Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 May 26, 2019, 9:42 p.m. No.6598952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am already familiar with kuhn's work. I have read it and lectured on it in classroom. before i post those, i am putting together a tldr for each chapter on how that chapter relates to our work and will be working on an analog (analogy) model to explain in parallel which parts of his work carry over to here and how.


part of the eureka was Q has indicated curiosity in us not figuring out some parts of his crumbs, and Kuhn is very accessible near abouts mainstream. since I cant seem to find anyone for feedback ln the board, I dm neon just because a) I dont give a shit whether credit is given or not he can fag that up all he wants for all I care b) everyone seems preoccupied and i will have to redrop later c)he's always around gab with that group so I knew his eyes would get on it and tell me yeah this makes sense easily or no I am grasping or falling to shoddy fallacy or some such

Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 May 26, 2019, 10:31 p.m. No.6599217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9231


ya know i recently came across the idea that aaron schwarz was red scarfed rather than suicide from prosecutorial related stress and anxiety… I will have to see if I can find it again but tldr for those not familiar


aaron was a bit of a wunderkid with out the box knack for innovating new ways of doing things we were already doing but better (e.g. concieved RSS protocol) original contributor to development of markdown as an easier faster way of formating text , and shit he even had some kinda hand in reddits emergence.


Guy was associate fellow or some such at harvard working on links between corporate giving and favorable publishings in westlaw or a related dataset (not precise from recollection).

He was arrested in connection with a computer he covertly set up in an MIT server closet. Camera does show what looks like him setting up the pc and some time later coming back for it. allegedly, it was set to scrape jstor articles 24/7 and move them to an off site repo set up for the purpose. Jstor noticed the traffic, called MIT library, and looking into it they found the rogue Pc.


The local US attorney in charge (at least from documentary) had a real hardon to nail aaron for this and anything else they could tack on.


his response to allegations of crime was he was working in conjunction with harvard (dept he was affiliated with) to map out links between corporation finance of research and findings favorable to those same firm. ok Jstor: fact is MIT has a subscription, and Harvard has a subscription… ergo he was in pursuit of research not in violation of JSTOR terms of use. MIT was the company that refused to do anything but stand beside the DA in his inquest.


He was found dead hanging from apparent suicide. much doesnt add up… but alt explaination I read was he stumbled across something very dark like pizza and hotdogs dark sourcing and sending from those servers he tapped into.

Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 May 26, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.6599231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9420



The Culprit is MIT not Swartz


No, it is not Aaron Swartz who should be on trial but that lofty institution of hired learning, MIT, which is responsible for the heinous crimes that led to his death. The risks taken on by Swartz, which so have threatened MIT, can be understood only through the issue of child porn as orchestrated and produced by its acclaimed professors and distributed to their wealthy and powerful sponsors. The MIT cyber-pimps cater to a clientele that includes the highest echelon of the State Department, major corporations, intelligence agencies, the military brass, and the White House.

Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 June 2, 2019, 11:36 p.m. No.6658934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8962 >>3281


actually u are correct… they suppressed whatever was found but not before announcement of discovery went public…. a good bit available from quick search (e.g. i used terms "egyptian arizona guarded")


Canyonitis: Seeing evidence of ancient Egypt in the Grand Canyon - Eye Of The Psychic


Feature Articles –   Canyonitis: Seeing evidence of ancient Egypt in the Grand Canyon 

Is there, within the Grand Canyon, an enigmatic system of tunnels that is evidence of an ancient Egyptian voyage to America? Is it all bogus? Or is the truth most likely somewhere in between? 

by Philip Coppens


On April 5, 1909, a front page story in the Arizona Gazette reported on an archaeological expedition in the heart of the Grand Canyon funded by the Smithsonian Institute, which had resulted in the discovery of Egyptian artefacts. April 5 is close to April 1 – but then not quite… so perhaps the story could be true?


