Anonymous ID: b6dad7 May 27, 2019, 5:29 a.m. No.6600444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0467 >>5752 >>9920

This is Thomas Anon,


Good day to everyone reading this,






Thumb up. Nice chain.


>>"The Carolingian rulers did not give up the traditional Frankish (and Merovingian) practice of dividing inheritances among heirs, though the concept of the indivisibility of the Empire was also accepted. "


Ah! So this is the root of the “le droit divin” of the Bourbon dynasty.


>> “The Capetian dynasty, also known as the House of France, is a dynasty of Frankish origin, founded by Hugh Capet”


In other words another Salian FRANK tribe took over.


>> “consists of Hugh Capet's male-line descendants”


The Salian law of succession.


>> “and the early Capetians had an alliance with the Church.”


This sentence is making me wonder since WHEN the Bloodline families have been controling the Vatican? From the start?


>> “One notable use was during the French Revolution, when the dethroned King Louis XVI (a member of the House of Bourbon and a direct male-line descendant of Hugh Capet) and Queen Marie Antoinette (a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine) were referred to as "Louis and Antoinette Capet" (the queen being addressed as "the Widow Capet" after the execution of her husband). "


Very NOTABLE indeed. It seems the revolutionaries KNEW the TRUTH about Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, as in them being Merovingian bloodline. This supports my theory that the French Revolution was nothing more than a COUP prepare by the English branch to take the power of the French Branch.


>> “The Robertians probably originated in the county Hesbaye, around Tongeren in modern-day Belgium”


Salian Franks territory .

Anonymous ID: b6dad7 May 27, 2019, 5:39 a.m. No.6600467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5399 >>9920



>> “After the death of Louis V, the son of Hugh the Great, Hugh Capet, was elected by the nobility as king of France”


So the NOBLES ELECTED him ^_^ did anons catch it? = the heads of the other salian frank tribes elected a new leader from the bloodline. How nice! And since they all marry from one another to keep the blood pure, they were all cousins.


>> “Without Salic law, upon the death of John I, the crown would have passed to his half-sister, Joan (later Joan II of Navarre). However, Joan's paternity was suspect due to her mother's adultery in the Tour de Nesle Affair; the French magnates adopted Salic law to avoid the succession of a possible bastard”


The Sali law of succession was in use WAY before this date.


>> “The current legitimate, senior family member is Louis-Alphonse de Bourbon, known by his supporters as Duke of Anjou, who also holds the Legitimist (Blancs d'Espagne) claim to the French throne”


I think he better stay put in his corner or Killary will be pissed as hell if he claims her throne.




Thank you anon for the information you are sharing with us in here.


Yesterday I made a call for anons to join us in here and drop their digs. That call still stands but I would also like to make something clear: I believe there is enough space in this thread for everyone to work in, that is why I keep on asking researchers to come and drop their digs in here. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to be … how should I say it? … on very friendly base with every single NEW anon… I know I sound rude, I appologize for that, it’s not my intention. I hope anons will understand why I’m keeping everyone I don’t already know at arms length, at least for now. For those whom have been reading my drops for some time, you already know how many times I’ve been attacked by shills and by “bad apple anons” for no reason apart that they don’t fancy me and think I should not be in this place. So again, please do feel free to share your digs and findings with us anons, I will be reading what you share, but don’t expect me to be so trustful and friendly blindly with everyone. I will not be bothering other anons if they want to work in this place, as I’ve said, there is plenty of space for everyone in here.


As for the video, I thank you anon for posting it but since I’m not american and my eye sight is not what it used to be, I couldn’t make up that badge you pointed to. So I do not understand what you meant. Sorry for that. I know I can be slow sometimes.


I also found this page on Vietnam in the general thread.


And today, I took a look at the new pictures from Potus tweet. Flotus is drop dead gorgeous. She is wearing RED SHOES most probably to troll the red shoes clan and on her white dress there are SAKURA branches ^_^ blossoms again anons. She is repeating the same message ever since the Arlington visit.


I will be taking a bit of a break time for me today since yesterday was exhausting for me. I over did it with the drops. I will check back later on today, hoping to continue where I left off. I wish you all a very good day. God bless you all.