Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6481476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1600 >>1810 >>9927

This is Thomas Anon,


Good Sunday,




Those links are from the anti-jew thread. I don’t like how aggressive they are in that thread. I only put the links up because it’s my first time ever hearing about this project being built. Does anyone know anything about it? If it’s true or it’s just propaganda?





Ananda, my dear friend, you truly are amazing. When I talk in circles, you know better than anyone why I do that. I don’t talk out of thin air and I believe you know that. As well as you know that I’m all tied up. Being wise is important in this matter. I keep on saying the true awakening is going to take a long time. I believe you are the one whom understand my words the most. Remember, we are builders just like Potus; we believe there is a specific timing for everything. I strongly believe the veil must come off but when and how is very important and delicate matter. As for the temple being in Istanbul, I’ve already addressed this before in the symbolism thread, so I’m not going over that again. Remember one thing = when it comes to cabal: the good is bad and the bad is good ^_^ This is the Matrix we are stuck in = inversion of the roles. Some call it mirroring, some call it projection, some call it accusing others of their own crimes, but does it matter what it is called. If you want to keep on researching, do so for personal information, no sharing for now. Just take a look whom was persecuted for centuries = killed in huge numbers; look whom have been infiltrated to create schism within their ranks; look whom were always portrayed as monsters; look for the elongated skulls . You are an anthropologist, right? I’ve managed to locate them in several places. I’m still working on it, but what is dragging me down is my indecission on what to do when I get results: what do I do with the results when even anons are behaving the way they are right now? It seems, at least for now, that I will have to wait, wait for more to be awaken, more awake than they are right now. Remember my words = keep it to yourself until the right time comes. Being wise is a very difficult thing sometimes.

Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.6481791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2425 >>3238



This is the old man,


Wise words from a wise man. Thank you my friend. But I have 2 problems:


1 – I’m sick, in a medical way sick. I had surgery about 9 months back. I’m good for now, but it seems my sickness will show up again in a few years. I have a very hard choice to make soon; after tonight “bad spell”, I might end up having to make that choice sooner than what the doc told me . The clock ticks life away.


2 – I will not stand along with other eccentrics in this, even those are going to be on the other side. I know, I’m fully aware, I will stand alone = a one man soldier. Up to a certain degree, some will understand what I’m telling, but I also know beyond that specific point, it’s a road I will walk alone. All of those names whom have been trying to wake people up for so long, like Wilcok or Ike etc, they are going to be the ones whom will persecute me the first and the most.


Each and single day, I wake up and ask myself if it’s worth it. Don’t feel bad for me, because I don’t feel bad about myself. Strangely enough, I’m not afraid. In the end, it doesn’t even matter. Life can be so ironic.

Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.6483828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3862 >>4138 >>9920



I also found today this post an anon put on Killary’s tweet today – Mothers day – What I found interesting is the replies from other anons. The Masonic grand master pose, the red shoes, not her mother ^_^ Remember what I’m trying to prove to everyone =P = C = Clinton and I will add now Cass = Clinton…. Are anons finally getting close to the truth? I am inside digging to the outside, anons are outside digging to the inside. Will we finally meet half way and nail the truth?

The remark about the masonic grand master pose made me think of something: the only reason for small kid Killary is taught to do the masonic grand master stand so young is because she is born on top. Usually when you join the freemasons, we go up a ladder of degrees till you reach the 33rd degree, right? I don’t know much about it and grand masters, but I know you gotta go up the ladder to get there. The only reason a kid that age has been taught to do that that young is because she is born with the RANK, nost just any rank, but the highest rank = Bourbon bloodline head. Now do tell me anons, does she look like her supposed mother? Till now, I believed it to be the case, but after those anons have been talking about, I’m starting to doubt it. And I think she is reminded everyone WHO she is by tweeting this picture specifically. And it seems there is a code in the date and time, it means something.




Anonymous 05/12/19 (Sun) 21:18:48 7424ea (5) No.6480595>>6480598


the girl is almost doing masonic master stand…

what is the necklace?

are the girls shoes the typical ones? are they red?




Anonymous 05/12/19 (Sun) 21:19:51 7424ea (5) No.6480598



fuck, didn´t realize it´s her.

anyway. still close to masonic stand and maybe THE red shoes.




Anonymous 05/12/19 (Sun) 22:08:13 11baef (1) No.6480819


bretty sure that's not her mother

Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.6483862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893 >>4138 >>6799 >>9927



>> 6481810

You are not the only one playing a game with the shadow lurkers. If you think I’ve revealed a lot, then sit back down, relax and laugh a bit. Just take a look at (((their))) reaction. (((They))) gave me information more than I gave them, (((they))) already know it’s not in Istanbul ^^ But (((they))) also have revealed (((they))) have no clue where it REALLY is ^^


Unfortunetly, I do carry the burden of the temple alone, unless Potus already knows exactly where it is; which I’m not sure of. The truth is a bit more distorted than what you think it is, so do not worry young man.


So now, let me move onto another subject:


The Potus/ Flotus Japan tweets: today, I realized something about it all, and it was so easy, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before = the Prime minister of Japase is called Shinzo Abe, right? And Potus sent out a carrier with fleet (if I’m not mistaken) called Lincoln. What was the first name of Lincoln? = Abraham, right? And what is the short of Abraham? = ABE, right? Same way of writing it but different pronunciation; a homograph. This is interesting ,right? Are both events linked? = I honestly don’t know. Is this a coincidence? = I still don’t have the answer for that one.


>> 6470505

Anon, horse racing has popped out many times in my old digs. Everyone whom “works” for Payseur is involved/ or has hobby of horses + yachts. I personally have specific digging goals that I follow. I consider the horse racing a side research for later on, that is why I never got into it personally. I can assure you, there is something behind it. I can only encourage you to dig in it if you are interested in this specific subject and please, share your findings for the rest of us to read. Thank you.


