This is Thomas anon,
Good day to anons reading this,
I want to make a short drop today.
Remember yesterday there was this tweet about 4 am and I’ve said the C_A gave their talking points to their minions at 4 AM. Well, at 4 PM there was this FF. I’m so sorry to hear there are multiple victims.
Anon, thank you so much for sharing this with us and informing us.Thank you.
This goes back all the way to ancient Egypt. If you ever read the biographies of the ancient Pharao, most had trouble having kids whom lived past infancy. Of course, they used to marry their sisters as well as having many concubines. This is the McLeod syndrome active in full force. I believe Bill Clinton has it. He doesn’t have Aids, he has McLeod syndrome from his mother, whom I suspect is a descedant from Albert Pike, whom had the McLeod syndrome for sure. Just read the biography of Pike, compare with Henry VIII and George III of England = both kings had it. I also suspect Nelso Rockefeller to be the biological father of rapist Bill, while his uncle Winthrop was his GUARDIAN, his watcher.
A lot of anons think Killary has Kuru, but Potus + Flotus lead me to the McLeod syndrome. I’ve read a lot of articles about it, and if you compare the symptoms of the syndrome to Killary’s behavior (mostly during 2016 election campaign) you will see it’s McLeod syndrome. Unfortunetly medical cases of the syndrome in women are extremely rare but they do exist. The problem is that this syndrom is terribly hard to detect in a woman because it coincides with the menopause period for the woman, which has the same effect. That is why it’s terribly hard to detect it in a woman, and women are mostly carriers of the syndrome. That is the conclusion I’ve reached after the reading I’ve done. Of course I’m no doctor and I don’t have medical degree, I wish very much if a doctor, or someone in the know, could take a look at this and explain to us how it works for a women.