: 5c359c May 7, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.6436582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6598 >>6652 >>6676 >>6784 >>7092 >>7255

Anti-democratic EU: President Junker reveals Eurosceptics will be blocked from Commission jobs regardless of election results


The EU will ensure that eurosceptic candidates are obstructed from securing top jobs in Brussels no matter that outcome of the European elections in May, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, has boasted.


In an interview with Polish media Juncker shot down the notion that the increased support at the ballot box for national populist parties predicted in May would – in any way – affect the globalist European Union integration project.


“In these elections, those who promote foolish nationalism will pay the price for it,” Junker threatened.


“Nobody knows this, but last time I rejected the candidacies of six of the Commissioners presented to me by national governments,” the unelected bureaucrat gloated.


“Do remember that governments merely propose commissioners. It is the president of the Commission who accepts them and allocates their responsibilities,” he ominously added.


While he spoke with a journalist from Rzeczpospolita, Juncker sneered that regardless of whether Poland’s national populist ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party wins November’s national parliamentary election or if it’s beaten by an opposition coalition backed by globalists in Brussels, Poland would have to stay in the EU due to its financial dependence on the transnational institution.


“Poles do not want to be cut off from all of this,” Junker arrogantly proclaimed, before adding that Western Europeans “should not think Poland is only in the bloc for money.”


The unelected Luxembourgish politician went on to claim that Poland’s membership in the EU is essentially contingent upon its shared ‘common values’ with other countries inside the EU, smugly adding that money from Brussels ‘is not a gift, but a recognition of the magnitude of the reforms carried out’ since joining the bloc.


In the same interview, Juncker spoke about the European Commission’s decision to pursue disciplinary sanctions against Poland due to the government’s purported repudiation of ‘democratic standards’ with reforms made to what the ruling PiS party considers a corrupt judicial system requiring additional accountability.


“Rule of law is the cornerstone of the EU,” Juncker professed, arguing that while “certain countries [sometimes]allow themselves a degree of insubordination, depending on who happens to be in power and the stage of the political cycle they are in”, he was “confident that in a few years’ time, these issues won’t be troubling us anymore”.



Anonymous ID: 5c359c May 7, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.6436993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7032

Arab influence too big? Deutsche Bank terminates "Israel today" the bank account


Islamization, and with it the hatred of Jews, is progressing, and it is also becoming more and more influential in the banking sector. According to "Manager Magazin", the Emirate of Qatar is Deutsche Bank's largest and most important single shareholder, ahead of Blackrock, the world's largest asset manager.


This could be the reason why "Israel today" has closed the account:


We read on their page:


Shortly before the Jewish Passover, our editors received a letter from Deutsche Bank telling us that we no longer wanted to be customers. On the basis of No. 19 (1) of the Rules of Procedure, Deutsche Bank had the right to terminate its entire business relationship without giving any reason. As of mid-June, no more banking transactions will be conducted for Israel Today in Jerusalem.


We were very surprised. Our account with the bank had always been managed properly, there had never been any problems. And that for 40 years. In response to a telephone enquiry on our part, we received a brief answer from the bank that there was no need to justify the decision and that we therefore did not want to say anything more about it. Even though Deutsche Bank has the full right not to service Israel Today and its clients, I think that after so many years our editorial office in Jerusalem has at least a minimal explanation for this decision. The uncertainty raises the question whether we have done something wrong? This makes us feel punished twice in Jerusalem by Deutsche Bank.


A brief search on the Internet revealed that we are not the only ones to have had their account terminated overnight for no reason. But what might be the bank's motives for no longer wanting to work with certain customers? Are they political reasons? In the editorial department we thought about it. We are faced with a mystery and must now look for a new bank in Germany that is willing to cooperate with Israel Today and its German customers…


How was that again with the anti-Semitism that came back? Of course, Deutsche Bank will not admit that.


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