Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6447638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7674

Christopher Steele Made Damning Pre-FISA Confession; FBI Retroactively Classified


Former British spy Christopher Steele made a stunning admission during an October 11, 2016 meeting with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec, just 10 days before the FBI used his now-discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page and the campaign's ties to Russia, according to The Hill's John Solomon.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6447655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685 >>7689 >>7738 >>7762 >>7797 >>7884 >>7928 >>8074 >>8232 >>8289 >>8331

Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Viciously Attacks Trump as “Dishonest and Unethical” Following NYT Release of Trump Tax Docs


Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Viciously Attacks Trump as “Dishonest and Unethical” Following NYT Release of Trump Tax Docs

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila May 8, 2019


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John Brennan


John Brennan knows he is in trouble for his role in Spygate.


Former CIA Director John Brennan jumped into the fray Wednesday and viciously attacked President Trump following the leak of his tax documents to the New York Times.


Brennan accused Trump of hoodwinking Americans (only the so-called good Americans) with his “dishonest and unethical self promotion.”


John Brennan labeled the remaining Trump followers as “racists, white supremacists, misogynists and political sycophants.”


The New York Times obtained 10 years of Donald Trump’s tax documents from his federal income tax returns — for the years 1985 – 1994 and released the docs Tuesday evening.


The Times reported that Donald Trump’s core businesses (hotels, apartment buildings and casinos) took a $1.17 billion loss. Big deal, he’s in the real estate business which fluctuates all the time and real estate developers often report losses as a type of tax shelter.


The Times also said that Trump didn’t pay federal income taxes for 8-10 years — of course this is normal for business owners as they can roll their losses over (net operating loss), but the stupid liberals don’t understand how real estate is leveraged, the concept of depreciation or how loans work.


“It is unconscionable that Mr. Trump’s dishonest & unethical self promotion has been able to hoodwink so many good Americans who are not among the racists, white supremacists, misogynists & political sycophants following him for amoral leadership,” Brennan said linking to the New York Times article on Trump’s tax docs.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6447675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8262

"This Has To End Badly" Pento Warns "Artificial & Fragile Market Is Very Dangerous"


Money manager Michael Pento says don’t confuse a near record high stock market with strength and resiliency.


What we have is just the opposite, as Pento explains, “There are some people who will listen to this and say, ‘Hey Mr. Pento, why are you such a Cassandra? Why are you so down? Don’t you know that the stock market is doing great? Don’t you know that I have a job?’:


"But here’s the thing, the entire edifice, the entire construct is artificial. It is controlled by governments and central banks. Hence, it is much more fragile, infinitely more fragile than if it was dictated by the free market…


This has to end badly because the distortions have to be reconciled. It was once okay to have recessions and corrections in the stock market when the stock market was not the economy, but asset prices have become the economy. Therefore, they lead the economy and they don’t follow the economy. Yes, this is going to end badly I am sorry to say.”


What will knock this market back to reality? Pento says,


“You will eventually get a recession or eventually you will get inflation. You might just get both. You might just get a huge case of stagflation to hit this country and around the world. That’s what I am most afraid of.”


In closing, Pento warns,


“Japan has no growth. There is no growth in Germany. There is no growth in Italy. We have an earnings recession here in the United States.


So, what you have engendered here is most likely a protracted period of stagflation, which is going to lead to an epic and massive crash in asset prices. That’s what you have at your feet, so be careful.”


Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6447699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7787 >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Trump asserts executive privilege over Robert Mueller's report – DOJ


US President Donald Trump has invoked executive privilege over the unredacted Mueller report and other materials subpoenaed by the House Democrats, the Justice Department has said.


The decision was announced by Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning. The committee was poised to vote on a contempt citation against Attorney General William Barr over failure to present the unredacted Mueller report and other materials that have been demanded through subpoena.


“We are disappointed that you have rejected the Department of Justice’s request to delay the vote of the Committee on the Judiciary on a contempt finding against the Attorney General,” Boyd wrote in the letter. “Accordingly, this is to advise you that the President has asserted executive privilege over the entirety of the subpoenaed materials.”


The White House defended Trump’s move, stating that the president had “no other option” besides invoking executive privilege, as he faced “blatant abuse of power” from the committee’s chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-New York).


Democrats have sought more information about the special counsel investigation into President Trump’s alleged Russia ties, requesting a complete, unredacted version of the special counsel’s final report, as well as testimony from Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr.


The DOJ recently offered to allow select lawmakers to see a more complete version of the report in a secure room, but for many Democrats that was not sufficient.


The White House's assertion of executive privilege was likely prompted by the House Judiciary Committee scheduling a vote to hold Barr in contempt of Congress on Wednesday over his handling of the Mueller report.


