Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 2:19 p.m. No.6654946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5096 >>5168

This is Thomas Anon,


Good Sunday to everyone reading this.


L anon, H anon, do not worry, I’m fine. I wasn’t sick or anything. I’m in very good health. My illness doesn’t affect me badly now, it’s going to take a few years to get there for me. So do not worry. I was just totally brain drained and needed much rest. I don’t have the NSA at my finger tips, I need to research and figure out things on my own with limite internet access on top of that. So I’ve been very tired, very. I’m so sorry if I made you worried young men, mostly L anon, I’m well, I really am.It wasn’t in my intention to make anyone worried. I appologize.


H anon, please do be careful.


I would like to start by pointing out something to anons:


Maybe some of you won’t agree with me, and I’m sure some won’t feel it or see it, but it’s almost over anons. When I posted the song “flood” I felt it, that is when we turned the page and we reached the final stage we are in right now. And I’m not the only one whom understood this; just take a look at the FF in Virginia (I’m so sorry for the victims and their families) and just take a look how cabal, mostly Comey, Brenan and Killary are squeaking like the cornered rats that they are. But I’m also aware that a rat is the most dangerous when it’s cornered like that, it can react very hard out of pure despair.


L anon, yes, I’m worried, I’m very, extremely worried. I know the clock is ticking and we are close to the end, very close, but just like I said in the paragraph above, it’s when the rats are cornered and about to go “out” that they are the most dangerous because they act out of despair. In my opinion the cabal has 4 cards it can play as a last resort:

1 – a HUGE FF like the one of 9/11: I don’t think the cabal is capable of doing such a thing anymore, because I believe the Alliance has taken that ability from them. Cabal can do small FF like the ones we are seeing, but not big scale stuff like 9/11.


2 – Like Comey hinted in one of his tweets, they can do a geological event. I think the drought and the flooding we are seeing all over the world are mostly “fabricated” and “intentional”. But I’m also worried about that volcano in Bali, it’s errupting; and when that happen, I know cabal attempts some type of event afterwards, usually between a week or 10 days after a volcano errutps. I believe by taking down those satelites some months ago, Potus & Alliance has managed to limit the capabilities of the cabal in this specific area = geology.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6655168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5313 >>5520 >>9927



3 – An E.M.P. event: Now this, it’s not a big deal on it’s own but the problem is HUMAN REACTION. Unfortunetly, nowadays people are unable to self sustain, mostly emotionally. If a tiny little thing upsets their daily routines or the bubble world they live in, they go kapoot. There is a “lost” generation out there that is terribly scary because they are a danger, mostly to themselves. People like that tent to react in a very horrible, inhuman and bad way if there is no electricity anymore – mostly in big metropoles, it’s going to be very bad. No more train, no more elevators, no more air cooling, no more fridge or fresh food, no more tv or playstation, no more internet or cell phone (unless you have solar recharge). How do you think a brainless group of people is going to react and behave, mostly when they grew without any respect, honor or dignity? They were TAUGHT to be selfish, they are entitled, mostly, they are a spoiled and they never worked hard to get where they are – for most of them anyway. This is cabal system raised generation: they believe corn grows on shelves in grocery stores and not in a field ^_^ They think they can go into a store and take whatever they want without paying for it. They think it’s not important to cook or clean the house = they can buy take aways and then get someone to clean the house for them. But what if those “conveniences” in life are no more; like you cannot withdraw money from the bank because there is no electricity - Or you cannot buy take aways because food is scarce? What do think such people will do if there is an extended time with no electricity? And we have been seeing in many places “attacks” on the electrical grid – Venezuella for example, and Ananda anon already informed us of a “small” event of the likes taking place in the US. I believe Potus and the Alliance are working like crazy to prevent such a thing as an EMP to take place. And if they couldn’t stop it from happening for some reason, I put all of my trust in Potus that he will be working HARD to restore the electricity as fast as it’s humanly possible to do so.


