super ID: d66630 Questions for Q and Trump followers May 7, 2019, 8:40 p.m. No.6443027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Questions for Q and Trump followers


They are important questions that need an answer and now cannot simply be ignored.


After 2 1/2 years, why are none of the following under arrest for a serious crime ?


Hussein, the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, Comey, Clapper, Brennan,

Mueller, Ohr, Page, Strzok,

Fusion GPS, Steele, Lynch [very appropriate name], Wasserman Schultz,

etc etc etc

[there are probably hundreds of names to add to this list and you all know them very well]


An accusation of leaking information is trivial compared to the events

that have taken place - up to and including TREASON, yet no one has been

charged with anything. WHY ? Please explain.


Q has stated many times that they 'have it all' and with all the

information available to the NSA that is probably true - so, why no arrests ?


We don't want to waste any more time pointlessly decoding messages from Q.

We would much rather be following the trials of those accused.


Q has also stated many times that 'this is not a game',


true, it is not,




I would also like to point out that if you think that Trump is a man of peace

who is here to save you - you are fooling yourself.


Trump twice bombed Syria based on known lies.

Trump has special forces in Venezuela murdering people so that he can steal their oil.

Trump happily supports the murdering head choppers of Saudi Arabia as long as he receives money.

Trump appointed

Gina [torture them till they die] Haspel

John [war, war, war] Bolton

Mike [I have never seen a country I would not destroy] Pompeo


Where do you think this is going to end - war or peace ?