US presidents have the authority to prevent certain privileged information from being made public, but some legal analysts say President Trump waived that authority when he cooperated with the special counsel investigation.


"It is not true the president waived executive privilege by sharing materials with the Special Counsel's office," one DOJ official told Reuters, adding that a prior opinion from the attorney general was "clear [that] there is no waiver when the White House cooperates with DOJ by providing materials to law enforcement."


The official said the White House’s move would not interfere with Mueller’s ability to testify before Congress. The former special counsel's testimony is scheduled for next week.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6447718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italian Secret Agent Found Suspiciously Dead In Paris Hotel; Had Encrypted Key, Classified Docs


French authorities are investigating the suspicious death of an Italian intelligence agent after he was found lying in a pool of his own blood and vomit with a serious wound to his chin.


According to French magazine Le Point, the agent - identified only as 50-year-old Massimo I - had been living at the hotel in the Montmartre district since May 3, arriving from Rome that day. He was carrying a business card in his name mentioning his employer as "Presidenza Del Consiglio Dei ministri," or the Presidency of the Italian Council off Ministers, currently headed by Giuseppe Conte.


According to the report, the agent was in France on a language course.


French security sources told Le Point that Massimo I was a member of the Italian intelligence services, while the Italian Embassy in Paris says it believes he died of natural causes - and that the gaping wound could have been caused during a fall. Firefighters attempted to resuscitate him around 1:30 a.m.


The hotel room safe contained an encrypted security key, 1700 Euros ($1,900 US), a USB key, an SD card adapter and an SD card. Agence France Presse also reported that classified documents were found. AFP also added that Massimo was identified as a "high-ranking civil servant in Italian intelligence."

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6447756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Kentucky policy allowed social workers to take kids using judges' pre-signed signatures on blank documents


The practice has been called 'a gross miscarriage of justice'


Kentucky's Cabinet for Health and Family Services has come under scrutiny for allowing social workers to take children from homes using blank emergency custody orders pre-signed by judges. The agency reportedly scrapped the policy after numerous complaints, but critics say the practice was illegal from the get-go and "a gross miscarriage of justice."

What are the details?


An expose by WDRB-TV revealed the practice in March, reporting that while state and local officials admitted the system wasn't ideal, it was commonplace protocol on weekends or when a judge had gone home for the day when social workers were concerned about abuse or neglect allegations.


Yet, affected families, attorneys, and even some judges have cried foul, saying the policy was against Kentucky law — likening it to police raiding a home with a blank search warrant. In fact, social workers are accused of just that: Taking kids with blank forms bearing photocopied signatures, filling out the documents later, and leaving parents in the dark until a hearing three days after the children are removed from a home.


Chief Jefferson District Court Judge Anne Haynie acknowledged it was policy but told the outlet that while the law prohibits children from being removed on a "verbal order," pre-signed orders are not illegal. She explained that there are safeguards in place; for instance, social workers are required to call a judge and explain the scenario during a recorded conversation before a jurist gives the go-ahead to remove a child from a guardian's custody.


Haynie also noted that a Home of the Innocents employee is "present with the law enforcement officer and/or cabinet worker" during such a call. The Home of the Innocents is a nonprofit organization based in Louisville. It is unclear what — if any — authority or weigh-in the nonprofit's employees had in joining the calls.


A spokeswoman from the state's Administrative Office of the Courts told TheBlaze in an email that "the court system does not have a contract with the Home of the Innocents." Regardless, "copies of blank orders with signatures from Jefferson District Court judges were left at the Home of the Innocents … and filled in by cabinet workers," WDRB reported.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6447764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Salvini, Orban alliance: “If the Left wins, Europe will become an Islamic Caliphate”


The Hungarian Prime MinisterViktor Orbán and the Italian Interior Ministe Matteo Salvini are planning to fight the current EU agenda.


Salvini visited Orbán to inform himself about the border fence between Hungary and Serbia. Orban even referred to Salvini as the most important man in Europe.


Orban stated that he is ready to work with dynamic and vital men while calling the EU tired and powerless.


“I hope new powers will rise up and accomplish to build something”, ending with “Europe needs Matteo Salvini.”


Salvini underlined that he is not right-wing but that his party simply represents an alternative for Europe. He acknowledged not knowing how many parties will join him or how strong they will be.


“But, I hope we will be very strong because if the Left wins Europe will become an Islamic caliphate”, he stated.


Both men called on the European People’s Party to adopt their views unless they want to commit political suicide. If the EPP decided to follow their example both expressed willingness to work with them.


EPP President Joseph Daul on the other hand strongly opposes this. He allegedly said that this would have to happen without him and that he would not accept to be Chair of the European Commission if it required the help of Orban’s Fidesz party.