But it might take weeks or a few months before he could restore it to the entire country. This is why I keep on telling anons to prepare. Civilians shouldn’t be a hindrance and cause trouble. In such situation, they must show their trust in Potus. Preparing and storing food and necessities is important to keep you afloat enough time, a specific period of time, until Potus fixes everything. It’s not going to be done by magic, and no unicorns or fairies will show up to help Potus. This is going to be done manually, the hard old fashioned way anons. So for citizens to help out, they must prepare in advance, make provisions and have supplies of all kinds, and wait calmly, patiently and in a civilized way for Potus. Giving him a calm atmosphere is what will help him do the repairs faster. This is where, civilians and Allians will hold hands and get out of that hole together as a team. Each has a part to do, Civilians by preparing with supplies and keeping order and calm, Potus but fixing the damage done and bringing back the electricity.


Note: talking about Venezuella, just look at this pictue I’ve attached, taken from a recent article from the daily caller: Check out the badge on the cop arm = fleurs de lys. Interesting, no?

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.6655520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5705 >>9927



4 – An economical event: Well, here, we have many names for it, I’m calling it the Kondratiev cycle, some say it’s a RESET, some call it a CRASH etc. I don’t believe this one is stoppable anon. It’s a bullet that cannot be avoided, we are too deep into the whole to get out of it. The ship has already been sinking for some time now, but we didn’t notice any of this. Unfortunetly, I think Cabal have a lot of control over this subject. It is very clear to the naked eye that Potus is fighting back hard and trying to take this control from Cabal. I think the States are terribly lucky to have Potus in charge during the darkest hour of their economy. That man is Tarzan, no wait, he’s even better than Tarzan….. he’s more like Superman when it comes into fixing economical problems. Cabal is going to throw the economy into a pit as a lasst ditch effort to save the butt of their queen Killary. But Potus is going to put it back on it’s feet – that, I’m sure of it as I’m sure the sky is blue. But this is not going to be painless and it’s not going to be easy. It needs a tremendous work, where the gvt = Potus + Alliance and the US citizens must work hand in hand to restore and rebuilt their economy. In the mean time, they have to tighten their belt and grind on their teeth for some time, maybe a couple of years, before the economical wheels start to work smoothly again. Unfortunetly, we come again to the same problem as we did with the EMP event = HUMAN REACTION. I’m not going to repeat the words I just said in the EMP attack point. This is why it’s so important to do 2 things anon: 1 - prepare (just in case) by having supplies & 2 – Be civil, be calm and keep order, civil order. This is how you can help Potus which will come back to you and he will help you by putting the economy back on it’s tracks. I don’t see always eye to eye with Potus, I don’t agree with some of the stuff he does, mostly HOW he does it; and it’s very true that he disapointed me big time, let me down in one specific matter…I’m no blind follower…. I make up my own mind…. And that is why I’m telling you, the States are blessed to have a leader as Potus in the darkest hours of their economy. If someone can take the States out from economical gutter after the Kondratiev cycle is done, it’s TRUMP alright. I put my money on him without thinking twice. He is superman in that department. Keep in mind that anons, and you also gotta keep in mind that it’s going to get tough and ungly = you gotta tighten the belt and grind your teeth for some time before it gets better. But it’s going to get better fast under his direction. Other countries will suffer for many years because they have totally corrupt or incompetent leaders.


Anons, remember a bullet (knife or arrow) is painful when it enters a human body = that took place when they created the Feds. But the bullet is equally painful sometimes even more, when it’s being taken out of the body = what is going to take place soon. That is why americans must be patient (LONG term, like a couple years, it cannot happen overnight like a miracle, this is no fairy tale) and they gotta stick with Potus, have his back, support him, by doing 2 essential things:


1 - work hard, be productive to restore the economy. The more people are in the work force and doing productive type of work, the more skilled workers there are, the faster the economy will heal and get better. Having a productive economy is very important.