>> 6472184

I realized a few weeks ago that Payseur “search path” is going to eventually lead me into looking into Haïti, a subject I was trying to avoid digging into because of all the atrocities I will find in it. But Haïti is a French colony after all, and Killary did spend her honeymoon there with rapist Bill. It’s no coincidence. Everything has a meaning for them. So I think once we finish with Nahsville and maybe we take a small detour back into St Louis again, I want to take a closer look to Haïti.


>> 6474079

It looks like the cosmos or a nebula.

Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.6483893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3927 >>4138 >>9927



>> 6474290

>> 6477840

Nice catch about Pier 17. Some of the tattoes this lady has are like constellation dots; the same type I saw on the seals of Solomon “charms”, amulets etc.

Young man! What’s wrong with my English? I thought I was doing well up until now. LOL! Just joking young man, don’t take my seriously. I guess my English doesn’t suffer from complication but my mind and my thoughts, that is why you hear me talk the way I am = That is how intertwined my thoughts are.


>> 6480438


^_^ Europa and her brother Kadmus = A princess and a prince from Phoenicia, those horrible mosnters, the Phoenicians, but yet, somehow, they transmited the name of one of their princesses to an entire continent. Interesting no? If they are such horrible monsters why didn’t they change the name of that continent for centuries? No one is asking these very critical questions.


>> 6479001

Thank you for your hard work. Real life comes first, I understand that very well, so don’t rush for the digs. And don’t be disapointed if you don’t find anything about them, it’s just a dig in order not to let any loose ends.


>> 6478450

It’s getting interesting. I wish I could see those “secret” Vogue covers that were nerver printed. I wonder if we dig about Vogue, will we land on Vanderbilt then Payseur? ^_^ Or Rockefeller then Payseur?


>> 6481810

As for Nashville dig, I would like, if possible please, to pin on a map the same “elements” as we did for St Louis. I already stated what they are in a previous post. I was also thinking why the cabal didn’t build an underground base in Nashville like the one they did in St Louis. I’m still not a 100 % sure, but I think it’s because of the “springs”. It seems the geology of Nashville is what prevented the cabal to dig in and build underground base there. I’ve noticed there are natural water springs in there as well as many “branches” of water ways. I wonder if there are any underground natural water tunnels or water cannals, done naturally of course, like a little delta underground, which will prevent the cabal from building a base. If the ground isn’t made of solid hard rock, but of sandy layer, then they cannot build such a big heavy structure. Which brings me to another question: WHY THE LOCATION OF NASHVILLE?


I know for sure they chose St Louis because of the “older” civilisation the Osage nation were descendant from, but what about Nashville. Both places have a special astronomical location = remember the eclipses. And what makes St Louis so important is what I just said about the “ancestors” of the Osage nation and I bet there was a full sized Pyramid there which was destroyed or eroded with time. What still escapes me is why Nashville? What is so important in that location for cabal to consider it a hot spot for them? I’m still looking for that answer.

Anonymous ID: 48bb54 May 12, 2019, 6:37 p.m. No.6483927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4138 >>5597 >>9927



>> 6483238

Thank you young man, do not worry, it’s no big deal. It’s not that hard for me, I’m a bit insensitive to physical pain. Young man, I may be not able to convince you or prove it but i can feel it with every molecule in my body Killary is Louis XVII descendant. Payseur is Lewis Cass, which was Louis XVII. Until this very moment, I’m very strongly, extremely in that set of thoughts. In the future, I’m not excluding I may be wrong, that can happen, I’m just like St Thomas at the end of the day = I need to put my finger on the wound. So I hope Potus or Q will give me some rest about this and tells us if I’m on the right track or not. It would be an incredible marker if that takes place and on top of that it will bring so many anons looking and digging into this. It will be a true storm, Q reposting from an anon doesn’t seem to be enough, because a lot don’t even know about Payseur, while others think it’s the pope or pindar. Just how long are we going to chase our tails about this matter? Does Q team or Potus truly wants us to find out for NOW? Or do they want to postpone this for a bit longer?


If Potus or Q team wants us to find who our hidden enemy is then they should start confirming in a more obvious way please: Clovis for Merovingian, Kass for Cass being Payseur & “Clash of the Titans” (from the old movie) for Killary being Louis XVII heir, please. If this is set and done, we have finally broken through the barrier once and for all and we can start going after them and uncovering them for good, instead of wondering this or that. Is that possible please? I think enough time has been wasted on this, we should settle it for good in order to move on beyond this point, instead of being stuck in it for another year or so. Are we totally wrong in everything we’ve been researching = Payseur, Pope & Pindar? At least One should be correct, it would be great to finally know which one it is.


>> 6482425

Arigatou gozai masu tomodachi. Wakarimashita demo, I still didn’t make up my mind about it. I keep on coming back to the same question: is it worth it?


See, for the truth to do good, it must come out when the hearts of people are filled with goodness. Unfortunetly they are not, which will have the opposite effect. Sometimes burying the truth is for the best. Having goodness and compassion in people’s hearts is the way out of the matrix. When we start feeling wrong about a child not eating all the way on the other side of the planet instead of calling them bad things, like rats or third world or lesser humans….. that is when we break free from our slavery chains.


>> 6483238

Do not worry about it. My goal is not as obvious as you think. A guardian never stops guarding. I never gave up anything. A guardian never stops guarding. A protector never stops protecting. Smoke and mirrors. We play it like a game but it’s not a game. We can lift the veil of lies while still guarding & protecting.


I’m going to wish you a good evening anons. God bless you all.