After the suspension of the Fidesz party for its criticism of George Soros and EU-Commission President Juncker for their migration policies cooperation between Euro-Skeptics is becoming more and more likely.


Together with the Alternative for Germany, the Freedom Party of Austria, Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National, the Finnish Perussuomalaiset, the Estonian Conservative People’s Party, the Dutch Freedom Party, the Slovakian Sme Rodina, the Belgian Vlaams Belang, the Danish People’s Party and Salvini’s Lega represent the European Alliance of Peoples and Nations and could become quite formidable after European Parliament elections.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.6447790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Passenger plane skids off runway in Myanmar, breaks into three


A Biman Airlines’ Bombardier Dash-8 aircraft has skidded off the runway at Myanmar’s Yangon International Airport, losing its wings and breaking into three parts. Pilots were attempting to land as the accident occurred.


Although conflicting reports exist, a Biman Airlines spokesman told Bangladeshi news site BDnews that four of the 33 people on board were injured, including the pilot.


Photos shared on social media show the extent of the wreck.


The plane was landing at Yangon Airport when the accident took place, after flying from Bangladesh’s Dhaka-Srahjalal International Airport. Weather conditions were poor, and a Biman airlines spokesman told the Daily Star that this led to the crash.


The plane belonged to Biman Bangladesh Airlines, the flag carrier of Bangladesh. Aside from an attempted hijacking in February, the airline has not suffered any accidents or safety incidents in over a decade.


Yangon Airport has been closed following the crash, and incoming flights have been redirected.


The accident comes three days after a Sukhoi Superjet-100 crash landed at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport and burst into a fireball. The hard landing and ensuing blaze killed 41 of the 78 people on board.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6447805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7847 >>8091

Donald Trump Revealed His Billion-Dollar Tax Write Off on ‘The Apprentice’ 15 Years Before New York Times ‘Bombshell’


Critics gloated over President Donald Trump’s newly revealed tax details from the New York Times. But his economic struggles in the ’90s were no surprise for fans of his hit NBC TV show The Apprentice.


“It wasn’t always so easy. About 13 years ago, I was seriously in trouble. I was billions of dollars in debt,” Donald Trump said in his opening narrative of the main titles of the show in 2004. “But I fought back and I won, big league.”


The New York Times reported new tax information about Trump’s real estate businesses, in a widely reported expose, showing a $1.17 billion loss in his various businesses between 1985 and 1994.


Trump also detailed his debt struggles in the ’90s in his 1997 book the “Art of the Comeback.”


“Trump’s story begins when many real estate moguls went belly-up in what he calls the Great Depression of 1990,” the book’s description reads. “Trump reveals how he renegotiated millions of dollars in bank loans and survived the recession, paving the way for a resurgence…”


President Trump’s career is full of important setbacks as well as successes, ultimately making his brash business brand a valuable asset.


His branding success earned him the role as a business tycoon on The Apprentice — which also earned him a star on the Hollywood Walk and Fame — and made him a global celebrity.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6447817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Rotherham: 40 Arrested in Latest Child Sex Abuse Probe


Police have arrested 40 suspects over the last two months in relation to a probe into allegations of serious child sex abuse in Rotherham, detectives have said.


The National Crime Agency (NCA) revealed the two women and 38 men from Sheffield, Rotherham, Leeds, Dewsbury and Maidstone were questioned over historic sexual abuse and exploitation of victims as young as 11, alleged to have taken place between 1997 and 2015.


All suspects arrested or interviewed since March in relation to the NCA probe have been released or bailed pending further enquiries, detectives said in a press release.


Spokesman Carl Vessey-Baitson said: “Arresting such a large number of individuals, as part of one Stovewood sub-operation, shows our desire to listen to victims and bring offenders to justice is not wavering.


“Stovewood is a challenging and complex investigation, with victims and survivors reliving abuse that took place many years ago.


“To date we have engaged with over 410 victims and survivors and have arrested or interviewed by appointment 94 suspects, meaning this is the largest law enforcement investigation into non-familial child sexual abuse and exploitation ever undertaken in the UK.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.6447833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Moment of deadly suicide blast in Pakistan’s Lahore caught on CCTV


CCTV footage has emerged showing the suspected suicide bomber and the very moment of the deadly blast that killed 10 and injured over 20 near a Sufi shrine in the city of Lahore.


The explosion rocked the second largest city of Pakistan on Wednesday, a day after the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The suspect targeted a police checkpoint near the major Sufi shrine.


“Police was the prime target in this attack. We are collecting forensic evidences to ascertain the nature of the blast,” deputy inspector general of Lahore police, Ashfaq Khan, said.


The moment of the blast was captured on several CCTV cameras and footage emerged some hours after the attack that killed 10 people, including four police officers, and injured at least 23.