2 – be patient, keep it cool, be civil, be respectful of the law and others. The calmer you are the faster the economical damages can be repared, if you are not, you are just going to add to the economical cost and make it worse.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.6655705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6189 >>9927



Now anons ask yourselves why I’m talking about all of this? It’s because we have reached the last Phase = the arrests are just around the corner. Just take a look at how Comey is squeaking like the cornered rat that he is to know we are close to his arrest. They are all going down anons, all of them, there is no doubt in that. But as I just said, a cornered rat is very dangerous, mostly when it realizes their time is up. They will need to find a path to escape. What cabal is planning is to created Chaos by using one – maybe combine 2 – or more – of the points I just mentioned. If people riot, protest, create havoc and chaos; cabal think it’s the perfect senario for them in order to skid their way out of being arrested, they will use the chaos generated from the event to escape and go hide somewhere where they think they will be safe. This is their end game anons. And every single human on this planet should do their outmost best to stop that. By remaining calm, and preparing in advance, we will be helping Potus and Alliance in the capture of the Cabal. If we go crazy and start rioting and creating chaos, we will be helping cabal. Where do you want to army deployed anons? In the cities and towns to keep peace or around the mansions of the cabal to arrest them? I chose option number 2…. I rather see the army get into those mansions and put the cuffs on the hands of those rats … Killary you are going to look great with your new pair of bracelets…. Unlike other anons, I believe the black and white prison uniform suits you more than the orange jumpsuit, since you already wore the black and white stripes ^_^ it looks so good on you…. Too bad you won’t be wearing it for a long period of time because you will be hanged very shortly after wearing it. Putting a bullet in your skull is a waste of money…. A rope is as cheap as you are…. That’s how much your honor is worth anyway, so it should be enough for you. Oh and please, do remember to piss and crap in your pants when you are hanging…. I’ve heard it’s a very common thing that happens during hangings. Come to think of it, Killary is used to poop or piss on herself, isn’t she? So it’s not going to be that hard or humiliating for her to die by hanging. As for James Comey, seeing how he is already peeing on himself, I’m thinking of being a good samaritan and send him a few diapers to wear until his indictment comes out.


Anons, this is not fear mongering, in such times we should not play the ostrich, right the opposite, we should be aware and be prepared and mostly, we should back up Potus and support him. He has our backs, so we should have his. Sticking together in rough tough times is super important. This is where the true patriot’s colors show up …. You gotta chose between your own personal good and be selfish…. Or you grind your teeth for some time and you help rebuilt your economy and be a true patriot. Life is not a living on a puffy pink cloud anons, when there is a storm, we gotta prepare to fight back = we get punched, but in the same time, we punch back ^~ we get hit, we hit back. So for those whom have good leaders, be patriots and stick together in hard times. Like what the French say: “Après la pluie, le beau temps” = after the storm, beautiful weather ^^ and: “Après l’effort, le réconfort” = After the effort, the comfort.


L anon, H anon, you are doing incredibly great in the digs. If you feel like you want to keep on digging, please do no matter what the subject of the dig is. I see I’ve got tones of reading to do. I go away for a day and I have a handfull of reading to do. So if I won’t post of the next couple of days, don’t be alarmed, I will be in here doing the reading, not the posting, this time around ^_~


Do not worry if this thread get filled, I will be opening the next one. I will keep an eye on it.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.6656189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6339 >>0525 >>9920



Now about Osaka and the Cabal HQ. I’ve come to realize there is many types of cabal HQ. It’s a bit like restaurants: you have specified restaurants like Italian restos, chinese restos, kids restos, sea food restos…. And you have the “everything mixed” restos ^_^ I believe cabal bases or HQ are in the same set of mind: we have some that have military bases in them, some are underground medical facilities while some are sex trafficking nests like Osaka, and we have bases that have everything within them. Osaka is a nest/facility/HQ or whatever you want to call it for sex trafficking. It’s a different kind/type of nest than St Louis and Nashville. It’s as if each place has it’s own flavor and function to (((them))).


I’ve taken a look at Shinsekai area; I couldn’t find that lively colorful street filled with restaurants and where we have Billikens all over the place. I’m not good with google 3 D map it seems. But I did find something that caught my attention and I have no idea if it’s important or just a randome coincidence. I could be suspecious out of nothing. I don’t understand what it means well.


