Emperor Adronicus Comnenus married Princess Anna from France. No children?!
She descends from Louis VII
But after Adronicus is brutally executed in 1185, she flees and marries Theodore Brannus and has a mysterious daughter. No name, no age. The only thing we know is she married Narjot de Touncy. Interestingly, Theodore returns to Constantinople in 1204 with crusaders to dispose of the usurped who killed his wife's husband, Emperor Andronicus.
I have s mind blowing theory but need some help.
I'm suspecting that somehow Andronicus relates to Louis XVI (Sun King) who then somehow relates to Donald Trump himself. I don't think DIRECT lineage but bloodlines at least.
If Trump decends from Andronicus then that would be YUGELY IMPORTANT
I started thinking this because Trump acts a lot like him