The videos show a heavily clothed man, dressed in black, approaching the police van moments before the blast. Prior to that, the man was spotted wandering around the location, while holding one of his hands to his chest.


The suspect is believed to be a 15-year-old, according to Pakistani authorities. The Pakistan-based branch of the Taliban, the Hizbul Ahrar militant group, claimed responsibility for the attack, insisting that it was carried out when there were no civilians near the police.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6447854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

Juncker: EU Should Have ‘Interfered’ in Brexit Vote to ‘Destroy’ Leave ‘Lies’


The European Commission chief has said he regrets not intervening in Britain’s 2016 EU referendum, claiming Brussels could have ‘destroyed the lies’ which supposedly led to Brexit.


Speaking in the Belgian capital on Monday, Jean-Claude Juncker said that the UK’s then Prime Minister David Cameron was wrong to have warned Eurocrats against meddling in the EU referendum campaign.


“It was a mistake [for Brussels] not to intervene and not to interfere, because we would have been the only ones to destroy the lies that were circulated round,” he told a news conference, adding: “I was wrong to be silent at an important moment.”


Cameron’s caution to Juncker and his fellow Commission members during the 2016 campaign came following the largely unimpressed reactions that greeted the then US President Barack Obama’s stepping in to warn that voting for Brexit would send Britain to the “back of the queue” regarding a trade deal. It was later revealed that Obama’s intervention in the Brexit debate was at the express request of Prime Minister Cameron, but was considered to have backfired as British voters objected to being lectured to by a foreign leader.


Juncker, who will be replaced as leader of the EU executive in October, struck a much more neutral tone than have other Eurocrats in recent monthswhen asked about whether he would like to see Brexit cancelled.


“I don’t have fears, I don’t have hopes,” he told journalists, adding: “I was saying the other day that by comparison to the British parliament the Egyptian sphinx are open books. Either they stay or they will leave. If they stay, they stay. If they leave, they leave.”


By contrast, European Council chief Donald Tusk gave a speech at EU Parliament last month in which he proclaimed he had “dreams … that Brexit can be reversed” while, later in the same week, Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans urged Britain to “cool down and rethink” its decision to leave the bloc.


Juncker’s comments on Brexit came at a press conference which immediately the European Leadership Awards gala ceremony at Brussels’ Palais d’Egmont, where the top prize — European leader of the year — was bestowed upon the unelected Eurocrat by EU-funded Euronews and the European Business Summit (EBS), as Breitbart London reported Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6447866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7869 >>7883 >>7884 >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

2400 Migrants Apprehended in One Day in Rio Grande Valley Border Sector


Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 2,400 migrants Saturday. The apprehensions are part of an “unprecedented” number of illegal immigrants crossing the border on a daily basis.


Agents from Brownsville to Roma, Texas, apprehended more than 2,400 migrants on May 4, according to information provided by Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials. The majority of those migrants apprehended were Central American family units and unaccompanied minors.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials in Washington, D.C. told Breitbart News earlier this week that more than 476,000 migrants have been apprehended during the first seven months of the fiscal year which began on October 1, 2018. These numbers indicate that agents apprehended more than 115,000 in April 2019, an increase of 24 percent over last months record-setting numbers. The CBP officials said that about 33,000 of those April apprehensions occurred during the last 10 days.


Most concerning to the CBP official is the number of large migrant groups being apprehended — mostly in remote and desolate locations. Border Patrol officials define a “large group” as consisting of more than 100 people. So far this fiscal year, there have been 141 large groups apprehended after illegally crossing the border. These groups represent more than 22,000 people, the official stated.


Recently, large group crossings hit a new record when El Paso Sector agents apprehended 424 migrants at once. A few hours later, agents patrolling near Antelope Wells, New Mexico, apprehended another 230. These large group apprehensions in remote locations choke border security operations in a wide area as all available Border Patrol agents are consolidated to transport and process the migrants in the large groups, the CBP official stated.


Rio Grande Valley Sector officials have been forced to open a new temporary shelter in Donna, Texas, to deal with these unprecedented numbers of migrant families.


“We’ve exceeded our capacity and we’re doing all we can to house migrants in a humane place and transfer them in and out in a timely fashion as none of the Border Patrol facilities, including the one in Donna, are meant to be long term detention centers,” said Chief Rodolfo Karisch.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6447879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-NATO commander pushing Cold War xenophobia to line his pockets


Why is retired US Admiral James Stavridis writing Cold War propaganda in TIME magazine in 2019? The answer is simple, says comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore: he makes bank doing it.


