Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:22 p.m. No.6441387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1492 >>1842 >>1980 >>2084

FDA Approves Faulty Dengue Vaccine that Harmed 100,000 Children in the Philippines, Killing Some, and Prompted Lawsuits


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration just approved one of the most sought after vaccines in recent decades. It’s the world’s first vaccine to prevent dengue fever — a disease so painful that its nickname is “breakbone fever.”


The vaccine, called Dengvaxia, is aimed at helping children in Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories where dengue is a problem.


But this vaccine has a dark — and deadly — history. One that has led to criminal charges in the Philippines, and sparked national panic.


[E]stimates are that more than 100,000 Philippine children received a vaccine that health officials say increased their risk of a severe and sometimes deadly condition. In addition, other children who received the vaccine may have been endangered because, their parents alleged, they were not in good health.


The French pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur spent 20 years — and about $2 billion — to develop Dengvaxia. The company tested it in several large trials with more than 30,000 kids globally and published the results in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.


But halfway around the world from the Philippines, in a Washington, D.C., suburb, one scientist was worried about the new vaccine.


“When I read the New England Journal article, I almost fell out of my chair,” says Dr. Scott Halstead, who has studied dengue for more than 50 years with the U.S. military.


When Halstead looked at the vaccine’s safety data in the clinical trial, he knew right away there was a problem.


For some children, the vaccine didn’t seem to work. In fact, Halstead says, it appeared to be harmful. When those kids caught dengue after being vaccinated, the vaccine appeared to worsen the disease in some instances. Specifically, for children who had never been exposed to dengue, the vaccine seemed to increase the risk of a deadly complication called plasma leakage syndrome, in which blood vessels start to leak the yellow fluid of the blood.

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.6441400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1479

The main reason why the good guy's in government cannot release information is the Samson option. That is why it us up to us to disseminate information and expose the psychos running shit.


"The Samson Option"


In an interview with Alan Hart of the BBC, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir actually threatened the entire world with nuclear Armageddon. She verified the "Samson Option" without batting an eye, much less flinching …


Hart: "I recall the words spoken to me many years ago by Golda Meir, Mother Israel, when she was prime minister. At a point during an interview I did with her for the BBC’s Panorama programme, I interrupted her to ask, “Prime Minister, I want to be sure I understand what you’re saying … You are saying that if Israel was ever in danger of being defeated on the battlefield, it would be prepared to take the region and the whole world down with it?"


Meir "without the shortest of pauses for reflection, and in the gravel voice that could charm or intimidate American Presidents according to need" replied: “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”


Hart: "Within an hour of that interview being transmitted at eight o’clock on a Monday evening, the Times (pre-Murdoch and not then a cheerleader for Zionism) had changed its lead editorial. Its new editorial quoted what Golda had said to me, [adding] its own opinion: 'We had better believe her.' I did, and still do."


Should we believe Alan Hart and share his conviction that Mother Israel meant exactly what she said? Yes, because we have similar reports from other reliable sources. For instance, I remember reading Robert Fisk's book The Great War for Civilisation in which Fisk, a keen-eyed and objective observer, mentioned watching high-ranking American diplomats like Colin Powell and Madeline Albright acting deferentially, even fearfully, around Israeli leaders. If we consider the normal operating mode of American politicians—hubris—that seems hard to believe, unless Israel was threatening to use nuclear weapons. When I put two and two together, it seems to me that Israel may have warned American diplomats, "Unless we are allowed to have our way with Arabs, and the world acquiesces to our brutal, unjust treatment of them, we are willing to unleash a nuclear Armageddon on the world."


And it seems those American diplomats also believed the threat of the Samson Option.


More details:

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:27 p.m. No.6441429   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sunscreen enters bloodstream after just one day of use, study says


According to a new study by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, an arm of the FDA, it took just one day of use for several common sunscreen ingredients to enter the bloodstream at levels high enough to trigger a government safety investigation. The study also found that the blood concentration of three of the ingredients continued to rise as daily use continued and remained in the body for at least 24 hours after use ended. The chemicals studied were avobenzone, oxybenzone, ecamsule, and octocrylene. The FDA has decided they need to be researched more before they can be considered GRAS/E (generally regarded as safe and effective).


But before you stop using those dangerous chemicals that your body absorbs and keeps- don’t. Yale School of Medicine dermatologist Dr. David Leffell, a spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology wants you to continue to be “aggressive about sun protection.”1 (There are better ways to do that than with traditional sunscreen.) After all he says, “Studies need to be performed to evaluate this finding and determine whether there are true medical implications to absorption of certain ingredients.”1

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6441455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>1980 >>2084

WTF?!? What Jeff Epstein’s Lawyer Says on the View is MindBlowing!!


— Miami Herald:

— Epstein Investigation:

— Perversion of Justice:

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.6441496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israels puppet pushing for war


US And Its Clients Are “Despised” By Population Of Middle East – “Blaming Iran Won’t Reverse That”: Zarif

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:34 p.m. No.6441507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>1980 >>2084 >>2131

US violating NPT, ignoring Israeli regime’s breaches of accord: Syrian UN envoy


Syria’s UN Ambassador Bashar al-Ja’afari has slammed the United States for flagrantly violating the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and turning a blind eye to the Israeli regime’s breaches of the international accord.


“Syria took the initiative in 1968 to join the treaty, and signed the agreement of guarantees with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1992 … It also presented a draft resolution in 2003 aimed at the establishment of a (Middle East) region free from weapons of mass destruction (WMD); but the US blocked the measure,” Ja’afari said at the the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in New York on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 0a7914 May 7, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6441713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Accused CIA Leaker Files Complaint Against The Government Seeking $50 Billion In Damages


Some CIA phone hacking tools made their way into the wild back in 2017. It didn't take long for the DOJ to find a suspect to charge. Joshua Schulte, a former NSA and CIA operative, was hit with a long list of charges, including espionage, child porn possession, and (at least momentarily) copyright infringement – the last one on the list being the result of feds discovering a bunch of pirated movies and music on Schulte's server.


As this prosecution has slowly moved forward, it has gotten wilder. The DOJ claimed Schulte was continuing to leak classified info, even after being jailed while awaiting his trial. According to the DOJ's filing, Schulte was using a number of smuggled-in phones to smuggle out classified documents turned over to him by the DOJ in response to discovery requests. The government's filing also made mention of "significant encryption" stymieing its attempts to break into Schulte's contraband phone but left the definition of that term open to discussion.


Marcy Wheeler (of Emptywheel) was the first to come across Josh Schulte's latest filing in his case. And it's… something. Schulte has been openly critical of his incarceration and the US prison-industrial complex generally. Now, he's attempting to nail down the specifics by filing a complaint [PDF] against the US government for depriving him of a number of his rights and demanding, in a Dr. Evil-esque move, 50 BILLION DOLLARS.


The 88-page [!] complaint opens with Schulte's handwritten claim the government has ended a career headed for Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos-level personal fortune. The "Relief" section says:


Section 6: Monetary damages associated with illegal Federal Terrorist actions including torture and the loss of income (p. 65-69)


Total loss of income: $50,000,347,000

Total punitive damages: 5,359,270,693


Among the "illegal Federal Terrorist actions" leading to this $55 billion prayer for relief are a long list of things the government routinely subjects prisoners to, including solitary confinement, 24/7 exposure to bright lights, prison library bans, prison commissary bans, television-viewing bans, shackling, use of certain criminal charges (child porn possession) to leverage plea deals on other charges (espionage), a lack of access to hot water, indefinite pre-trial detention, and so on.


Schulte isn't wrong. A lot of what happens in federal prisons is inhumane. Whether or not it's worth $55 billion is up to the court and I'm pretty sure this complaint will be greeted with a swift dismissal. Construed liberally, it alleges a host of Constitutional violations that could meet the bar needed to move forward. On the other hand, it demands the good faith exception to the Fourth Amendment be declared unconstitutional, along with plea deals, mandatory minimum sentences, and the Classified Information Procedures Act. As a bonus, it asks for the "disbandment of the Fascist Police State including the FBI."