Nothing since has been heard of this discovery. Today, over five million tourists visit the Grand Canyon each year. You would thus expect that if anything was hidden in the canyons, it would thus since long have been uncovered. …


Furthermore, some have said that the entire discovery has since become the centre of a major cover-up, apparently in an effort to maintain the old status quo, which is that the ancient Egyptians never ventured outside of the tranquil waters of the river Nile. The original story goes that the team found an underground network of tunnels, high above the Colorado River, containing various ancient artefacts, statues and even mummies. A major discovery, no doubt about it. Impossible to slip off the archaeological radar. Still, the Smithsonian Institute will report it has no records on the subject. So what happened? To find out, there is only one guide: the article itself. Though the article was anonymous, it did identify some of the archaeologists involved: “under the direction of Prof. S. A. Jordan”, with Smithsonian-backed adventurer G. E. Kinkaid, who then relates his findings.



Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 June 2, 2019, 11:41 p.m. No.6658962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8983 >>3281

>>6658934 pt2 continued…


… the Smithsonian stated that it had no Kinkaid or Jordan on record. In one enquiry from 2000, the institution replied: “The Smithsonian Institution has received many questions about an article in the April 5, 1909 Phoenix Gazette about G. E. Kincaid and his discovery of a ‘great underground citadel’ in the Grand Canyon, hewn by an ancient race ‘of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt.’ […] The Smithsonian’s Department of Anthropology, has searched its files without finding any mention of a Professor Jordan, Kincaid, or a lost Egyptian civilization in Arizona. Nevertheless, the story continues to be repeated in books and articles.” …


So, there is no Professor Jordan, and Kinkaid himself was more than difficult to pin down. However, on March 12 of the same year, the Gazette had reported on an earlier phase of Kincaid’s adventure: “G. E. Kincaid Reaches Yuma.” Here, Kinkaid is identified as being from “Lewiston, Idaho”; he “arrived in Yuma after a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the entire course of the Colorado River. He is the second man to make this journey and came alone in a small skiff, stopping at his pleasure to investigate the surrounding country…


The article concludes: “Some interesting archaeological discoveries were unearthed and altogether the trip was of such interest that he will repeat it next winter in the company of friends.” Less than a month later, the same newspaper seemed to continue their story where they had left it off: Kinkaid was now talking about his “interesting archaeological discoveries”, which consisted out of a series of tunnels and passages with a cross chamber near the entrance, containing a statue: “The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet.” He also stated that he had found an unknown gray metal, resembling platinum, as well as tiny carved heads, scattered on the floor. Urns bore “mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover.” In another room he found mummies: “Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric.”



Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 June 2, 2019, 11:47 p.m. No.6658983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087 >>3281

>>6658962 3 cont…


Again, the account is quite factual. Idols “resemble” Buddha, rather than “are” Buddha. The worship “resembles” that of Tibet, not “is”… Kinkaid is trying to use analogies to explain his discovery. It is the anonymous author of the article who makes the connection with ancient Egypt and lets his mind float to one of the biggest discoveries of all time. Still, the newspaper apparently never followed up the story….


Which leaves Kinkaid. In his first account, we read how he stated that he has made archaeological discoveries, but these seem to have occurred all on his own. Furthermore, it is clear that he has made numerous photographs. We need to stress that the discovery of the underground network occurred before the first story was written. In fact, it appears that the discovery was made roughly four to six months prior the article. But in the second story, we learn Kinkaid apparently did not travel alone, but was helped by a professor from the Smithsonian. Also, it seems he did not make any photograph of his discovery. Though he claims that the access was very difficult, you would expect Kinkaid to have made some photographs of the general area.

In the Phoenix (Arizona) Gazette article of April 5, 1909 it is stated that Kinkaid “brought the story” of the “underground citadel” “to the city” (Phoenix and the Gazette) “yesterday” (April 4, 1909) after having “discovered” the site “several months ago”. It is clear that as far as the newspaper was involved, they were reporting on recent information. But why Kinkaid had not included his discovery in his original account, back in March, is more enigmatic. Even though the newspaper may have wanted to wait to run it, it is clear that the delay is entirely Kinkaid’s….