I’ve put the are in a circle, what I found should be around here. First, I find it very odd to have loads of LATIN words graffiti on the walls. We are in Japan in Heavens name, they write in the kanas or in Kanji; it’s very RARE to see graffitis in LATIN alphabet = and in that street, there are graffitis in Latin alphabet as well as shops in Latin like that place called Tarot club. But look at that Triangle logo with a C in it…. Mostly look at the ally just next to it…. And strangely, right across the narrow street, there is this GALLERY…. It looks like a WESTERN style building, not the usual typical Japanese modern building. There is a Thain massage place down the same street if I remember correctly…. What surprised me about it was the writing again: it’s in english while we are in Japan…. Shouldn’t it be in japanse to attract japanese customers? I don’t know …. Maybe I’m overthinking this…. But I did find it strange though. I’ve also found some shops with the Turkish flag on the other side of the triangle, the other street….. so I guess the owner sells marchandise from Turkey…. I find that so strange in Japan….. I know I need to look more into this area…. It seems it’s run by the Yakuza, for the cabal of course, mostly the red light district. Those Latin Alphabet shop names, are they common in Nihon? I always thought Japanese barely used the Latin Aphabet…. My teacher in Nihon-go never metioned this to us when we used to have our little cultural conversations.


I was wondering a few things: How far is the Ritz-Carlton hotel? And I’m also wondering how many hospitals/blood donation places there is around this Shinsekai area? And can we determine what are the important “spots” or places in Osaka? = we have the Shinsekai with the tower, we have the castle, we have those Mozu mounds….. what else is there? Can we link those points with lines? Will it form a pentagram or any other shape? I was also wondering, do the tunnels run under Shinsekai? Oh my head is filled with questions… I’m sorry if I’m a bit inchoherent tonight anons.


We still didn’t find the connection between Clinto foundation with Osaka if there is any…. We know there is a link between Osaka and Tony Podesta, but we don’t know much about it…. So I guess the waterways and the post are used for the human smuggling, just like what we have in Nahville. And we already know from where most of the victims come from, we already put a drop about it. I feel like we can go a bit deeper, dig a bit more…. Find names, or signs or places, maybe even paths… and what about that Statue of “Comfort women”? Where is it located along side the other stuff I just mentioned? There is so much to dig about Osaka….oh and did anyone take a look at that Universal studio? It’s a very suspecious palce, as well as the zoo. And Flotus is also insisting on the Mori building in Tokyo…. She tweeted many times about it already….

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6656339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6380 >>7030 >>8083 >>9920



H anon, and other anons, I still don’t get why this thread has become “sensitive” to cabal. It seems so anyway, but it also means we are doing something right in here to be able to BUG cabal as we are. We have found the key hole in Osaka = mound Mozu….while we have a key shape in the Vatican…. I find that very interesting. Is it possible to develop this even further, maybe find more keys and key holes like these in other places on the planet? If those 2 = Vatican & Osaka are unique….then, it means another thing altogether. There are so many little secrets hidden from us anons…. It’s HUGE…. My instinct is telling me it’s all linked to Atlantis….even the McLeod syndrome…. I have a piece of the puzzle…. I’ve read a text, long ago, while I was conducting some research on trade roads…. I can tell you what it’s about right now, but it’s been some time that I’m trying to find the source of the text in my bibliography…. I know it’s in there somewhere…. I’ve made a mess of my study in order to find it…. I’m still unable to do so…. I’m going to dig in my notes a bit more before I open this subject…. I think it’s a link between our lost past and our present history. It explains a lot and I consider this as one of my NUKES ^_^


Check this out anons:


L anon, I do not believe about the “reptilian” theory anons have put out there. I guess I need to see it with my own eyes in order to believe it. But there is something about the “reptile/snake/dragon” that is a mystery linked to cabal. I believe it’s also linked to Atlantis…. That is the knot we gotta untie. Once we do that, a lot of the puzzle piece will fall in their places on their own. There are a lot of things that need to be examined and researched a lot. This dragon/reptile thingy is one of them. So let’s gather info and notes as we keep on digging and then see what the results are ^_~


Now before I call it a day, I want to drop a theory…. I’m not sure of it myself though…. The symbols on the platform of Epstein Islan temple….remember those…. Could they be the phases of the moon? The zigzag looking pattern is the crescent moon = there are 2 of them. There is one “empty” rectangle which could be the full moon – and the 2 rectangles with 2 smaller rectangles one inside the other, could be the quarter moons…… what do you think anons? Does it stand or it’s just a silly theory of mine?

