Anonymous ID: da49ee May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6437098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So one of the worst, most virulent RINO's - mitch mcconnel - stands in the Senate and continues as best as he can: "But Muh Russia!"…and expects what he vomited as a rebuke of the sub-intellects among the demonrats and their mouth-breathing acolytes - like mcconnell - as something to which we should pay attention?


Anyone believing mcconnell is anything less than a rino, and one wholly subservient to his owners, is too naive to be out in public…for their own safety.


The crimes committed were committed by demonrats and rinos, period. Russia did nothing that they - and every other major country including America - haven't been doing for decades and while those practices of every major country including America are distasteful…perhaps…they aren't criminal in the way the actions of obomber, clinton and their mouth-breathing followers ARE criminal and yet mcconnell still hyped "But Muh Russia!"


NO mention of how the globalist scum cabal - mcconnell's owners - were the ones behind the crimes of obomber, clinton et. al., and no mention of the true genesis of the crimes…just commisseration for the poor demonrats and how all the confusion should end.


mcconnell even included "But Muh Russia" in all of his comments about A.G. Barr and the treatment of A.G. Barr by the demonrats.


mcconnell's smarmy attempt at continuing the "But Muh Russia" conspiracy; especially in the first part of his "comments" was so blatantly rino and trying to soothe the angst of radical-left anti-Americans by asking them to focus on anything other than the past is just another attempt by the radical-left anti-Americans to obfuscate their involvement - TOTAL involvement - in crimes of Treason, Sedition, Felony Leaking of Confidential Information, violation of the FISC laws and FISA requirements, Felony Perjury, Lying to Congress, Lying to the Special Counsel, the Special Counsel himself, lying, the conspiracy WITHIN the Special Counsel's committee(?) to hide truths and promote falsehoods and illegally produce a non-accurate document that violated the law as relates to the rights of the Special Counsel and what the Special Counsel is allowed to do as a prosecutorial body.


As always:




#NOTONERINO2020! - including mcconnell!



Anonymous ID: da49ee May 7, 2019, 8:37 a.m. No.6437262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not at all surprised the libtards would try and take one statement, twist it to suit their agenda, and then trot out their twisted version as what was really stated.


Wray was asked if investigation into suspected terrorists and mobsters by the FBI was "spying" and he said that's not the term he would use…for that aspect! The question wasn't about what was done to President Trump before and after his victory and yet the libtards conflate and then try and project. Didn't work on me but I see it did work on some.


Wray was not contradicting A.G. Barr and the useless attempts by the globalist propaganda media to try and change the spying narrative to continue the globalist scumbag narrative of "But Muh Russia" and "Orange Man Bad" is pathetic and very indicative that the intellectual, ethical and moral bankruptcy of the stooges of the globalist scumbags in America is worsening.