Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.6611496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537 >>9927

This is Thomas Anon,


Good day to anons reading this.




I have very stupid questions to ask about Image 1 = subway route map:


What is this “private railway”?


How can a railway be privatly owned like that?


I’ve never heard of such a thing. I mean sure there are some private companies whom operate the rails for their use, but they RENT them or make contracts with the gvt in able to do that. So this is the first time I’m hearing of private rails and just take a look at that map, they are very spread, aren’t they? I have zero knowledge of how this works, can anyone in the knowing please clear things up, please?




^_^ That’s a Lion dog, not a dragon, they usually come in pairs and you find them usually guarding each side of a temple entrance. Plenty of them around. I believe they have something similar in China as well.


Now that is a shrine I would really like to visit after reading your drop. First to get rid of my bad luck and second, I really, really would like to see the ritual of the Susano-ono, I’ve read about the myth a bit before and it sneaked it’s way in my mind and my imagination, so I’m curious to see if what I imagined is what I will see with my own eyes in the ritual celebration.




Holy Heavens! Now this is a dig! Wow! What a find! Did you dig deeper? Found any connections? The WHAT, the WHEN, the WHO, the WHERE, the WHY, the HOW? Rockefellers involved? Do no forget Chicago is where Killary grew up and Obama was the senator from Chicago as well. So if you haven’t looked at it deeper, I’m going to do so.


And let me point out something: that tall golden statue…. She is wearing the Aegis of Athena. A lot can argue, but I’ve seen too many in my career to know what im talking about it’s the Aegis, period. The goddess may not be holding the traditional symbols of Athena, but that is the Aegis for SURE.

“The aegis (/ˈiːdʒɪs/ EE-jis;[1] Ancient Greek: αἰγίς aigis), as stated in the Iliad, is carried by Athena and Zeus, but its nature is uncertain. It had been interpreted as an animal skin or a shield, sometimes bearing the head of a Gorgon. There may be a connection with a deity named Aex or Aix, a daughter of Helios and a nurse of Zeus or alternatively a mistress of Zeus (Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 13). The aegis of Athena is referred to in several places in the Iliad. "It produced a sound as from a myriad roaring dragons (Iliad, 4.17) and was borne by Athena in battle … and among them went bright-eyed Athene, holding the precious aegis which is ageless and immortal: a hundred tassels of pure gold hang fluttering from it, tight-woven each of them, and each the worth of a hundred oxen."[2]

Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.6611537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1703 >>9927



The modern concept of doing something "under someone's aegis" means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source. The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong force with its roots in Greek mythology and adopted by the Romans; there are parallels in Norse mythology and in Egyptian mythology as well,[citation needed] where the Greek word aegis is applied by extension.”


“One current interpretation is that the Hittite sacral hieratic hunting bag (kursas), a rough and shaggy goatskin that has been firmly established in literary texts and iconography by H.G. Güterbock,[11] was a source of the aegis.”


“The original meaning may have been the first, and Ζεὺς Αἰγίοχος Zeus Aigiokhos = "Zeus who holds the aegis" may have originally meant "Sky/Heaven, who holds the thunderstorm". The transition to the meaning "shield" or "goatskin" may have come by folk etymology among a people familiar with draping an animal skin over the left arm as a shield”


I’m among those whom believe the Aegis is a goat skin. From many readings and observations it seems this specific goat skin is impenetrable to arrows and to sword or dagger hits, in other words it’s a DIVINE ARMOR that was worn by only the king of the Greek gods and his heir = Athena. In art, Zeus was very rarely portrayed wearing it, while Athena was 90 % of the time depicted wearing it, even under her robes and her full metal armor.


The goat fur was always represent as “scales” which lead many to believe it to be snake scales. Perseus slaughtered Medusa and gave the head of the Gorgon to his Patron goddess and protector = Athena to honor her and thank her for her protection, support and guidance. Athena took the decapitated head of the Gorgon and placed it in the middle of her shield. Since Medusa with open eye could still petrify = turn to stone anyone looking into her eyes, Athena counted on this additional weapon to petrify her enemies while in battle by putting the shield in front of them. But in the same time, it was dangerous to let the shield lie around in time of peace, so she shrunk her shield, close the Medusa eyes and wore it right where her heart (around the area of the heart) is. If someone wanted to attack Athena and stab her, Medusa would open automatically her eyes and shield the goddess.