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.6656380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>9927



Before I go Flotus, please, accept this rose as a gift from me = when IMPOSSIBLE itself says I’M POSSIBLE. A Blue rose can mean many things…. But it’s impossible to have a blue rose by nature; so a lot of people say it’s impossible…. This old anon know, the impossible can take place when it’s generated from LOVE and compassion. A lot of people only see how impossible it is, while I see it as a SYMBOL of HOPE and MIRACLE because of LOVE.


“Due to the absence in nature of blue roses, they have come to symbolise mystery and longing to attain the impossible, with some cultures going so far as to say that the holder of a blue rose will have his/her wishes granted.”

“The Blue Rose


The blue rose does not exist. The pigment that makes flowers blue “delphinidin,” is not present in roses. Yet it is an ultimate desire to find or possess one. Perhaps because it is human nature to wish to have the unattainable. Blue roses are depicted in art and described in Legends. The blue rose is a flower found in fairy tales and myths. It is mentioned in “Rimsky-Korsakov’s fairy tale opera, “Sadko.” In Arabian Nights, magicians turned roses blue. There have been claims that the blue rose was found in gardens during history. In the thirteenth century Arabian botanist Ibn el-Awam listed the blue rose among those in his garden. The rose was never found or his claim confirmed. Modern scholars think he may have mistaken a form of Hibiscus Syriacus “The Rose of Sharon,” for blue.”


The closest thing to blue, in roses, is the purple or lavender rose. Especially when it begins to darken, sometimes the color turns to clear lilac.


The Legend of the Blue Rose


In Chinese Folklore there is a legend signifying honesty and attaining the impossible. Many variations of this legend can be found around the world. It is known as The Legend of the Blue Rose.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 2, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.6656410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8107 >>9927



An Emperor’s daughter was to be married, her father allowed her to give one stipulation for her suitors. She said she would marry the man who could bring her the blue rose. This discouraged many seeking her hand in marriage, yet some suitors were determined to win her hand. A merchant paid a florist to give him a painted rose. When he presented the rose to the princess, the paint dripped on to her hand. “This is not a blue rose, I will not marry you,” she announced. Another man threatened a man in his village to find him a blue rose. The man from the village carved a rose, out of a sapphire. When it was presented to the princess, she replied “This is not a blue rose! I will not marry a man whose heart is as cold as this stone.” Another very cunning man asked a wizard to craft him a blue rose. The wizard gave him a box with a picture of an illusion of the blue rose inside. When presented to the princess, she reached her hand out to the rose to find that her hand simply passed through it. “I will not marry a man who is deceitful,” she replied. Later in the evening she told the gardener’s son that she wished she could marry him, they trusted one another and he was dear in her heart. “I will bring you the blue rose in the morning,” He replied. The next morning he presented the princess with a white rose. All pointed and whispered that it was a common white rose. The princess touched the white petals and replied, “This is a blue rose.” The emperor gave his blessing saying that, “If his daughter said it was a blue rose, it was a blue rose.” The princess and the gardener’s son were married. They lived happily ever after until the end of their days.


• This legend was echoed in the 1961 film “The thief of Baghdad,” starring Steve Reeves. There is a search for a blue rose to cure Amina, the blue rose is destroyed. Karim gives her a white rose, claiming if she truly loves him it will be blue. The white rose turns blue and cures Amina.


The Meaning of the Blue Rose


There are many meanings and symbols attached to roses. Each color signifies a meaning of emotion or love. The blue rose signifies True love, associated with the unattainable. A blue rose can mean unreachable, unattainable or unrequited love.