While Stavridis’ recent article in TIME is pretty extreme in its calls to sanction sports teams, symphonies and academic institutions for the crime of being Russian, Dore has a rather simple explanation for the former admiral’s anti-Moscow gusto:


He’s ramping up a Cold War, because he works for the Carlyle Group, which makes a lot of money off the Cold War.


After retiring as Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Europe, Stavridis just happened to land a very well-paying gig working for the multi-billion dollar private equity firm, which just so happens to get a nice chunk of cash from the $715-billion US defense budget.


That goes a long way in explaining why Stavridis, who once upon a time earned liberal laurels for his opposition to President Donald Trump’s immigration bans, is now pushing for a rather similar looking nationality-based ban against average Russian citizens.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6447906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7928 >>8232 >>8331

China ramps up crude oil imports despite Washington’s clampdown on Iran


Oil imports by China unexpectedly surged in April to a record despite refinery maintenance outages and tepid domestic fuel demand, according to data from the Chinese General Administration of Customs.


Imports amounted to 43.73 million tons of crude or 10.64 million barrels per day (bpd), customs data showed. That compared with 9.26 million bpd in March and was up 11 percent from the April 2018 level, according to Reuters calculations.


“The crude imports exceeded our expectations as both domestic refinery production and margins do not appear to support such high volumes of purchases,” said Wang Zhao, head of crude oil research at Sublime China Information.


“We may see stockpiles rising as state-run refiners pre-stocked supplies in April from Iran and the United States anticipating the impact of sanctions,” he added.


Data from Refinitiv showed that China’s crude oil imports from Iran rose to 24 million barrels or about 800,000 bpd in April, which is the highest level since August. The increase came as a result of buyers rushing in shipments before the US sanctions waiver deadline of early May.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6447929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8039

Iraqi Media: US Helicopters Drop Food & Medicine to ISIS in Anbar


US Army helicopters dropped food and medicine to ISIS terrorists hiding in the depth of Anbar desert, Iraq, as per locals.


Qussai Anbari, director of the Iraqi Badr Organization, stated ‘ISIS terrorist groups hiding in the depth of Anbar province where no one can reach except US planes and under strict US approvals.’


‘Local Beduin families living in the desert have seen US helicopters drop food and medicine packages to the terrorists who are hiding in the western desert,’ Mr. Anbari added. He explained that the ‘Anbar desert is vast and terrorists cannot travel for long distances to buy food there’.


It’s not a first for US helicopters to deliver aid to terrorists, the US army operates under an illegal coalition of similar evil countries has been spotted delivering food and other aid to ISIS terrorists while the Iraqis were trying to clean their country from the terrorists in Saladdin, Falluja, Musol, and Diyala.


Iraqis also reported US planes transporting ISIS commanders and personnel from frontlines to other areas.


The same what US troops allegedly fighting ISIS in Syria within the same illegal coalition of evil countries have done multiple times leaving no doubts as to who is behind these world’s trash terrorists.


US fighter jets have constantly targeted and bombed the Syrian Arab Army and its allies during fights with ISIS, Nusra Front, and other internationally designated terrorist groups in the country.


A very infamous incident occurred in September 2016 when the US fighter jets bombed for almost an hour an SAA post which was stationed in Thardeh Mountain protecting the city of Deir Ezzor from ISIS. This attack, the Pentagon apologized for later claiming it was by error, killed 90 SAA soldiers and injured 110 more, led to the waiting ISIS herds storming the mountain and taking control of it before SAA reinforcement could arrive and clean it again.


Former US secretary of state Kerry was caught in a leaked conversation with political heads of Syrian terrorists that the US sought the use of ISIS to add pressure on the Syrian leadership to effect the long-awaited Regime Change in the country.


Worth noting that a considerable number of US troops have been killed in both Iraq and Syria during their mission to destroy both countries for the few greedy evil junta ruling the USA. Lives wasted for nothing while working for Satan killing innocent people in countries that posed no thereat whatsoever for the USA across the planet.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6447946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7966

Video: The Occupation of the American Mind. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Over the past few years, Israel’s ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world — except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S.


Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel’s favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of Israel’s decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and tax dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly right-wing policies.


Narrated by Roger Waters / Featuring Amira Hass, M.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart, and Sut Jhally.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6447955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7987 >>7995 >>8125 >>8249

CNN Contributor Insanely Claims Unborn Babies Aren’t Even Human


On CNN’s “Primetime with Chris Cuomo” on Monday night, a segment on the legality of state-level fetal heartbeat bills quickly spiraled into a chaotic debate about whether unborn children should be considered human beings. CNN contributor and erstwhile New York City Democratic politician Christine Quinn said, “When a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her.”


When guest Rick Santorum asked CNN Host Chris Cuomo if he disagreed “that at the moment of conception that a child is human and alive?” Cumono replied that means it’s “viable.” When Santorum asked, “Is it biologically a human life?” Quinn shouted, “No!”


