Its good to keep plenty of sweet spring water on hand - for sure! Some dry goods, herbs, books, propane stove, etc.
Interesting Wallace connection. Nice nods from POTUS with the various tartan patterns she wears, very classy (what STYLE!). MacNicol were 1st signal brigade if you think about it (flaming mountain).
Regarding the President's coat of arms - there would have been a petition with underlying proof that was submitted to substantiate his claim(s). That would be an interesting and telling document one would suspect. Lord Lyons did grant it officially. Each element tells a story. Lions with ramparts. The motto "Never Give Up!"
The Wallace clan rebelled against the established order and paid dearly as a result. Who is the rightful heir?
"When Wallace was growing up, King Alexander III ruled Scotland. His reign had seen a period of peace and economic stability. On 19 March 1286, however, Alexander died after falling from his horse."
"The heir to the throne was Alexander's granddaughter, Margaret, Maid of Norway. As she was still a child and in Norway, the Scottish lords set up a government of guardians. Margaret fell ill on the voyage to Scotland and died in Orkney on 26 September 1290. The lack of a clear heir led to a period known as the "Great Cause", with several families laying claim to the throne."
"By September 1298, Wallace resigned as Guardian of Scotland in favour of Robert the Bruce, Earl of Carrick and future king, and John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, King John Balliol's nephew.[22][23]"
"Details of Wallace's activities after this are vague, but there is some evidence that he left on a mission to the court of King Philip IV of France to plead the case for assistance in the Scottish struggle for independence. There is a surviving letter from the French king dated 7 November 1300 to his envoys in Rome demanding that they should help Sir William.[24] It also suggests that Wallace may have intended to travel to Rome, although it is not known if he did.[25] There is also a report from an English spy at a meeting of Scottish leaders, where they said Wallace was in France.[26]"
"By 1304 Wallace was back in Scotland, and involved in skirmishes at Happrew and Earnside.[22][23]"
Celtic curse may also manifest as mental illness and perhaps never caught. Tragic.
The mutation gives an opportunity to map its progression as it traveled with a specific population. Interesting research area.
"CELTS. Among the ancient European peoples were the warlike Celts–muscular, red-haired wanderers who probably came from the distant steppes beyond the Caspian Sea. By 500 BC they were living in northeastern France, southwestern Germany, and Bohemia. The Celts, who were also called Gauls, continued to migrate in all directions."
"About 400 BC Celtic tribes crossed the Swiss Alps into northern Italy. After capturing the fertile Po Valley region, they laid siege to Rome (see Roman Empire). At the same time other groups of Celts pushed down into France and Spain, eastward to Asia Minor, and westward to the British Isles. To what is now France they gave the ancient name of Gaul."
"In Asia Minor they founded the kingdom of Galatia. St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians in the New Testament is addressed to the descendants of these Celts. In Britain, Celtic warriors overran and conquered the islands."
Celtic Life and Religion
"The Celts were organized loosely in tribes. Each tribe had a chief, nobles, freemen, and slaves. Usually it lived in a fortified village, often built on a hilltop, with fields and pastures outside. The tribes often fought each other. If one tribe conquered several others, its chief took the title of king."
"The Celts brought many new skills to the peoples they conquered. They knew how to smelt iron and forge it into useful implements. They decorated their helmets, shields, and arms with artistic metalwork and enameling. The Celts were also adept in such practical matters as curing hams, keeping bees, and making wooden barrels."
"Celtic priests were called druids, and their religion, druidism. Little is known of the druids because their rites were never written down. Apparently their gods were similar to those of other early peoples. The druids of Gaul were both judges and priests who sacrificed criminals to their gods. The druids of Britain were chiefly religious teachers."
Interesting gentleman: Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, naturalist and philologist, was born on October 22, 1783, in Galata