• The purple rose means Love at for sight. Since the purple and blue rose are sometimes seen as the same. Love at first sight is sometimes given to the blue rose as its meaning.


A miracle is about to take place. The IMPOSSIBLE is about to become POSSIBLE. When the storm ends, the blue rose will bloom.


Well anons, I’m going to wish you a good evening…. Thank you for everything, mostly the hard work in the digs… specially H anon and L anon. God bless you all.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 4:24 p.m. No.6664663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4696 >>8511

This is Thomas anon,


I hope anons are having a better time than I am right now. I had at least a hundred facepalms in less than 30 seconds when I got in here to see what’s new in this thread.


Listen to this anons:


When i connected the dots about Osaka, I decided to take it to the general thread, and I did so a few times, on different days; I also posted that compressed short version of the dig in other thread because I thought (and hoped) people from these countries would be interested to know what is going on in Osaka; where the G 20 meeting is going to take place and where the leaders of those same countries will be gathering. After my first couple of attempts in the general thread, I decided to drop the same info one last time in order to spread more and more the word to anons.


So here I am, I dropped the info, first thing I get is the baker him/herself calling me an idiot; quickly followed by his same kind of people echoing the same INSULTS as the baker. I get punched, I punched back. Some anons were decent and appologized to me when they figured out there was a missunderstanding (and the hachet was burried between me and thosedecent anons) and THEY WERE THE ONES WHOM JUMPED ON MY THROAT FOR NOTHING. My goal was to get the news out on OSAKA, instead I was attacked with no reason by the baker as a starter and the anons whom followed him blindly.


Time passed and when I got into this thread just right before now, in a very miraculous way, it seems that specific BAKER has found me in here and just take a look at what he is saying:



As I’ve said before, I had somewhere around a hundred facepalms in less than 30 seconds when I read what this specific Baker wrote. Hey Baker! Do you even hear what is coming out of your mouth? Just stop for a second and re-read what you just wrote to me.


You started by PERSONALLY INSULTING ME and YES, YOU DID ATTACK ME WHEN YOU CALLED ME AN IDIOT FOR NO REASON. THAT IS CALLED AN ATTACK = A PERSONAL ATTACK + INSULT on INDIVIDUAL. I don’t know where you are raised, but where I was raised that is exactly what your words WERE…. AND as a bonus, you dragged a lot of brainless anons along with you to attack me for NO REASON. Like it or not, accept it or not, this is EXACTLY what you did and triggered. Do you know how many people from different nationalities are in this place. Do you even respect others? Do you even know WHO it is dropping in here? How can you swing such an INSULT blindly and ATTACK someone blindly? Where did you grow up? In a hen house? Haven’t you traveled out of your little nest and see how different people are around the globe? YOU DID ATTACK ME AND YOU DID INSULT ME.


Then you came in here, and you are repeating all over again what you did ONCE and you are justifying yourself with this: “you posted too early” and then you accused me of this: “you jumped the gun”.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 4:28 p.m. No.6664696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4770 >>8511



THAT is my SIN. THAT is what I was ATTACKED and INSULTED FOR = for posting too early. How stupid are you? No…. wait…. Let me correct that = HOW SELFISH ARE YOU? What is WRONG with you? If you were a decent person, you would have sent me a post explaining the situation to me. I would have replied by starting an appology to you and the readers, then I would have explained to you that my screen was freezing and I was struggling to get the post out and what happened was unintentional. I would have finished by asking you for advice on how to avoid this and I would have thanked you for your patience and support.


But that is just how I would have behaved if I was facing a decent person, something that you are not. Here you come again, swinging your lame justification for acting like a low life…. And your reason is because I posted too early….. Jesus Christ! So now I’m going to take persmission on when to post from Bakers when I’m struggling with censorship, bad connection, shills and brainless anons….. Just Great….. I’m so blessed and I’m so lucky. Who jumped on the gun Baker? Who through the first stone on the other for NO REASON? When will you grow up?