Kinkaid may have been a real person. In the newspaper report, Kinkaid mentions that he was “looking for mineral”: “I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral.” The Canyon was a known source of minerals, including copper. But, in 1908, the year of Kinkaid’s expedition, President Theodore Roosevelt had made the Canyon in a National Forest, closing it for any mining or prospecting activity. Andrews has furthermore shown that the area in which he had allegedly found the cave was a well-known area for prospecting. So he could be real… even though perhaps the newspaper got his name wrong… A spelling mistake could send any researcher off the right track, resulting in the conclusion that a person did not exist. So, what about the cave? It is a fact that the Canyon has many holes and caves, most of which are discovered by hikers. A clear favourite for an Egyptian connection is the area around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek has sites with names like Isis Temple, Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus Temple, Osiris Temple, etc. In the Haunted Canyon area are such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple.



Anonymous ID: 24c8c6 June 3, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6659087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3281

>>6658983 4 cont…


One book, Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life (Vol. II, page 302), claims that two backpackers, on their way to Isis Temple, found a pyramid, made from the native rock. Once at Isis Temple, they claimed to have seen several cave entrances. They stated that the cave entrances were at a height of 800 feet, and the two climbed up, hoping to get into what looked like the most promising cave. But instead they found it had been sealed off with rocks. They felt the entrance was man made and that there was a 6 foot circular pattern hewn into the ceiling.

It is unknown whether this is an actual discovery, or more “talk”. Irrelevant, Isis Temple is more than 40 miles from the location given in the newspaper article. Furthermore, it is but one of numerous buttes in the Grand Canyon named after ancient Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Chinese and Nordic gods and goddesses. The origin of the rather esoteric naming is nearly as mysterious as the canyon itself, and has given rise to more than a little speculation as to what early explorers may have found there. But it may also be a perfect memory of its time, when there was a major fascination with all things Egyptian-Indian…


using Kinkaid’s scant information about the site, “forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon…” This is not very precise. Andrews believes that the cave is in a deep river gorge, known as Marble Canyon, which is accessible “by either arriving there in a boat or float trip, or on foot from the rim of the Little Colorado river gorge, on the Navajo reservation.” Andrews spells out some other options, all which seem quite manageable to get there… but not necessarily inside the cave. Kinkaid wrote that “the entrance is 1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall.” Definitely not for the faint-hearted, and the question is how Kinkaid himself succeeded in the task…


Though sceptics have given Andrews a lot of slack, others have just run wildly with the story. It is one thing to interpret the Smithsonian’s denial as evidence of a cover-up, what David Icke made of the story is quite another thing. In The Biggest Secret, he writes – verbatim: “In 1909 a subterranean city which was built with the presicion of the Great Pyramid was found by G. E. Hincaid near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was big enough to accomidate 50,000 people and mumified bodies found were of oriental or possibly Egyptian origin, according to the expedition leader Professor S. A. Jordan. My own resaerch suggests that it is from another dimension, the lower fourth dimension, that the reptilian control and manipulation is primarily orchestrated.”…




so food for thought. I am in process of swapping out windows for linux on my computers and hope to be back on after this week. still plan on summarizing kuhn's work of scientific revolution because it will be useful for use when the rest wake up (as explanatory framework to KISS and avoid oveeloading fragile psyches or worse not getting conveying state of affairs in a way intelligible to them) also coming soon…. a much needed dig on Vernon Jordan (checked our archives and virtually nill on this guy aside from relation to valerie jerret and role in clinton admin). He used to be the most connected person in terms of board-member overlap and interconnectivity (back circa 2002) oh and he's a regular at Bilderberg… I am thinking maybe WJC's handler but we will see

