Anonymous ID: 5b554a May 7, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6443212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3276



Q & anons would agree with this timely article one reckons.


Coup Leader Barack “Milhous” Obama makes Nixon look like an amateur.


WASHINGTON: It is increasingly clear that Barack Obama was the driving force behind the attempted Coup d’etat against Donald Trump. That Barack “Milhous” Obama was at the center of a vast conspiracy that makes Watergate look like a 3rd rate burglary.


When the full range and scope of crimes is revealed, all of those who were involved must be held accountable. Obama makes Nixon look like a total amateur.


That a cabal of John Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey spied on an array of Obama political enemies and Republican adversaries. While using the most advanced surveillance weapons of the NSA.


This was only part of a pattern of corrupt criminal activity by the Obama White House. Obama took the abuse of power to new heights, actively seeking to overthrow and destroy the incoming President. Its the biggest political scandal in American history. Far beyond President Nixon’s Watergate Scandal.


Obama: Abusing NSA surveillance systems since 2012

From 2012 to 2016 James Comey allowed three federal contractors unfettered access to the PRISM and other NSA surveillance systems. They entered thousands of searches over those years, using the “about” query to pull up the full range of private communications and NSA intercepts.


The targets of illegal surveillance went far beyond Donald Trump. You can imagine that every senior Republican and potential adversary of Obama had their names entered in the “about” query. They used FISA Court raw data under section 702 authority to access and utilize the NSA databases.


Was Mitt Romney a target? Paul Ryan? Mitch McConnell? We know for a fact, because he admitted it, that John Brennan’s CIA hacked into the Senate Intelligence committee computers for months at a time. They had no boundaries. (‘A constitutional crisis’: the CIA turns on the Senate)


Crossfire Hurricane: Spying on Donald Trump

When Donald Trump ran for President, Democrat inquisitors shifted into overdrive. Samantha Powers, Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice unmasked Trump associates over 300 times in 2016. Over 300 times. (Exclusive: Rice told House investigators why she unmasked senior Trump officials)


The FBI and CIA sent a series of spies to infiltrate the Trump campaign. They coordinated with British and Australian intelligence officials. To do this would have required State Department approval. So John Kerry was in the loop.


“POTUS wants to know everything” Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page in September of 2016. “The White House is running this” he wrote again in October 2016.


We know for a fact that John Brennan was the driving force behind implementing most of the criminal activities at the heart of the Obama White House. Weaponizing the intelligence agencies against a political opponent. Leaking classified information.


Election of Donald Trump, Deep State Failure, Nixon, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Axis of Evil, Benghazi, Obama, Clinton, FISA, Steele Dossier, Russia, Donald J. Trump, PRISM, NSA, Spying


Framing Trump with an invented phony disinformation dossier spoon fed from the Kremlin thru a foreign intelligence agency. Deliberating undermining his presidency and seeking to corrupt the constitutional process of the United States.


Much more here

Anonymous ID: 5b554a May 7, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6443274   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q told us we have everything we needalready in the drops and related stuff.

But best guess would be soon for a morale booster as the booms start booming bigly.