This is Thomas anon,
Good Sunday to everyone reading this,
Yesterday I made a mistake in my English. I wanted to say ceiling instead of I said sealing ^_^ Sorry about that anons, I guess this is proof that I’m not a bot as I’ve been accused of being the past. I make mistakes, either gramar, language or typos; I sometimes get confused – so this means I’m a human being and not a machine, right? I will be getting back later on the subject of the ceiling.
I appologize anon if I ever kept you waiting for my reply.
1 – Yes the Merovingian bloodline follows the Salian law of succession. I totally agree with you, I believe the French branch is “superior” or should I say it’s the primary branch, then the British one (that one is inferior or secondary).
About the English branch:
While I was in another thread a few months ago, I dug up a bit about Queen Elizabeth II & Edward VIII direct ancestry, as in grandparents and great grandparents. I found out they were still following the Salian Law of succession up until then. So they gotta be still following it till now.
While we were discussing about Louis XVII and how King George III wouldn’t let go of the boy without a king’s ransom, I took a look at the bio of George III; noticed 2 things: 1 – Salian law of succetion is followed – 2 – He has all the symptoms of the McLeod symdrome which is thransmited by the X chromosome, meaning he got it from his mother and transmited it to all of his daughter. And since they marry from each other, it means they ALL have it. This is the BLUE blood they talk about, this is the precious Merovingian blood XK chromosome = McLeod syndrome. They need to consume fresh healthy red blood cells in order to postpone or stop the effects, the symptoms of the McLeod syndrome. I believe this is what cabal sickos have figured out ever since ancient times and it’s the cause of their canibalism; mostly because in old time they couldn’t inject the blood via transfusion like we can do nowadays, so the only way for them is to eat it or drink it, mostly eating the liver and other organs rich with red cells. And this goes straight into the heart of the Planned Parenthood matter as well as those monstrous laws about aborting full term babies as well as the border wall and the migrant caravans = their lives literally depend on it. If Potus cuts the “fresh blood supply” by both closing the border and shutting down PP, then they cannot survive and cannot delay the symptoms of the McLeod syndrome.