We see the medalion of Medusa a lot on armors or shields in archeology. The purpose of putting them on “defense” type of weapons has a double message: 1 – supposedly, stun the enemy = you can always bash an enemy with your shield, it’s not just for protection – 2 – it also means you are cursing whom ever is looking at it with bad intent towards you.


We also find a lot, really a LOT of Medusa medallions or simply the head in tombs, headstone, sacrophagus etc all over the Mediterraneen. It had 2 purposes as well:


1 – to scare, petrify, curse, a warning sign to tomb robbers. It’s a GO AWAY sign if you want to take it in a funny way.


2 – in the old times, they used to be terrified of EVIL SPIRITS coming to your tomb and taking your soul away or defiling your body after your death by taking over the dea body, as in occupying it, getting into the body which would have resulted in a “walking dead” – which were terribly feared back then. So the dead ones used to protect their bodies from being taken over by evil spirits by wearing Medusa medalions or having Medusa’s shield on their tombs so that she would petrify the evil spirits away. It’s a bit like what happens in Voodoo when a spirit gets into a body etc.


Eventhough Medusa herself was EVIL, after her decapitation her powers were used and turned by Athena into doing good and protecting and averting evil itself.




Super important to note the Phrygian cap.

Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.6611703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087 >>2536 >>1263 >>9927



Those are no horns, but laurel leaves crown, worn by Athena and all the Greek heroes she was the patron of, as well as the winners of the Olympic games in honor of Zeus; not to mention that most Greek gods, known as the 12 Olympians, mostly wore them. It was considered as a very high honor and a sing of nobility, royalty, even divinity (depending on the case) to wear them.


It was transmited to the Hellenistic then Roman times.


I think young man you MAY have found the answer to a riddle that was driving me nuts = the ANN HAND EAGLE PIN. Remember that Pin Killary had, the same one Sarah Palin had, as well as Cindy McCain? Well, it was an eagle standing on a globe = the pearl. I thought it was a phoenix too at the beginning; just as a lot of people said it was a Phoenix. But when I found out it was made by the jeweler Ann Hand and I read the description she put of the pin, I found out it was an eagle. So I was wondering, could the “origin” of the pin has something to do with this statue, mostly that we know Killary grew up in Chicago?


Since we are talking Greek/Roman Mythology and Chicago where Killary grew up and all of that, something came to my mind but I have no idea what it truly means and if there is a hidden meaning behind it all:


What is Killary’s full MAIDEN name: Hillary DIANE Rodham.

What is Chelsea’s full MAIDEN name: Chelsea VICTORIA Clinton.


Diane (Roman) = Artemis (Greek)

Victoria (Roman) = Nike (Greek)


I’m not sure what to think of this Anons. Is this really a coincidence? I don’t know if I should laugh, cry or scratch my head in wonderment about this. It’s been in front of everyone for so long. How ironic! The world is a very small place! Diane & Victoria, what a duo! ^_~


Now a bit of update:


New Potus tweet – 28-5-2019


“Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected. In particular, African Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!”


Why do it get the feeling there is an undertone message saying rapist Bill commited a crime in the 90s? Is Potus refering to the TRADE DEAL rapist Bill did with Nihon? Am I seeing too much in this, this time around?

Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.6612087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2601 >>9920



Well, one thing I’m seeing for sure are Flotus pictures: One has ONE Bonsai tree in the background (this is about the children) while in the second we have FISHES again, Koi pond fishes ^_^


“Koi Fish Meaning by the Chinese. Carp were considered a symbol of strength. Koi are constantly swimming upstream and against the current because of this their image is used to represent strength, independence, perseverance, ambition and good luck.”


I don’t know about you anons, but that sounds like Mr Donald Trump ever since I know there is a person called Donald Trump. He is right, always was and always will be, swimming upstream and against the current, he is strong, independent, I would like to say resilient instead of perseverant and ambitious; while Flotus is his good luck charm ^^ Yup! Those are Potus characteristics all right ^~


Now, I think the expression on Flotus face at the Sumo match is priceless ^_^ LoL! I couldn’t stop laughing. I’m not making fun of the lovely lady our Flotus is. As my wife’s put it: she is cute in the way she is frowning. We found that sweet and funny how she is expressing her feelings.