Cuomo and Quinn teamed up in pushing back on Santorum as he articulated what science tells us about unborn humans. At every stage of human life — as an embryo, a fetus, or after five weeks of age when his or her heartbeat can be detected by an ultrasound — an unborn child has his or her own unique DNA.


He or she has a unique genetic code, blood type, sex, and race, all which can differ from his or her mother and father’s. This unique individual is developed inside a women’s body, but is not part of a women’s body, and cannot be regulated as the mother’s property, Santorum argued.


“Her body is always her property,” Cuomo said, missing the point entirely.


“When a women is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body,” Quinn said. “This is about a women having full agency and control of her body…and making decisions about what is part of her body with medical professionals.”


The right to abortion is just that — the right to kill unborn humans. But pro-abortionists like Quinn and Cuomo find it easier to argue that they are fighting for “reproductive rights” (even though pro-lifers are not objecting to any woman’s right to reproduce) or that fetuses are not humans but “clumps of cells.” Just as with slave owners and eugenicists before them, it’s easier for pro-abortionists to advocate for murder after they’ve dehumanized the lives they want to end.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.6447979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kushner’s peace plan is ‘pretext’ for Israeli land grab: Palestinian UN ambassador


UNITED NATIONS — The Trump administration’s long-awaited plan peace for the Middle East is really a cover for Israel’s annexation of West Bank settlements, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Riyad Mansour said Tuesday.


A peace deal devised by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is expected to be released in June, after Ramadan, following repeated United States moves that appear to embolden Israel and hurt the Palestinians.


“If what we read is what is to be expected from this plan, then it seems that the objective of it is not a solution to the conflict, but to give pretext to the Israeli government to annex other portions” of the West Bank, Mansour told a small group of reporters at UN headquarters.


“Because those who are interested in peace, they will be more balanced, more reasonable. They don’t try to reinvent the wheel, they build on what exists and modify it … But to start from scratch, you throw away everything we have worked on for 25 years.”


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had vowed in the waning days of a re-election campaign he won on April 9 to annex Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank — a move that likely rallied his right wing base in a tight race.


An Israeli land grab of Jewish settlements there would doubtless trigger condemnation from the Palestinians, who want to create their own state in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, all territory Israel captured in 1967.


Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, and peace envoy Jason Greenblatt, have spent the past two years developing a proposal in the hopes of kick-starting dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians.


But the Palestinians have refused to talk to US negotiators since Trump decided to shift the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and slash funding for Palestinian refugees.


Mansour said there was “no magic bullet” for Palestinian officials to use on the Trump administration.


“Some in the administration, they think: ‘Yes, what will help peace is break the legs of the Palestinians, break one arm and five teeth, and when they are on the ground they will come crawling to you for anything you offer them’,” Mansour said.


“Those who think that way don’t know the Palestinians.”


Mansour described strong support for the creation of a Palestinian state among Europeans, Russians and at the United Nations, that would see a one-sided Trump administration peace plan rejected internationally.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:52 p.m. No.6448010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1,000 Israeli Soldiers To Arrive in Honduras to Train Troops, Police on Border Protection


Honduras will receive 1,000 Israeli soldiers to train the country's army for border protection, fight against drug trafficking, investigation, and counterterrorism.


A multilateral military treaty between Honduras, Israel, and the United States will see the deployment of 1000 Israeli soldiers at Honduras. They will train the Armed Forces of Honduras (FFAA) and National Police (PN).


The main mission of the troops is to train for border protection to stop migrants fleeing Honduras to the U.S., especially children.


This would be the second time that Honduras is allowing foreign military personnel in the territory and the first time in Israel’s history to send troops abroad.


Apart from border protection, fight against drug trafficking, investigation, and counterterrorism will be offered as well.


According to local news media El Heraldo, the presence of Israeli soldiers is part of bilateral cooperation between the two countries before Honduras transferred its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


The Israeli army will share space with the Joint Task Force-Bravo (FTCB) of the U.S. at the Jose Enrique Soto Cano air base in Palmerola.


Honduras also has an agreement of more than a million dollars with Israel in terms of purchasing arms, military equipment, and repowering ships and planes. The 10-year agreement was signed in 2016.


The military training agreement was joined by the U.S. because they have a permanent military base in Palmerola and want Honduras to guard their borders due to an upsurge of migrants going towards the North American nation.


The agreement was discussed between Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6448048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Watch my proficiency in toppling your 7-story building’ — Israeli taunts Gaza landlord


Azmi Doghmush, a building owner in Gaza, says that he received a taunting phone call from an Israeli intelligence officer on Sunday: “Sheikh Doghmush! How are you doing?… Count down five minutes and watch my proficiency and accuracy in toppling your building, but keep 50 meters away.”

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6448067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area


Foreign Ministry describes comments by Sergey Glazyev regarding Ukraine’s new Jewish president as ‘conspiratorial and anti-Semitic’


srael on Tuesday criticized an article authored by a close adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which claimed that Ukraine’s president may want to move Israeli Jews into parts of his country, as “conspiratorial and anti-Semitic.”


Jerusalem was “puzzled” by Sergey Glazyev’s article, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon told The Times of Israel.


“The conspiratorial and anti-Semitic style of his words is inappropriate and does not reflect the positive nature of Russia’s relations with Israel,” Nahshon added.


In the lengthy article posted on the nationalist blog Zavtra (Tomorrow) and on his personal website, Glazyev describes new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, as a puppet of the US administration, which is doing the bidding of the Israeli right.


“I don’t rule out, for example, the possibility of a mass movement into southeast Ukrainian land ‘cleansed’ of the Russian population by the inhabitants of the Promised Land tired of permanent war in the Middle East,” Glazyev wrote.


Glazyev, who was born to a Russian father and a Ukrainian mother in an area of the Soviet Union that today is part of Ukraine, is one of Putin’s closest economic advisers. He is a former legislator and unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004.


Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson, said Tuesday that Glazyev was expressing his “personal opinion” that may be “incorrect,” stressing that the president had nothing to do with.


Later that day, Glazyev said his statement did not refer to Jews only but to all residents of the area, including Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese and Jordanians, all of whom live in volatile areas.


His article appeared on the same day that Zelensky met with Ukrainian Chabad rabbis.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6448086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340

The Hitler Test


The Hitler test is the same as the 9/11 test.


The same as the Iraq test, the Afghanistan test, the Libya test, the Syria test.


The same as the “domestic terrorist” test, the “anybody can be president” test, the “your vote counts” test, the “government is on your side” test.


If you believe what the government says, you’re part of the problem. If you believe what big media tells you, well, then you’re just an idiot, incapable of discernment and a total failure at critical thinking.


There’s a reason I keep saying 90 percent of the opposition to Jewish America’s pathological practices are false.


Such popular “opposition” commentators as Jim Stone, Alex Jones, Mike Rivero, Ryan Dawson, Chris Hedges, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams (to name only a few) . . . they all fail the Hitler test. They all fall for the Jewish propaganda that “Hitlerian” is the worst adjective you can apply to any person, any program, any social movement. They and hundreds of others have all fallen for the popular media lie that World War II was “the good war”, when in reality it was, at the time, the biggest lie ever told.


Whether these writers are merely naive or totally corrupt and paid off is for you to decide.


In either case, they pretend not to know that Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century.


Objective facts prove that Holocaust hysteria is a cynical hoax, meant to create new ways of scamming the public ($13.5 billion in Holocaust reparations, at last count; plus laws in almost all European countries mandating jail for anybody who wishes to even discuss the matter).


The two main facts that have been covered up are these.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 1:01 p.m. No.6448110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8118

Maduro providing a 'safe haven' for Iranian terrorists in the West, Pence says


Venezuelan strongman Nicolás Maduro is partnering with Iran to establish a beachhead for terrorist groups in the Western Hemisphere, Vice President Mike Pence warned Tuesday.


“The Iranian regime has been working with Venezuela’s corrupt dictatorship to establish a safe haven for its terrorist proxies,” Pence said in an address before the Council of the Americas.


Maduro loyalists deny that Hezbollah, the preeminent terrorist subsidiary of Iran, has a presence in Venezuela, even though the regime’s top diplomat traveled to Beirut to meet with a Hezbollah leader last month. U.S. officials have contradicted those denials for years, but Pence’s State Department speech intensified the allegations just days after the dictator withstood an opposition-led call for a military uprising to overthrow the regime.


“Venezuela is a failed state,” Pence said. “And as history teaches, failed states know no boundaries. Drug traffickers, criminal gangs, terrorist groups seeking to destabilize the region and profit from the misery of the Venezuelan people every day.”


Maduro has held onto power using a variety of outside forces. He has relied on local gangs to crack down on protesters when the Venezuelan military might refuse to do so. Foreign governments, chiefly Cuba but also Russia, have fortified the regime's internal security and defenses.


Pence discussed the Iranian connection in his speech, citing last month's "very public launch of direct air service between Caracas and Tehran by Mahan Air, a blacklisted airline controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, which President Trump recently designated as a terrorist organization."


The vice president also denounced Maduro confidant and cabinet member Tareck El Aissami, who has been sanctioned by the United States as a drug kingpin and the European Union as a human rights violator. Pence described him as “a drug runner and a money launderer who partners with terrorist networks to bring Iran-backed terrorists into the country.” That picture lines up with a recently leaked regime dossier.


