So young man, I say you are doing very well. Just keep on learning, growing and evolving. And remember, you are not alone in here; we respect your choices, but we also have your back when you need us. I prefer we ignore such people and concetrate on our digs. We are not here to fight among anons, we are here to kick cabal ass off this planet ^_^
Now I was stuck with some personal issues and I didn’t get the chance to read all the drops you everyone made, I appologize for that. I was supposed to be reading them this evening, but I couldn’t. So I guess it will be for tomorrow.
Ananda, thank you so much for everything you are doing. And I want to say something, but I’m a bit confused on what to make of it. Today, I have some acquaintances and friends bring up to my attention that a lot of the subjects we already have or are still digging about are being talked over on social media. I have no social media, so I cannot check it out, but the news totally surprised me. What kind of coincidence is that? I still don’t understand how this place works after all of this time. One thing is for sure, I’m still getting lost from time to time as well as with whom I’m talking to ^_^
As for preparing the popcorn, I’m like L anon, I really don’t like to eat my popcorn before the show starts, and I would like to add that I also do not like to eat my popcorn cold. It’s very true that we were hyped up many times before and nothing happened (according to our knowledge, but maybe behind the scenes stuff did happen without us anons knowing). But this the situation is a bit different. See, Potus is in Nihon, and I bet ya he is going to make a huge whole in cabal while he is there. There is something HUGE taking place there. It’s very unusual, mostly how much the Nihon gvt is honoring him and how the new emperor is hosting Potus. If you think it’s common and normal, check it out = it’s not. This behavior is done on purpose and it has a meaning, there is a message in it. Also check this out:
“Reiwa: Japan prepares to enter new era of 'fortunate harmony”
Something big, no, HUGE is taking place in Nihon. On top of everyting, Ananda is right. Q team did say that declass is going to take place when Potus is out of town and in a safe location. So let’s be OBSERVANT about the details: May already resigned, and if I’m not mistaken, he signature is on the papers Potus asked to declassify – that is an indicator. Clapper, Comey and Brenan are throwing each other under the bus and Potus put this political cartoon . Interesting, right?
Also, DNC in full panic mode, Market is tanking for the last week or so and economy world wide is in terribly bad shape. Barr already made comments about Australia and UK being involved in spying on Potus campaign ( I bet that is why May resigned in advance) and Potus already gave the GO for the declass before he left. See how many SIGNS there are? I usually don’t like to rush but when I said prepare the popcorn, I meant it. Ask yourself, when did you ever hear me say that before?
I don’t think the storm is upon us, I think the storm already started a while ago, now, it’s flooding….rain, rain on my face….hasn’t stoppped raining for days….. my world is a flood…. ^_^ remember that song I put? When did I put it? I saw the sign. I understood. And I said: this time, no one will be lifting you up Killary, Comey as well. You will become one with the mud.