I’m asking you when you are going to grow up because for you what is IMPORTANT is your threat and how your thread will look….. while I was struggling to get the information out and it just happened to be I got a small window when my connection worked just fine…. I kept on going and coming back and forth several times….. So sure, this makes me SINFUL and gives you the right to ATTACK PEOPLE and INSULT them. A honest, honorable, decent person would have shown a better moral fiber than you did. It was you whom jumped the gun and don’t throw the blame of your mistake on others. What is IMPORTANT FOR YOU IS YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE THREAD, NOT THE VICTIMS WE COULD SAVE. You don’t care about them. Oh no! no, no, no…. your threat and how neat it is, is more important…. “but you posted while I was baking, but you posted while I was baking” …. How old are you?


First, as I said, it was not intentional. Second, even if this malfunction from my connection took place, you should have known that the priority was not your thread but the information in the dig itself which could have the potentional of saving innocent victims. But you don’t even care about them do you? You killed that drop and the information that was in it. Like it or not, you attacked the DIG and the INFORMATION that was in it by ATTACKING the carrier = the messenger. And the other anons just followed in your footsteps….. do you even understand the gravity of what you did? Remember my words to you from back then, they still stand.


Keep your frowns to yourself…. “This establishment” …. You joking, right? Am I in the army or in a religious monk order in here? People are being raped, tortured, killed, their organs taken out and sold, they are being trafficked like marchandise and you come and give me this speech. Do you even hear yourself talking? Whatever comes out of your mouth, does it reach your ear? What establishment? You mean 8 chan? Is this your property? Is it exclusively yours? I don’t get you anon, I don’t understand the LIKES of you. What are you here for?


You are behaving like someone whom just hit a person with your car, instead of calling the ambulance quick or taking the injured to the hospital yourself, you are whinning about your scratched car from the hit.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6664770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4786 >>8511



Just tell me Baker, what am I supposed to do with you now? Why did you come here and made this post of yours? I told you before: what you did about the Osaka drop in the general thread is going to be put on your shoulders. I haven’t changed my opinion about you nor your behavior. Just stop for a second and THINK really well without any of your selfishness of what you did and what you are STILL doing. Why are you in here bringing this up again? You already caused quiet some damage back then. Explain also what is this Olive Branch is? When you extend an olive branch, you start by appologizing to me personally and to the victims of Osaka that we are trying to help secondly. But what did you do? You came in here, doing a repeat of the same insults, then you go throwing the blame on me and accuse me of jumping on the gun while you were the one who did that for no reasons what so ever….


I wanna ask you something: in all the time you have been in here, did you by any chance bumped into a whistleblower or an informer whom had 5 or 7 minutes to dump info in here before he/she get busted or killed? Did it occure to you, it might be a situation like that? Ok! It wasn’t like that…. But what will you do if it was, or will be in the future? And in the senario that was, you were facing an anon = me, whom had technical difficulties and whom’s connection was like a yoyo and my screen just kept on freezing….. what did you ? You were no wise, nor respectful, nor did you understood the importance of the dig or the information in it…. All you cared about was your narrow scope of things and your precious little thread….. You were disrespectful, brainless and terribly selfish…. All you care about is how good your thread gotta look and you didn’t even care for a split second to save ONE life…. Just ONE LIFE…


C’est de la méchanceté gratuite = that is a free nastiness from you. Keep on denying it all you want. My opinion is not going to change. Not in one night anyway. You have a lot of good will and good faith to prove before I change how I personally see you. It’s because of people like you and those whom followed your lead that a lot of researchers have turned away from the main thread, and it includes me. No more posting for me there because I dislike how you mistreat people in there. And no bad language in this thread…. You take that to the main thread, I’m asking nicely. Here we respect anons. We fight side by side and we have a code of honor that is more important than the thread. We come from different backgrounds and different places, we see one another as brothers in this thread. We ask, we talk things over, we check things out. The main thread has lost it’s SOUL because of people behaving like you. I don’t want to fight you and waist my time arguing with you. I’m here for cabal head…. I want to chop it if I can…. If you have forgotten whom the real enemy is and what the our purpose in here, I haven’t. I don’t have anything to do with you and you don’t have anything to do with me. Each can go in our separate ways and work without bumping in one another. I really don’t want to have anything to do with you. Just remember, when you are working in an INTERNATIONAL place like in here, there are countless of different types of people. The world is much larger than your narrow scope and understanding of things; when you want to take a “reponsibility” like you did, be RESPONSIBLE and widen your scope. Do not throw the first stone on people, talk, ask, inquire…. There is a rainbow of people in here, not just your color – there is different fragrances in here, not just your smell…. If you know what I mean? If you wanna do go…. In Heavens name, start giving the main thread it’s SOUL back.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6664786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211 >>8511



