This is Thomas Anon,
Good Sunday,
Those links are from the anti-jew thread. I don’t like how aggressive they are in that thread. I only put the links up because it’s my first time ever hearing about this project being built. Does anyone know anything about it? If it’s true or it’s just propaganda?
Ananda, my dear friend, you truly are amazing. When I talk in circles, you know better than anyone why I do that. I don’t talk out of thin air and I believe you know that. As well as you know that I’m all tied up. Being wise is important in this matter. I keep on saying the true awakening is going to take a long time. I believe you are the one whom understand my words the most. Remember, we are builders just like Potus; we believe there is a specific timing for everything. I strongly believe the veil must come off but when and how is very important and delicate matter. As for the temple being in Istanbul, I’ve already addressed this before in the symbolism thread, so I’m not going over that again. Remember one thing = when it comes to cabal: the good is bad and the bad is good ^_^ This is the Matrix we are stuck in = inversion of the roles. Some call it mirroring, some call it projection, some call it accusing others of their own crimes, but does it matter what it is called. If you want to keep on researching, do so for personal information, no sharing for now. Just take a look whom was persecuted for centuries = killed in huge numbers; look whom have been infiltrated to create schism within their ranks; look whom were always portrayed as monsters; look for the elongated skulls . You are an anthropologist, right? I’ve managed to locate them in several places. I’m still working on it, but what is dragging me down is my indecission on what to do when I get results: what do I do with the results when even anons are behaving the way they are right now? It seems, at least for now, that I will have to wait, wait for more to be awaken, more awake than they are right now. Remember my words = keep it to yourself until the right time comes. Being wise is a very difficult thing sometimes.