from #8285
>That X is a little closer to
>Cairo IL
>Southern Illinois (also known as "Little Egypt")
>from #8285
>Geodescy and Eclipses
>Geodetic principles along with Masonic Astronomy combine to furnish the important symbolic allusions to the location of the Gateway Arch, on the banks of the Mississippi, only a few miles from the longitude of 90° West To be precise, coordinates of each corner of the monument are listed as 38.627952º N 90.1843880º W and 38.62258º N 90.186339º W. Averaged out, we arrive at the following figures for the center, and the unique keystone of the Gateway Arch:
>38.625266º N, which translates to 38º 37' 31" North;
>90.185364º W, which translates to 90º 11' 07" West;
>90° West longitude is significant in a geodetic sense as it is really 270° east of London and the Grand Lodge of England, which lies on the prime meridian, or 0°. In geodetic equivalents, the Prime Meridian is equal to the fiducial of the ecliptic, or 0° Aries. The latitude/longitude grid of the earth is similar to the ecliptic's; the zodiac signs are simply 30° sections of the sphere that taper off at the poles. 90° West on the earth is the geodetic equivalent of 0° Capricorn, which was explained above as the opposite point of the keystone of the Royal Arch of Heaven. More on the Geodetic Zodiac is available at this site:
>The measurements of the Arch itself are another clue to its geodetic reference. It stands 630 feet high in the center (keystone) by 630 feet wide at the base (pillars). This could be construed as numerical allusions to 0° Capricorn, as 630 - 360 = 270. Closer examination of the facts argue more loudly for this hypothesis. Earlier we discussed the December 21st date of the dedication of the JNEM. A quick consult to the astronomical tables shows us that an annular eclipse of the Sun occurred four days later on Christmas Day, 1935, with the path of totality crossing the continent of Antarctica: