Filter me bitch, I double dog dare you.
And what of the anon that states that "Only clowns do stuff like call people kike nigger jews..", but then says "But I have this sauce right here that shows where you could nail the big pharma people to a wall! [proceeds to send sauce into the filtered ether]"?
Those people with valid would be needlessly filtered.
See why the mind is a superior filter vs software?
To try to demonstrate where she appears to be on the chessboard to her owners as fact, and nothing more.
This is chess, not whack-a-mole.
Oh thank God that never happened. Instead we got a POTUS that gets shit done.. For free. Sounds like DJT handed the People a deal :)
>b57a93 (2) No.645002
Some street acid is actually diluted strychnine… Bad trips happen, just like namefagging.. just saying..
NO need to announce the nigs, we know they're here..