“Hezbollah is working to extend its dangerous network throughout Venezuela, and from there, throughout our hemisphere,” Pence concluded.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6448115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8124

The West – Full Spectrum Dementia: Bogus News Media, Corruption of Academic Research, Irrational Lies Fed into the Educational System


“The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.” — Henry Wallace, New York Times, April 9th 1944.


Journalism has never been free of propaganda. News has always been produced and marketed like any other commodity, satisfying and shaping consumers’ opinions, loyalties and taste. Over the last thirty years, the US elites and their allies have effectively eliminated conventional journalism in favor of propaganda and counter-propaganda serving their relentless war on the majority world. Integral to that war in recent years has been the purposeful manipulation of social media so as to usurp and compromise any remnants of orthodox news reporting.


But these are only two components of the Western elites’ malevolent abuse of information and communications resources. Perhaps they are not even the most important. Ever-more-tawdry corruption of academic research; systematic corporate and government co-option of non governmental organizations; cynical abuse of fundamental norms in international legal and human rights institutions : these and others are all interconnected, fundamental components of the West’s war on humanity.


Western power elites, and the governments they own, organize and police all these information resources, generally mediated through journalism, via a system of patronage and policy. A minority of honest writers, film makers and journalists challenge that system, acknowledging their own loyalties and prejudices while attempting to report the facts as best they can. But they are vastly outnumbered by mercenary phonies who every day poison Western information sources with one falsehood after another because their careers depend on it.


The essential task of the Western information, education and entertainment industries is to poison and corrode people’s minds, creating and maintaining false memories so as to induce and sustain false beliefs. Since World War Two, political approaches to that task ranged between social democrat varieties and outright fascist varieties, but all were deeply imbued with imperialist presuppositions. US and European genocidal wars from Korea and Vietnam to Algeria and Iraq have now been mostly superseded by proxy wars, no less deadly but easier to falsify.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6448141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8221 >>8232 >>8331

Human Brains Re-wired in Tech Age, Big Tech Capitalizes on “Hypersensitized” Dopamine Systems


“The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society works…”

Facebook has been spotlighted for its censorship of Alex Jones and Infowars, but there is another angle to Big Tech tyranny.


Depression and suicide are at record rates in the west. While there are many driving factors behind this trend, one of them appears to be worsening addictions to tech.


Human development has this far driven us toward interaction with others. We needed to connect with and learn from each other. We need to reproduce.


What happens when our technology becomes more “rewarding” than anything else?


In Japan, where cultural norms allow for rapid adoption of new technology, a population crisis is emerging as young people are no longer having relationships.


The Independent reports:


“Some men claimed they “find women scary” as a poll found that around 31% of people aged 18 to 34 from the island nation say they are virgins.”


One Japanese woman said, “I think a lot of men just cannot be bothered. They can watch porn on the internet and get sexual satisfaction that way.”


We are literally becoming addicted to our technology and the distraction that it brings. Every time we see the glowing red indicator on our Facebook page, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine.


Dopamine is a central part of the reward center in the brain. It tells us, “Ok, this act (eating food, sex, achieving a goal) brought pleasure, do it again”.


The Guardian reported on the modern phenomenon of our dopamine systems becoming “hypersensitized”, making normal interactions and natural human activities less engaging:


What’s more, our 21st-century world is so heavily baited with cues and stimuli – from stealthy marketing to junk food, not to mention the nagging lure of online life – that it appears to be rigging our dopamine systems to become “hypersensitised”.


Big Tech has capitalized on this mind-hack.

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.6448184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8232 >>8241 >>8292 >>8331

MORE ROSENSTEIN LIES: FBI Opened Obstruction of Justice Probe Against President Trump Before Mueller Probe


In April 2018 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told President Trump in a private meeting that he was not a target of “any part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.”


The meeting took place in early 2018 and Rosenstein, who brought up the investigations himself, offered the assurance during a meeting with Trump at the White House

Anonymous ID: d8abc5 May 8, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6448223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8255 >>8380 >>8424

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: War with Iran planned by Trump, to occur in the Fall of 2019


Tactical nukes and ground invasion planned for Iran, according to whistleblower


President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an extensive invasion of Iran, according to a source working in the White House.


The plan involves a ground invasion and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in a campaign planned for the Fall of 2019. Iran will be “wiped off the map” according to the source, and the war effort is expected to cost “two and half times the Iraq War.”


The war will be promoted by the news media and Trump will go right along with it, after an “expected False Flag pinned on Iran, probably something involving the boats in the Strait of Hormuz.” The False Flag is an “integral part of the plan” as Iran has reportedly no desire or intent to start a war, according to the whistleblower.