Anonymous ID: 2c080b May 8, 2019, 4:15 p.m. No.6449821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9836

Theory time Anons


Q stated Israel is last


What if the Jewish Cabal sat idly by watching this Q - OP play itself out? Each reveal that becomes truths lays the foundation for future truths.


What if {they} have gotten quite sweaty palms of late? Gorka, amongst others, have "claimed" QAnon is dead…..what if that is a signal that "they" just might want to right the preverbal ship?


Chuck siding with Potus on China-

Nancy backing off impeachment -

Nads and his shit show for all the world to see…. God knows "they" don't want what's coming exposed any further? I mean Anons know all their evil


"They" pushed the antisemitic legislation very hard & quick


Potus doing everything he can to stand with Israel - we now have sitting congress Christians tweeting support for Israel


Just a theory….theress literally no way possible for them to side with the Democrats anymore–its a Muslim Brotherhood front.


I won't get into the Chinese angle just yet


Just a theory……everything else going on just doesn't add up


Look here{Russia} not here{China}


But Potus IS looking there