I would also like to attract the attention of anons to the dress Flotus wore while traveling to Nihon: it has beach themed pictures on it and one of those pictures has a RED FLAG in it.


Remember that tweet from Potus about the golf players?




And then Potus put up this picture today: notice the chess piece of the WHITE KNIGHT?


This is how I see this: while traveling, there was an attempt by “black knights” on the orders of Killary to do a FF – that is why Flotus wore the dress with red flags on it = highest alert: degree 4 – then the White Knights stopped whatever was about to take place – that is why we see a yellow flag in golf = lower alert: degree 2 – and that is why we see the (V)tory on golf players – which ended with Killary tweet that sounds like she is saying: change of plans.

Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 5:10 p.m. No.6612601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2710 >>2947 >>9920



Nothing like a good old earthquake to welcom Potus and Flotus to Nihon.


Anons, I worry like crazy each time I hear a volcano errupted somewhere on this planet, for the last 2 years. Why is that? Well, it’s because I’ve noticed that each time a volcano errupts somewhere, it’s followed for about 10 days to 2 weeks time, by some sort of NATURAL DISASTER event; like a big earthquake or a hurricane etc. I always wondered if they are connected. The volcano in Bali has been errupting for a couple of days now, which got me all jumpy. I hope I’m wrong. And I’m sorry to hear about the devastation and lifes lost from the tornadoes.


We entered the last Phase on the 24th of this month Anons, that’s why I said: prepare the popcorn. Killary knows this too.


Look at some of her tweets and compare to Potus tweet and our digs/findings:


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 1


“Seeking asylum is a human right. We shouldn't charge fees to people who are fleeing persecution and violence. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but first give us $50?" No.”


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 2


“Thanks to the always-delightful @TonyGoldwyn for sharing a stage with Bill and me in Boston, among many ferns.”


>> The FERNS.


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 7


“These facts are stark: “Around 1 million species already face extinction, many within decades.” We urgently have to protect natural habitats and tackle climate change. This cannot be our legacy.”


>> She put an image of a sea turle with a rope tied aroun the neck of the animal ^^ of course Hanging you is going to be your legacy – that is why Diane Feinstein replied about protecting the turtles and their habitat ^~


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 16


“Hillary Clinton Retweeted Planned Parenthood

Grateful to Planned Parenthood for continuing to provide essential services in Alabama and elsewhere while helping to fight the state legislative bans on women’s human and constitutional rights.”


>> This is her saying: I need my fresh blood and human organs supply to live, don’t cut me off. She goes on and on tweeting about abortion/abortion ban. It’s like she is obsessed with it. I guess she does have all the reasons in the world to be obsessed with this as her life depends on it.

Anonymous ID: 583089 May 28, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.6612947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4640 >>9920



Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 25


“My take on Trump and his cronies spreading that doctored video of Nancy Pelosi: It's sexist trash. It's also a sign that Trump is running scared.”


>> Mirror. Mirror on the wall. Who is the scared of them all? = You are my queen.

>> Mirror. Mirror on the wall. Who is the most TRASH of them all? = You are my queen.


^_^ Sorry anons, I just couldn’t resist this one.


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton May 25


“When I was the First Lady of Arkansas one of the things I was most proud of is a school in Hot Springs I helped start, the @ARMathSciArts. I’m back in Hot Springs today to deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2019. Tune in!”


>> Wasn’t I talking about the Star of Arkansas, Hot Springs & Arlington Hotel? What is going on here? Is there something I’m missing?


Hillary Clinton‏Verified account @HillaryClinton 8h8 hours ago


Hillary Clinton Retweeted Planned Parenthood

“We are at a fork in the road for reproductive rights in America. There has never been a more important moment to recommit to protecting access to a full range of health care—including safe and legal abortion—for all.”


>> In other words: Help, help, help. Help me out or I’m f* if I don’t get fresh dead babies ( I appologize for the language).


Now take a look at Comey’s latest tweet in the picture I’ve attached with this drop: who is pissing in his pants now?


Last phase fully activated by Potus on the day he visited Arlington cemetery anons. Killary knows this as well as Comey. We are counting down the days anons. Even Cabal knows this.


Say anons! Who do you think will be arrested first = Comey or Brenan? I always thought it will be Comey, but now that I see Brenan panic big time, I might be wrong .