A lot of anons, very good anons have been ostracized by narrow minded anons…. This is not about a specific number of anons, this place is for ALL anons….. if you are unable to accept others for being different how are you going to be freed from cabal? And how can you utter the words WWG1WGA? Did you follow that theme when you attacked me? Next time, try to be patient and inquire, ask what happened…. If it turns out there is a missunderstanding or a technical error, then talk it over with the anon….if it turns out to be a shill, then give it to him big time. But stop attacking anons and disrespecting people out of the blue like that, others are following you in your behavior and in your mind set. That is wrong. Not everyone speaks English well, not everyone is a computer genius but there are some people out there with terribly valuable information on cabal, they are keeping it hidden, because they see how anons are treated in this place, so they back off…. Try to change your perspective of things…. You seem to be having a very good internet connection…. Mine is totally awfull…. So that is your reason for acting as you did…. Give me a break! Baker, just think and reflect on my words…. I’m probably as old as your grandfather…. So just conisder this as an advice eventhough I’m pissed all over again because of you right now…. And I still don’t like you, don’t trust you and don’t respect you at all…. But maybe…. Just maybe…. There is hope…. In that olive branch….

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.6665211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5291 >>5523 >>9920 >>9927



Well anons,


My blood pressure is sky rocketing so I’m going to keep it short for tonight about the digs;


I noticed our lovely Flotus is wearing a WHITE HAT in London ^_^ apart her looking gorgeous as ever, I also noticed the hat design is identical the WHITE HATS on Gina Haspel’s clothes during last SCOTUS. The only difference is the color of the ribbon: Gina’s red, while Flotus’ navy blue. Also, worth to mention that Camilla (yuk) was also wearing a white hat with white clothes. Then I went back to see the empress of Nihon when Potus visited just last week….. it turned out the Empress was also wearing a white hat back then…. So what to make of this anons? What is the message from Flotus? Is Camilla wearing a white hat intentional? If so, what is her message?


For Nihon Empress, I think the message was : Japan has flipped and is now with the white hats, aka Alliance. But I am having a hard time believing this is the case with Camilla when she wears a white hat like that…. Those royals are rotten to the core of their bone marrow…. Them switching to the Alliance side…well, I’m about to vomit just from that thought…. So I don’t think it’s that message… As for Flotus white hat….well, let’s see… I rather wait to see what additional hints she is going to give us.


God bless.

Anonymous ID: a5b49f June 3, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.6665523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8482 >>9678 >>9920




It’s the old man again,


I found these, thought I would drop it tonight, better than tomorrow.


Photos from the Royal family twitter account retweeted by Potus:


Look closely at the details:


Picture one: Potus facial expression (yellow arrow) – Eric Trump & Don Jr in background (red arrows) – Queen wearing crown + necklace with rubies = gem of kings (remember Killary ruby necklace at Al Smith dinner and the dig about it) – “Maltese cross” (aka Merovingian cross) pin on queen, Charles & Camilla – Camilla Crown seem to have Fleur de lys design on it .


Picture two: Double “maltese cross” on Prince William – Theresa May wearing RED SHOES.


Picture three: Kate Middletone double “maltese cross – Arrow pointing down on Prince Andrew, yup, that same pedophile Epstein pal Andrew whom is also wearing a maltese cross pin…. Just like the lady he is walking next to.


I think the entire Windsor clan is showing their colors + they are telling us they stand with their “cousins” = the Bourbon lineage = the red shoe clan with Killary as their leader. Potus understands this.


Jesus! What a den of vipers!


God bless.